Midterm Review

Akar Farmers vs. Gantus Farmers

  • Akar Society

    • Nomadic foragers

    • Lifestyle based on hunting and gathering

    • No wealth accumulation, leading to social equality

    • Lack of currency; they trade with sedentary neighbors

    • Accusations of witchcraft are less prevalent due to lack of jealousy and material disparity

  • Gantus Society

    • Sedentary farmers

    • Wealth inequality exists; larger farms lead to greater wealth accumulation

    • Monetary transactions are common due to farming and mining practices

    • Greater likelihood of jealousy leading to accusations of witchcraft

Wealth and Witchcraft

  • Wealth Distribution

    • Akar society has equal wealth, resulting in no theft or violence

    • Gantus society experiences wealth disparity

  • Melemba (Witches)

    • Akar: Malemba understand their powers and can inflict illness at request

    • Gantus: Accusations of witchcraft are common as wealth differences create jealousy

  • Use of Poison Oracle

    • Akar use 'Mbando' for identifying natural illnesses rather than sent illness

    • Gantus rely more on poison oracle for witchcraft accusations due to social tensions

The Role of Healers

  • Healers in Akar vs. Gantus

    • Akar: Healers drink the poison to divine answers

    • Gantus: Regular use of healing divination for accusations of witchcraft

    • Cost of hiring Akar healers in the 1990s: approximately $12

Cultural Interpretations of Illness

  • Responses to Illness

    • Akar society interprets illnesses based on food taboos or natural causes rather than witchcraft

    • Gantus society links ailments to malice and witchcraft, often driven by envious sentiments

Functionalism in Witchcraft

  • Witchcraft as Social Mechanism

    • Authors argue witchcraft among Gantus helps maintain social order through fear of repercussions

    • Akar view witchcraft as a means to promote sharing and equality within the community

Historical Perspectives

  • Evans-Pritchard’s Research

    • Focused on Zande witchcraft, viewing it as a philosophical system

    • Contrasts with recent analyses focusing on functionalism and social dynamics

Exam Preparation Overview

  • Key Topics for Study

    • Differences between Akar foragers and Gantus farmers

    • Social structure and implications of wealth differences

    • Understanding witchcraft through cultural lenses

    • Application of functionalism to current societal practices

  • Examples in Modern Context

    • Traditional practices of healing and their significance in current societies

    • Cultural relativism versus ethnocentrism in evaluating practices such as witchcraft and snake handling

    • The evolution of scientific concepts and societal interpretations over time
