Unit 1: Biological Bases of Behavior


term: #4fb58c

key information: #c0f1e5

Heredity and Environment

  • Evolutionary Perspective

    • natural selection: adaption —> survival —> reproductive success

    • Charles Darwin: came up with natural selection

    • eugenics: how natural selection causes the best traits and processes to be expressed in humans

      • used in history to kill or sterilize large groups of people (eg: Hitler killing the Jews as the ‘inferior’ race)

  • Heredity: the traits our parents have are passed to us

    • nature vs nurture debate: are our traits hereditary or from experiences

      • studied through:

        • twin studies

          • identical twins: genetically the same

          • fraternal twins: from two separate eggs (not genetically identical)

        • family studies

        • adoption studies

  • Molecular genetics: studies the structure and function of our genes at a molecular level

  • Epigenetics: the study of changes in an organism caused by modifications in gene expression rather than changes in the actual genetic code

The Nervous System Structure

  • Nervous system

    • receives information about what is happening inside and outside the body

    • directs the body on how to respond

    • maintains homeostasis

  • Two systems:

    • Central Nervous System

      • brain and spinal cord

    • Peripheral Nervous System

      • nerves

      • two systems:

        • Somatic

          • controls voluntary actions

        • Autonomic

          • controls autonomic actions

          • Sympathetic and Parasympathetic

            • S: fight, flight, or freeze

              • speeds things up

              • being in love, seeing a bear, etc

              • heartrate increases, breathing increases, digestion slow down, pupils dilate, saliva production stops

            • P: rest and digest

              • pumps the breaks

              • normal heartrate, breathing, and digestion, pupils contract, saliva is produced

    • Reflex: a simple, automatic response to sensory stimulus (knee jerk response)

      • doesn’t reach the brain- only goes to the spinal cord

The Endocrine System

  • The Endocrine System sends hormone throughout the body

    • slower than

The Neuron and Neural Firing

The Brain
