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Exam 3 Review

  • More definition based questions


  • True false questions

  • matching questions

  • labeling diagrams

  • Fewer word problems

Chapters covered 20-31

  • No translocation types and no robertsonian vs reciprocal

  • includes up to genetic code

  • No molocular process details- ex no A, P, and E sites of ribosomes

  • No hershey and chase experiment

Major Topics

  • Chromosomal mutations

  • DNA experiments

  • Dna structure and organization

  • DNA replication (in bacteria mostly)

  • Mutation basic types, causes, repair mechanisms

  • Transcription (in bacteria and eukaryotes)

  • RNA processing

  • Translation (proteins, basics,

Practice Question 1:

What would happen if DNased type S filtrate was mixed with live type R and is injected into a mouse?

  1. Yes the mouse would Die

  2. No the mouse would live

  3. More information needed

Practice Question 2:

An inversion occurs in a chromosomes changing the gene order. Is the in version paracentric or pericentric?


Inverted: ABCDFE* DH

Paracentric: centromere is not included

Pericentric: centromere is included making this mutation Pericentric

What Would be the Effects of this chromosomal mutation on inversion carrier (heterozygotes)?

  1. partial sterility bc large deletions and duplication

  2. partaial sterility bc dicentric and acentric chromosomes resulting in large deletions

Pericentric causeless Large deletions and duplication - partial sterility

Paracentric causes large deletions that causes nonviable gametes bc dicent

SI Session


Topics to expect:

  • HEAVY on transcription and translocation questions

  • Simple questions about DNA repair

  • KNOW whats in bold on the slides for transcription and translation

    • Know the differences between particularly initiation and elongation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

  • Know the Wobble and its just translating

Practice Question 1

DNA: 5’ CAGGAATTGC 3’ - __coding___ strand

3’ GTCCTTAACG 5’- ___template___ strand


Template strand: what mRNA is being coded from directly

Jeopardy Game


  • What Protein initiates DNA replication in prokaryotes? Where does this occur?

    • DnaA proteins will bind to the OriC of the prokaryotic DNA

    • DnaA helps recognize the origin site

    • DnaB acts as the helicase

    • DnaC inhibits unwinding

Dna And Gene Structures

  • Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene structure includes:

    • existence of TATA Box

    • Introns and exons

    • Different type of promoter-

      • prokaryotes are the -35 and -10 which is where the sigma subunit will bind

      • Eukaryotes will start transcription at the +1 site

  • The 5’ UTR region is the region before the start codon that doesn’t get translated

  • Draw out the structure of a nucleotide?

    • On the 1’ carbon of Deoxyribose, the base attaches. On the 3’ carbon is where the next bond forms and the 5’ is what holds the phosphate group.

Mutations and Repair

  • How do germ line mutations differ from somatic mutations?

    • Germ-line mutations can be passed down to offspring, while somatic mutations cannot

  • What is the NER? What is it going to repair?

    • NER= Nucleotide Excision Repair

    • NER will remove the strand segment containing DNA damage and replacement by new DNA synthesis used to repair UV damage and DNA helix distortions

    • BER fixes point mutations and mismatch repair

    • Be familiar with non-homologous end-joining


  • True or false- in prokaryotic transcription the sigma factor is only needed for elongation

    • False- the sigma factor is needed for recognition and initiation. After the start of elongation, the sigma factor dissociates, leaving the core enzyme to complete the rest of transcription

  • Describe how eukaryotic transcription recognition and initiation occurs?

    • Eukaryotes- TBP (component of the TFIID) binds to the TATA box (core promoter) other transcription factors are recruits to the complex. TFIIB will recruit RNAPII and more transcription factors, including TBIIG (helicase) which will activate RNAPII by phosphorylation of the CTD tail.

    • Good Idea to memorize what each TF factor does- especially TBP

    • Don’t have to know the differences between RNA pol I and II.

    • Just know what transcription factors are and what they do.

RNA Processing and Translation

  • What is the Wobble Base?

    • The wobble base is the third base of the codon, which can leave you with variability of what amino acid will be added to the polypeptide chain.

  • Describe/ draw the structure of a polypeptide chain?

    • N-terminus is the amine group on the 5’ end at the start of the polypeptide chain

    • The Carboxyl group is at the 3’ end of the polypeptide chain

In Summary

  • Transcription

  • Translation

  • Diff. between Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

    • specifically between initiation and elongation

  • Be able to differentiate between transcription and translation proteins

  • Maybe know the different levels of DNA condensation??


Exam 3 Review

  • More definition based questions


  • True false questions

  • matching questions

  • labeling diagrams

  • Fewer word problems

Chapters covered 20-31

  • No translocation types and no robertsonian vs reciprocal

  • includes up to genetic code

  • No molocular process details- ex no A, P, and E sites of ribosomes

  • No hershey and chase experiment

Major Topics

  • Chromosomal mutations

  • DNA experiments

  • Dna structure and organization

  • DNA replication (in bacteria mostly)

  • Mutation basic types, causes, repair mechanisms

  • Transcription (in bacteria and eukaryotes)

  • RNA processing

  • Translation (proteins, basics,

Practice Question 1:

What would happen if DNased type S filtrate was mixed with live type R and is injected into a mouse?

  1. Yes the mouse would Die

  2. No the mouse would live

  3. More information needed

Practice Question 2:

An inversion occurs in a chromosomes changing the gene order. Is the in version paracentric or pericentric?


Inverted: ABCDFE* DH

Paracentric: centromere is not included

Pericentric: centromere is included making this mutation Pericentric

What Would be the Effects of this chromosomal mutation on inversion carrier (heterozygotes)?

  1. partial sterility bc large deletions and duplication

  2. partaial sterility bc dicentric and acentric chromosomes resulting in large deletions

Pericentric causeless Large deletions and duplication - partial sterility

Paracentric causes large deletions that causes nonviable gametes bc dicent

SI Session


Topics to expect:

  • HEAVY on transcription and translocation questions

  • Simple questions about DNA repair

  • KNOW whats in bold on the slides for transcription and translation

    • Know the differences between particularly initiation and elongation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

  • Know the Wobble and its just translating

Practice Question 1

DNA: 5’ CAGGAATTGC 3’ - __coding___ strand

3’ GTCCTTAACG 5’- ___template___ strand


Template strand: what mRNA is being coded from directly

Jeopardy Game


  • What Protein initiates DNA replication in prokaryotes? Where does this occur?

    • DnaA proteins will bind to the OriC of the prokaryotic DNA

    • DnaA helps recognize the origin site

    • DnaB acts as the helicase

    • DnaC inhibits unwinding

Dna And Gene Structures

  • Differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene structure includes:

    • existence of TATA Box

    • Introns and exons

    • Different type of promoter-

      • prokaryotes are the -35 and -10 which is where the sigma subunit will bind

      • Eukaryotes will start transcription at the +1 site

  • The 5’ UTR region is the region before the start codon that doesn’t get translated

  • Draw out the structure of a nucleotide?

    • On the 1’ carbon of Deoxyribose, the base attaches. On the 3’ carbon is where the next bond forms and the 5’ is what holds the phosphate group.

Mutations and Repair

  • How do germ line mutations differ from somatic mutations?

    • Germ-line mutations can be passed down to offspring, while somatic mutations cannot

  • What is the NER? What is it going to repair?

    • NER= Nucleotide Excision Repair

    • NER will remove the strand segment containing DNA damage and replacement by new DNA synthesis used to repair UV damage and DNA helix distortions

    • BER fixes point mutations and mismatch repair

    • Be familiar with non-homologous end-joining


  • True or false- in prokaryotic transcription the sigma factor is only needed for elongation

    • False- the sigma factor is needed for recognition and initiation. After the start of elongation, the sigma factor dissociates, leaving the core enzyme to complete the rest of transcription

  • Describe how eukaryotic transcription recognition and initiation occurs?

    • Eukaryotes- TBP (component of the TFIID) binds to the TATA box (core promoter) other transcription factors are recruits to the complex. TFIIB will recruit RNAPII and more transcription factors, including TBIIG (helicase) which will activate RNAPII by phosphorylation of the CTD tail.

    • Good Idea to memorize what each TF factor does- especially TBP

    • Don’t have to know the differences between RNA pol I and II.

    • Just know what transcription factors are and what they do.

RNA Processing and Translation

  • What is the Wobble Base?

    • The wobble base is the third base of the codon, which can leave you with variability of what amino acid will be added to the polypeptide chain.

  • Describe/ draw the structure of a polypeptide chain?

    • N-terminus is the amine group on the 5’ end at the start of the polypeptide chain

    • The Carboxyl group is at the 3’ end of the polypeptide chain

In Summary

  • Transcription

  • Translation

  • Diff. between Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

    • specifically between initiation and elongation

  • Be able to differentiate between transcription and translation proteins

  • Maybe know the different levels of DNA condensation??