Selective Breeding

selective breeding is artificial breeding with humans choosing favourable traits instead of nature (environment) providing selection pressures.


plants are often breeded to improve yield or flavour. To do this you get breed 2 plants with desired traits, select from the offspring with those desired traits and repeat over generations until you get a perfect combination of your traits.

For plants pollen is taken from one plant using a paint brush and onto another plant.

Plants are bred to produce strains that:

  • give higher yields

  • resistant to certain diseases

  • resistant to pest damage

  • hardier (survive harsher climates)

  • better balance of nutrients

How to improve yield:

  • decreasing size of inedible parts

  • improve disease resistance

  • improve taste and colour

Problems of selective breeding

  • reduce genetic variety

  • inbreeding depression

To prevent this many wild plants are collected and grown in case we need their characteristics


Animals are bred to produce offspring that:

  • produce more meat, milk, or eggs

  • produce more/better quality fur

  • produce more offspring

  • have increased resistance to disease/parasites

Artificial Insemination

For selective breeding, Semen from animals like bulls with desired characteristics are obtained, diluted, frozen, and then stored. This semen can be used to inseminate their cows.
