
History of Life on Earth & Human Evolution

  • Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago

  • believed to be very hot, water was vapor

  • lacked ozone layer, very little oxygen

  • life started 3.5 billion years ago

  • spontaneous generation referred by Louis Pasteur

  • probable prebiotic chemical evolution (miller & vrey)

Origin of Life Hypothesis

  • Clay as catalyst

  • “RNA World”

  • Ribozyme + Vescile = Protocell

  • we don’t know for sure

Endosymbiotic Theory:

  • life began with prokaryotic cells —> evolved to utilize photosynthesis or a form of cellular respiration

  • First eukaryotic cells formed from symbiotic relationship of large prokaryotic cells eating smaller prokaryotic cells

  • early prokaryotes that conducted respiration evolved to become mitochondria. Cells that conducted photosynthesis became chloroplasts


  • mitochondria & chloroplasts have own DNA, organized same as bacterial DNA

  • similar in size to many bacterial prokaryotic cells

  • both can divide to replicate, similar to bacterial replication

Boundaries of Eras & Periods:

  • Eras are marked by sharp transitions in type of abundance of life forms due to fossil evidence

  • extinctions are often followed by rapid evolution of new life forms

Extinction of Earliest Organisms:

  • Precambrian era (4.6 billion years to 544 million years ago) longest era

  • prokaryotic anaerobes

  • evolution of photosynthesis

  • increase oxygen —> rise of aerobic respiration

  • internal membranes of Eukaryotes

  • all life exists in the sea (first multi-cellular organism = algae)

Paleozoic Era (544 MYA - 245 MYA)

  • Cambrian Explosion - diverse marine invertebrates evolve (multicellular and heterotrophic)

  • first fish and first fungi evolve

  • primitive plants & then animals invade land

  • amphibians followed by reptiles

  • Pangea (one land mass)

Mesozoic Era (245 MYA - 65 MYA)

  • Reptiles give rise to first mammals and birds

  • dinosaurs

  • gymnosperms were dominant at start; angiosperms dominant at end

  • end of Era dinosaurs extinct (most marine life) continents were separated

Cenozoic Era (65 MYA - Present)

  • first primates

  • flourishing of birds, mammals, insects, flowering plants

  • continents shifted to current locations

  • evolution of Hominids gave risk to modern Homeo sapien

  • All evolution does NOT lead to development of humans or an increase in complexity

Primate Evolution:

  • notable trait evolution

  • tree dwelling

  • opposable digits

  • binocular vision

  • grasping hands

  • large brains

  • common primate ancestor gave rise to Hominids & Chimpanzees (5MYA)

Hominin Evolution

  • switch to bipedalism

  • gradual abandonment of tree-dwelling existence

  • increasing brain volume

  • tool making abilities

  • all Hominin genera are extinct except Homo sapiens

Hypothesis of modern human evolution:

  • all human evolution happened in Africa

  • African Replacement Hypothesis - Homo Sapiens fully evolved in Africa, spread around globe replacing separate Hominin Species

  • Multi-regional Hypothesis - several similar species of Hominins left Africa & Interbred in Europe and Asia, overtime evolved into Homo sapiens

Modern Homo Sapiens

  • emerged 200,000 years ago

  • unique characteristics took many years to evolve

    • brain size

    • ability to make tools

    • language capacity

    • stamina

    • throwing ability
