These are formal and informal roles. Roles outlined in the Constitution include:
Commander-In-Chief, Chief Executive, Chief Diplomat, Chief Legislator, and Chief of State. All the rest are informal.
-head of the executive branch
-enforces federal laws
-oversees agencies and departments
The key powers of the CE:
-executive orders
-appointing officials (cabinet members, federal judges, agency heads, etc)
-pardoning (forgiving criminal offenses)
-authority over our country’s armed forces
The key powers of the CIC:
-making military decisions (about the deployment of military forces and conduct of military operations)
-war powers (congress can only formally declare war but the president can order military action in response to crises and threats)
war powers act of 1973 requires the president to notify congress within 48 hours of making a military decision
-representative of our foreign relations
-plays a big role in shaping foreign policy
The key powers of the CD:
-negotiate and sign treaties with foreign nations with a 2/3 majority approval from the senate
-executive agreements with other nations (DOES NOT require senate approval)
-appointing ambassadors who represent the US in managing diplomatic relationships
-has a significant influence on the legislative process
-proposes new laws and influences existing ones
The key powers of the CL:
-veto bills to prevent them from becoming a law (congress can override with 2/3 majority in both houses)
-can deliver state of union address
-can call special sessions of congress
-head of state
-reps the nation
-performs ceremonial duties
The key responsibilities of the COS:
-national symbol
-ceremonial duties
-shaping the party’s platform, policies, and electoral strategy
The key responsibilities of the COP:
-party leader
-political patronage
-shapes economic policy
-addresses our country’s economic issues
The key responsibilities of the EL:
-managing the economy
-crisis management
-provides leadership during national crises
The key responsibilities of the CM:
-responding to emergencies
-national security