Sustainability are actions that provide immediate benefits while also preserving resources for future use
Natural resources are items produced in nature that can be used by humans (renewable or non-renewable)
Land use refers to changing the Earth’s surface for a specific purpose (agricultural, industrial/commercial, residential, transportation, recreational)
Environmental Determinism is a theory which states that natural factors alone determine the cultural attributes. A criticisms of this theory would be how it is overly simplistic and discounts the role of humans in creating their own way of life. This theory plays in with the 5 Too’s: too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry or too many mountains. All of these are natural factors that would determine if people choose to live in a place or not.
Possibilism is a theory that is a rebuttal to determinism. This theory states that the natural environment is still a factor shaping our way of life, however, humans have choices and can harness technologies to overcome environmental limitations.
Human-Environmental Interaction- The connection and exchange between humans and the natural world
Built Environment- The physical artifacts that humans have created and that form part of the landscape, in their understanding of land use.
Cultural landscape- Anything built by humans; realm of land use
Environmental Determinism- The belief that landforms and climate are the most powerful forces shaping human behavior and societal development while ignoring the influence of culture
Possibilism- A view that acknowledges limits on the effects of the natural environment and focuses more on the role that human culture plays.