Homeostasis::A tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state; the regulation of any aspect of body chemistry, such as blood glucose, around a particular level
Negative feedback loop::A feedback loop that causes a system to change in the opposite direction from which it is moving
Positive feedback loop::Causes a system to change further in the same direction.
Afferent pathway::Pathway of receptor to control center
Efferent pathways::carry nerve impulses away from the central nervous system to effectors
Anatomical position::hands at side, palms forward, feet together
Supine position::face up
Prone position::face down
Anterior::Toward the front of the body
Posterior::Toward the back of the body
Medial::closer to the midline that divides the body left and right
Lateral::Further away from the midline that divides the body left and right
Superior::Closer to the head
Inferior::Toward the feet
Proximal::Closer to the trunk
Distal::Further from the trunk
Superficial::Closer to the surface of the body
Deep::Farther from the surface of the body
Transverse Section::Divides body into upper and lower sections
Saggital Section::Divides the body into left and right sections
Coronal Section::Divides body into anterior and posterior sections
Response to temperature increase::1) Homeostasis 2) Stimulus causing a temperature increase 3) Receptors send a signal to the brain 4) Brain detects change and sends signal to effectors 5) Sweat glands increase secretion and blood vessels in skin dilate 6) Response is a cooling effect
Types of tissues::Epithelial Connective Muscular Neural
Epithelial Tissue::avascular sheet of cells that covers body surfaces or cavities, skin and salivary glands Characteristics of epithelial tissue::Tightly packed, organized assembly, exhibit polarity, highly regenerative
Connective Tissues::Loose, Blood, Lymph, Cartilage, Bone
Characteristics of Connective Tissues::Protection, Structural Support, Energy, storage, insulation, transporting substances
Muscular Tissue::capable of contraction/shortening (skeletal, cardiac, smooth)
Characteristics of Muscular Tissue::S = controlled by voluntary nervous system, moves and stabilizes the skeleton, contains elongated cells C = only in heart, short/branched, involuntary SM = Short/tapering, involuntary contraction
Nervous Tissue::Conduct electrical impulses, transfer process and store information, comprised of neurons and glial cells (Neurons, Glial cells, Location)
Characteristics of Nervous Tissue::N = Recieve sensory information and carry it to the brain, transmit motor impulses from brain to effectors G = Provide structural support, protection and nourishment for neurons in the brain/spinal cord L = brian, spinal cord, cranial and peripheral nerves