Biomedicine: Human Sciences
Lecture 3:
Muscular System
© CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
Learning Outcomes
In today’s topic you will learn:
⮚ The types of muscles in the human body;
how they differ in terms of structure and
⮚ Be able to identify major skeletal muscles
of the body and recognise their functions.
⮚ The signs, symptoms, investigation
procedures and some orthodox treatments
of muscular system pathologies.
© CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
1. Movement — a result of muscular contraction. This relies on the integrated functioning of the muscles, bones and joints.
2. Maintaining posture — stabilising joints, posture and balance through continued partial muscle contraction.
3. Heat production — also known as thermogenesis. Helps maintain normal body temperature (36.5‒37.5°C). Shivering describes involuntary contractions of skeletal muscles.
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thermo- = heat
genesis = creation 3
Functions sphincter = a
circular muscle
4. Storage of substances — glycogen and oxygen.
5. Movement of substances:
- The heart muscle pumps blood around the body.
- Sphincters prevent out-flow from hollow organs.
- Smooth muscle in blood vessel walls helps
control blood flow.
- Smooth muscle moves food through the
digestive tract and urine through the urinary system.
- The diaphragm draws air into airways / lungs.
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Muscle Properties
1. Contractility 🡪 ability to contract (shorten).
2. Excitability 🡪 ability to conduct an
electrical current. Nerve impulses
cause muscles to contract.
3. Extensibility 🡪 ability to stretch
without being damaged.
4. Elasticity 🡪 ability to return to
original length and shape after
contraction or extension (spring).
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Striated and Non-Striated Muscle
Muscles in the body contain cells that are either striated or non-striated.
• Striated muscles contain cells that are aligned in parallel bundles, so that their different regions form stripes visible with a microscope.
• Non-striated muscles contain cells that are randomly arranged (no stripes visible).
• Skeletal and cardiac muscle is striated, whilst
Striated muscle: Non-striated:
smooth muscle is non-striated.striated = striped 6
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Muscle Types
There are three types of muscle in the body:
Muscle type: | Key features: |
Skeletal muscle: | • Striated — attaches between bones and creates movement at joints. • Voluntary muscle. |
Cardiac muscle: | • Striated — forms the heart muscle. • Involuntary muscle that generates its own rhythmic contraction (‘autorhythmic’). |
Smooth muscle: | • Non-striated — found in the walls of blood vessels, walls of the gut and in the iris (coloured part of eye). • Involuntary muscle. |
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Striated Non-Striated Striated
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Skeletal Muscle
There are 640 skeletal muscles in the body,
accounting for about 40% of body weight.
• All of these muscles are voluntary.
• Functions include: Motion and posture, speech
(larynx, lips, tongue) and breathing.
• Skeletal muscle is covered by fascia
— a dense sheet of connective tissue
that organises muscle, secures it to
skin, and provides stability. Collagen
is a major component.
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Skeletal Muscle Cells
• The cell membrane of a skeletal muscle fibre is called the sarcolemma.
• The muscle cell cytoplasm is the sarcoplasm.
• Tubes called transverse tubules extend from the cell membrane into the muscle cells.
• Contain a sarcoplasmic reticulum, which stores calcium needed for
muscle contraction.
• Contain red coloured, iron and oxygen binding protein called myoglobin.
• Contain many mitochondria for aerobic respiration — located close to myoglobin.
sarco- = flesh
plasm- = meaning fluid myo = muscle
globin = a sphere / protein fibril = relating to fibre
© CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
Skeletal Muscle Cells
Skeletal muscle is made up of long cells called
myocytes (also known as muscle fibres).
• Muscle fibres are formed from the fusion of cells
called myoblasts in the embryo. This is why
skeletal muscle cells contain many nuclei.
• Once mature muscle cells are formed (becoming
‘myocytes’), they can no longer undergo mitosis.
• However, there is limited regenerative capacity —
by satellite cells.
• This means that the number of skeletal muscle fibres each person has is set at birth.
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myo- = muscle
cyt- = cell
blast = immature cell 11
Skeletal Muscle Cells
Myofibrils are cylindrical structures formed of bundles of protein filaments within the muscle fibre. They are contractile threads arranged in a striated pattern:
• Each myofibril is surrounded by a
network of sarcoplasmic reticulum.
• Myofibrils are made up of smaller filaments called myofilaments. There are two types: - Actin (thin filaments).
- Myosin (thick filaments) — shaped like golf clubs; the ‘myosin heads’ can bind to actin.
• The myofilaments overlap to form sarcomeres. © CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
myo- = muscle
fibril = fibre/filament 12
A sarcomere is the basic unit of
striated muscle and contains the
following areas:
- H zone = myosin only.
- A band = dark area where actin
and myosin overlap.
- I band = light area of only actin
- Z disc = filaments of actin that
are arranged at 90° angles,
where they separate sarcomeres.
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sarco = flesh, muscle mere = ‘part’
epi = ‘upon’ or ‘over
Connective Tissue
Skeletal muscles consist of muscle fibres bound by connective tissue.
• Collagen fibres in connective tissue assist to tightly intermingle with other structures. — connections transfer force better.
• Individual muscle fibres are surrounded by a thin sheath called the endomysium.
• Bundles of between 10‒100 muscle fibres are bound together to form fascicles, which are surrounded by the perimysium.
• The entire muscle is surrounded by the epimysium that attaches it to fascia and tendons.
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peri = ‘around’
endo = ‘within’
Skeletal Muscle Hierarchy
• Myocytes contain myofibrils that are
made up of smaller myofilaments
called actin and myosin.
• Myocytes are bundled together
and surrounded by the
perimysium to form fascicles.
• Fascicles accumulate together to
form the entire muscle, which is
surrounded by the epimysium.
• The epimysium provides an
attachment for the muscle to the
periosteum of bone. 15 © CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ)
The neuromuscular junction is the meeting point (synapse) where motor neurons meet a muscle fibre.
• The neuron ending is the synaptic end bulb, which contains vesicles that store the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
• Acetylcholine diffuses across the gap and causes the nerve impulse to continue along the sarcolemma.
neuro- = nerves
muscular = muscle
Synaptic end bulb
Muscle fibres
© CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ)
• The motor end plate describes the
location where motor neurons terminate
in tiny pads on the muscle fibre.
• The strength of muscle contraction
depends on the number of motor
neurons that are conducting an
electrical impulse at one time, as
well as the frequency of impulses.
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Sliding Filament: Contraction
1. Nerve impulse arrives at the neuromuscular junction.
2. The action potential spreads along the
sarcolemma and transverse tubules into the
muscle cell releasing calcium (Ca2+) from
storage in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
3. Calcium and ATP cause the myosin head to
bind to the actin filament next to it. As
the actin and myosin bind, this movement causes the filaments to slide over each other, thereby shortening the fibre.
In a contracted state, the actin and myosin are bound together.
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Sliding Filament: Relaxation
1. Nerve stimulation stops (no nerve impulse).
2. Using magnesium and ATP, calcium is actively
transported (pumped back) into storage,
breaking the actin and myosin bond.
3. Actin and myosin slide back into starting
positions, lengthening the fibre again
• Magnesium makes muscle fibres less
excitable and prevents myosin binding with actin.
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Sliding Filament Model
• As the image below highlights, muscle contraction is associated with the binding of actin and myosin. This causes the sarcomere (and muscle overall) to shorten.
• Muscle relaxation is associated with lengthening of the sarcomere and muscle overall.
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a- = absence
Muscle Growth
Muscle growth is called muscle hypertrophy.
hyper- = increase
-trophy = growth in size
• Calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron are essential ingredients for effective muscle activity and athletic performance.
• The following hormones promote muscle hypertrophy:
⮚ Growth hormone ⮚ Testosterone ⮚ Thyroid hormones
Hence considerable muscle development occurs from puberty.
• During strength training, individuals experience
high levels of muscle tissue breakdown and
hence protein is required to support hypertrophy.
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Muscle Metabolism
Muscles are highly energy-demanding and
require large quantities of ATP.
• The ability to produce ATP depends upon the
availability of nutrients such as glucose, fatty acids
and amino acids. More ATP is also generated in the presence of oxygen.
• To obtain these substances, muscles must receive a rich blood supply.
• There are two main pathways for ATP synthesis: • Aerobic respiration — with oxygen present.
This is how we transform the food we eat into energy.
• Anaerobic respiration — in the absence of oxygen.
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Aerobic Respiration
Aerobic respiration requires oxygen to generate ATP.
• Requires a continual blood supply. The oxygen needed comes from breathing.
• Aerobic respiration occurs in the mitochondria.
• Each reaction produces 38 ATP molecules. However, as two ATP molecules are used up in the reaction, a net of 36 ATP molecules is produced.
• Aerobic respiration is used most of the time, as long as oxygen delivery is maintained.
ATP = adenosine triphosphate aerobic = with oxygen
Mitochondria perform aerobic respiration in cells. These are often located next to myoglobin.
Oxygen + (glucose) 🡪 carbon dioxide + water + energy 23
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Anaerobic Respiration
Anaerobic respiration allows cells to produce ATP in the absence of oxygen.
• Utilised for intensive short-term activity.
• Anaerobic respiration takes place in the cytoplasm and occurs via glycolysis (breaking down of glucose). The reaction produces a net of two ATP molecules.
• Also produces lactic acid which lowers the muscle pH and can cause muscle fatigue.
Glucose 🡪 lactic acid + energy
an- = without
aerobic = with oxygen -lysis = breakdown
© CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
Creatine Phosphate
Creatine phosphate is a protein unique
to muscles and is an energy storage form.
• This is important because muscle cells have
very little energy within them that they can use up immediately.
• Creatine phosphate provides a small, but ready source of energy during the first 15 seconds of contraction.
• There is three to six times more creatine
phosphate in a muscle cell than ATP.
• Creatinine is a by-product from the
breakdown of creatine phosphate.
© CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
Types of Skeletal Muscle
Based on colour, skeletal muscle fibres can be categorised into two types: red and white.
myo- = muscle
globin = spherical protein
• The colour of the muscle reflects its content and functions.
White muscle fibres | Red muscle fibres |
• White due to the low quantity of myoglobin. | • Red due to the large quantity of myoglobin. |
• Large diameter fibres. | • Small diameter fibres. |
• Anaerobic respiration. | • Aerobic respiration (hence lots of mitochondria). |
• Fast and strenuous work, hence fatigue quickly.
• Designed for sustained activity with no fatigue.
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Types of Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle fibres can be categorised as one of three types:
Fibre type: | Slow oxidative (SO): | Fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG): | Fast glycolytic (FG): |
Colour: | Dark red | White-pink | White |
Respiration: | Aerobic | Aerobic / anaerobic | Anaerobic |
Myoglobin and mitochondria: | Highest | Less | Least |
Duration: | Longest | Resistant to fatigue | Fatigue quickly |
Good for: | Endurance | Walking / sprinting | Weights |
Diameter: | Small | Intermediate | Large |
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Types of Skeletal Muscle
Human muscles contain a genetically-determined mixture of fibres. About 50% of all fibres are SO.
• Most skeletal muscles are a mixture of muscle fibres: • Shoulders / arms: High amount of FG fibres.
• Legs and back (postural): FOG and SO fibres.
• Proportions also vary depending on individual training.
• Exercise can cause muscle fibres to change: • Endurance athletes often have more SO fibres. • Strength training increases the size
hyper = beyond normal trophy = development glyco - = sugar
-lytic = ‘to release’
(hypertrophy) and strength of fast glycolytic fibres.
© CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
Summary Quiz:
1. List THREE functions of the muscular system.
2. Name TWO types of muscle that are striated.
3. What does the endomysium surround?
4. Name the neurotransmitter at the neuromuscular junction. 5. Complete the sentence: ______ and ______ are needed for muscle contraction.
6. Name the TWO myofilaments.
7. Explain what is meant by muscle hypertrophy and atrophy. 8. Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
9. Explain why some muscles appear red.
10. Indicate the type of cell respiration that slow oxidative muscle fibres use.
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Skeletal Muscles: Face
The names of many skeletal muscles also describe some of their key features, e.g. size, shape, action, location, sites of attachment:
Name: | Function / Action: |
Occipitofrontalis: occiput = back of head frontalis = front | Raises eyebrows. |
Orbicularis oculi: orbi = circular, oculi = eyes | Closes eyes. |
Orbicularis oris: orbi = circular, os- = mouth | Closes / pouts lips. |
Masseter: | Mastication. |
Temporalis: | Mastication. |
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Skeletal Muscles: Face
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Skeletal Muscles: Neck
Name: | Function / Action: |
Sternocleidomastoid: sterno = sternum cleido = clavicle mastoid = mastoid process of the temporal bone | Turns and tilts head. |
Trapezius: trapeza = table | Pulls head backwards. Elevates (shrugs) and retracts shoulders. |
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Skeletal Muscles: Back
Name: | Function / Action: |
Supraspinatus: (one of the rotator cuff muscles). | Initial abduction of shoulder. |
Psoas: (anterior to the lumbar spine). | Hip flexor (pulls thigh towards trunk). |
Latissimus dorsi: latissimus = widest dorsi = of the back. | Extends, adducts and internally rotates arms. |
Quadratus lumborum: quad = four, lumbo = lumbar region attached to four of the five lumbar vertebrae. | Bending backwards or sideways (vertebral extension or lateral flexion). |
Erector spinae: (muscle group) erector = erect, spinae = spine. | Extension of the vertebral column. Keeps spine upright. |
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Skeletal Muscles: Back
lumborum Erector spinae Latissimus dorsi
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Skeletal Muscles: Chest and Abdomen
Name: | Function / Action: |
Pectoralis major: pector = chest, major = largest attaches from clavicle and sternum to humerus. | Draws arms forward: Shoulder flexion and medial rotation. |
Rectus abdominis: rectus = fascicles parallel to midline abdominis = of the abdomen attaches from pubis to lower sternum and ribs. | Vertebral flexion: Bending forward (crunches). |
Internal and external obliques: internal = inner, external = outside. | Rotation, bending sideways. |
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Skeletal Muscles: Chest and Abdomen Pectoralis major Rectus
abdominisAbdominal obliques
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Respiratory Diaphragm
Name: | Function / Action: |
Attaches to the lower six ribs, sternum and upper lumbar spine. | When contracts, it descends into the abdominal cavity, increasing the space for air to enter the lungs. |
Vital structures pass through the diaphragm, which further emphasises its importance in the body. These structures include the aorta, inferior vena cava, vagus nerve and oesophagus.
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Skeletal Muscles: Arm
Name: | Function / Action: |
Deltoid: Attaches from the scapula, acromion and clavicle to the humerus. | Flexion, abduction and extension of shoulder joint. |
Biceps brachii: biceps = two heads, brachii = arm Attaches from the scapula to the radius. | Stabilises shoulder joint; flexion and supination of forearm. |
Triceps brachii: triceps = three heads of origin brachii = arm. | Arm adduction; extends elbow. |
Flexor carpi muscle: flexor = decrease angle, carpi = wrist. | Flexes the hand at the wrist joint. |
Extensor carpi muscle: extensor = increase angle, carpi = wrist. | Extends the hand at the wrist joint. |
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Skeletal Muscles: Arm
Deltoid Biceps brachii
Triceps brachii
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Skeletal Muscles: Legs
Name: | Function / Action: |
Gluteus maximus: glute = buttock, maximus = largest Attaches from the ilium (pelvis) to the femur. | External rotation, abduction and extension of the hip joint. |
Piriformis: Attaches from the sacrum to the femur. | Externally rotates hips. |
Hamstring: Three separate muscles in the posterior thigh. | Bends knee (flexes knee). |
Rectus femoris: (One of four quadricep muscles) Attaches from the pelvis to the tibia. | Flexes hip and extends knee (e.g. kicking a football). |
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Skeletal Muscles: Legs
Gluteus maximus and piriformis: The Hamstrings: Rectus femoris:
The sciatic nerve often runs
through the belly of the muscle
‘piriformis’. This makes the sciatic
nerve particularly vulnerable to
compression in this location.
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Skeletal Muscles: Legs
Name: | Function / Action: |
Thigh adductors: Attach from the pubis to the femur. | Squeeze the thighs together. |
Tibialis anterior: ‘front of tibia’ Attaches from the tibia to the metatarsals. | Dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot (and supports medial arch of foot). |
Soleus Attaches from the posterior tibia and fibula to the calcaneum (heel bone). | Plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle. |
Gastrocnemius gastro = belly, knēmē = leg Attaches from the femur to the calcaneum (heel). | Flexes leg at the knee. Plantar flexion of foot. |
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Skeletal Muscles: Legs
Soleus (deep to the gastrocnemius):
Tibialis anterior:
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Skeletal Muscle Mechanics
Tendons attach the skeletal muscles to the
periosteum of bone.
• The fleshy part of a muscle is called the muscle belly.
• When tendons span across a joint they can produce
movement (i.e. flex or extend the joint).
• When fibres contract, the muscle becomes thicker and shorter. This exerts a force on the tendons which pull on bones, producing movement at a joint.
• The location of muscle attachment points to bone are simply called muscle attachments.
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Skeletal Muscle Mechanics
Muscles can be prime movers, antagonists,
synergists and fixators, depending on the movement.
• Most skeletal muscles are arranged in antagonistic
pairs over a joint, e.g. biceps brachii / triceps brachii.
• Depending on the movement, one muscle is the
prime mover, whilst the other is the antagonist.
• A synergist assists the prime mover in its action,
e.g. when flexing the elbow, brachialis helps the biceps
by pulling the ulna towards the humerus.
• A fixator is a muscle that keeps the origin bone stable
while a prime mover contracts, e.g. in the shoulder.
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Cardiac Muscle
Cardiac muscle is a specialised muscle that is only found in the heart. It forms the myocardium.
• Cardiac muscle fibres are striated and involuntary.
• Cardiac muscle cells are joined end-to-end by specialised structures known as intercalated discs. These are unique to cardiac muscle and allow contraction to spread from cell to cell like a wave.
• Cardiac muscle cells are branching cells, so each cell is in contact with three to four other cells. This enables the wave of contraction to spread to more cells.
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myo- = muscle
cardia- = heart
Cardiac Muscle
• Cardiac muscle is autorhythmic — it generates its own rhythm of contraction, which is approx. 75 times per minute at rest.
• Cardiac muscle stays contracted 10-15 times longer than skeletal muscle.
• Cardiac muscle depends highly on aerobic respiration and hence the cells contain lots of mitochondria. Cardiac muscle cells therefore require a constant blood supply and delivery of oxygen and nutrients like glucose.
• Can also use lactic acid to produce ATP.
auto = automatic
rhythmic = rhythm
© CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
Smooth Muscle
Smooth muscle is found in the walls of blood vessels, airways, hollow organs (i.e. stomach, bladder), as well as the iris and arrector pili in the skin.
• Used to change diameter, shape
arrector = Latin for ‘to raise’
pili = Latin for hair
The iris:
or orientation of the tissue.
• Under autonomic nervous system control (involuntary).
• Also contracts in response to hormones, cell-to-cell signalling, and local chemical agents.
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Smooth Muscle
• Smooth muscle cells are the smallest
type of muscle cell and contain a single
elongated, central nucleus.
• Smooth muscle fibres are non-striated:
giving it a smooth appearance.
• Filaments are attached to structures called
dense bodies (similar function to Z-discs in
skeletal muscle) that are not arranged in lines.
• During contraction the dense bodies are
pulled closer together by the filaments causing
the muscle to shorten and twist like a
corkscrew. © CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
Smooth Muscle Properties
• Smooth muscle contraction is slower and
longer. It also shortens and stretches more
than skeletal muscle.
• Produces stress-relaxation response —
allows organs such as stomach and
bladder to expand when filled, causing
a contraction in order to carry contents.
• Smooth muscle maintains partial contraction
(important for blood pressure regulation).
• Smooth muscle contracts in response to
the autonomic nervous system,
hormones, stretch and blood gases.
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Smooth Muscle Microscopy
Intestine cross-section:
Artery cross-section:
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Arrector pili:
Muscle Regeneration
All muscle types can hypertrophy
(increase in size).
Muscle fibre
Skeletal muscle:
• Skeletal muscle cells can’t divide.
• Limited regeneration by satellite cells — when damage occurs, they divide slowly and fuse with existing fibres.
Smooth muscle:
• Can increase in number (hyperplasia) — often seen in the uterus and blood vessels. • Regeneration can occur from stem cells in blood vessels.
hyper = beyond normal trophy = development plasia = formation or development
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Muscle Regeneration
Cardiac muscle:
• Post-heart attack, tissue remodeling
by fibroblasts (scarring).
• More recent evidence has identified
that stem cells in the endothelium
can undergo division.
• Hypertrophy can be physiological
(i.e. athletes) or pathological
(i.e. heart disease).
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Within all body systems, muscle tissue:
• Produces movement.
• Stabilises body position.
• Moves substances within the body.
• Produces heat to help maintain body temperature.
Integumentary system (skin):
– Facial expression.
– Muscle action increases blood flow to skin.
Skeletal system:
– Movement and joint stability.
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Nervous system
• Shivering — generates heat and raises body temperature.
Endocrine (glands and their secretions — hormones).
• Exercise can improve action of some hormones, e.g. insulin. • Muscle protects some endocrine glands.
• Cardiac muscle pumps blood.
• Smooth muscle in blood vessel walls controls blood flow. • Muscle contraction in legs helps return blood to the heart. • Exercise leads to hypertrophy of cardiac muscle.
• Lactic acid produced in skeletal muscle can be used to make ATP in the heart.
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Lymphatic (the interconnected system of spaces and vessels between body tissues and organs by which lymph circulates throughout the body).
• Muscle protects lymph nodes and vessels.
• Promotes lymph flow.
• Exercise can increase or decrease immune response.
Respiratory (concerned with breathing / respiration)
• Respiratory muscle facilitates airflow in and out of lungs. • Smooth muscle adjusts airway size.
• Skeletal muscle in larynx controls airflow
past vocal cords — changes voice.
• Coughing and sneezing — clears airways.
• Exercise improves breathing efficiency.
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Digestive • Skeletal muscle protects and supports digestive
• Chewing and swallowing. • Smooth muscle sphincters control flow. • Smooth muscle in intestinal wall helps mix
contents (‘peristalsis’).
Urinary • The bladder controls the release of urine.
Reproductive • Skeletal and smooth muscle contractions eject
• Smooth muscle contractions propel egg along
uterine tubes, control menstrual flow and expel
baby from uterus in childbirth.
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Identify the locations of the following muscles on the body surface:
1) Sternocleidomastoid.
2) Trapezius.
3) Pectoralis major.
4) Rectus abdominis.
5) Gluteus maximus.
6) Deltoid.
7) Triceps brachii.
8) Rectus femoris.
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Muscular Pathologies:
Muscle Fatigue
Muscle fibres can fatigue if overused.
• Common in sports, occupational overuse and poor posture. This is now commonly seen in those who sit at desks with poor posture.
• Associated with a depletion of metabolic reserve. Cell respiration becomes anaerobic and by-products that can cause pain, such as lactic acid, are produced.
Ideal ergonomic setup:
• It is essential to prevent poor posture and provide
muscles with the time needed to rest. Meditation,
relaxation exercises, yoga, Pilates, essential oils,
manual therapy, acupuncture, nutrition (e.g.
magnesium), herbs and homeopathy can support this.
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Muscle Shortening
If a muscle is continuously contracted, the
actin-myosin filaments remain attached.
• Chronic muscle contracture causes muscle
fatigue but also places a strain on the
skeletal muscle attachments.
• For example, a stressed individual
commonly sustains prolonged contraction of the upper trapezius muscle fibres. As this muscle attaches to the cervical
vertebrae, this may cause a strain of
these joints and possibly produce headaches.
• Recall that muscles require magnesium to break the actin-myosin bond.
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Epsom salts
Muscle Strain and Tear
Muscle strain:
• Over-stretching of muscle fibrils or the tendon, occurring when a joint is forced beyond its normal range (‘pulled muscle’).
• The muscle remains whole and blood supply intact to permit healing.
• Leg and back strains are common. Muscle tear:
Why do muscle tears often
cause bruising?
• More significant, where the muscle tears and is no longer whole. More likely to cause bruising.
• Prevents natural complete healing. Can lead to fibrosis. • A tear is suggested if movement is not possible.
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Muscle Strain and Tear
• Would you always RICE (rest, ice,
compression, elevation)?
• Herbal medicine (inflammation,
pain, connective tissue repair),
acupuncture, homeopathy (arnica),
Nutritional support (anti
inflammatory and tissue repair).
• If torn: Avoid heat, exercise,
massage, rest initially.
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Impingement Syndrome
Impingement syndrome describes a shoulder condition in which movements of the shoulder can be painful and limited.
syndrome = a condition associated with a collection of signs or symptoms.
• In impingement syndrome, the rotator cuff tendons and / or bursa can become inflamed / damaged. This is most notable when compressing the space that they are both found within (the sub-acromial space).
• The sub-acromial space is the area
between the humeral head and acromion.
• The rotator cuff tendons connect the
humerus and scapula. Normally,
when moving the shoulder, the rotator
cuff has to manoeuvre intricately in order
to prevent impingement.
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Impingement Syndrome
• Overuse and working with the arms raised
• More common with increasing age as blood
supply is poor and the tendons degenerate.
• Positional fault — when the head of the
humerus does not sit well in the socket.
• Bone spurs — can reduce the space
available for the bursa and tendons
to move under the acromion.
• Oddly-sized acromion resulting in reduced space.
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Impingement Syndrome
• Shoulder ache in early stages.
• Pain when abducting the shoulder or
rotating (i.e. reaching into back pocket).
• Painful arc of movement.
• A catching sensation is felt on
lowering the arm.
• Weakness and inability to raise the
arm may indicate rotator cuff tear.
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Impingement Syndrome
• Cortisone injection, NSAIDs, surgery.
• Herbal medicine, acupuncture,
homeopathy (arnica), nutritional
support (anti-inflammatory).
• Osteopathy, chiropractic, exercise.
• Essential oils, i.e. peppermint, frankincense.
© CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC
fibro = fibrous tissue myalgia = muscle pain
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder, heavily associated with widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue.
• Often accompanied by multiple, unexplained
symptoms, anxiety, depression and functional
impairment of daily activities.
• Women are 10 times more commonly affected
than men; mostly occurring age 30‒50.
• Has a neurophysiologic basis, characterised by abnormalities in pain processing by the central nervous system (CNS).
• A form of central sensitisation: Pain perception to sensory stimuli that would not normally be painful.
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Fibromyalgia: Pain Processing
Fibromyalgia is associated with central
sensitisation — a central disturbance in pain
• Normally, sensory input such as light touch and
temperature is sent as nerve signals to the brain /
spinal cord where it synapses with nerves.
• In fibromyalgia, alterations occur in pain processing
in the spinal cord and brain (centrally).
• High levels of substance P are found in synapses; this makes nerves more sensitised to pain.
• Excess post-synaptic nitric oxide production also causes the synapses to amplify pain signals.
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We must try to understand why pain processing is faulty.
Fibromyalgia: Causes and Triggers
Biological, environmental and possibly genetic
factors are thought to contribute:
• Poor mitochondrial functioning — damaged by
free radicals.
• Altered stress response (i.e. excess cortisol,
adrenal fatigue).
• Post-viral and chronic toxic load e.g. heavy
metals, chemicals.
• Poor gut health — dysbiosis, leaky gut syndrome.
• Serotonin and noradrenaline deficiencies —
play a role in pain tolerance.
• Sleep dysregulation (fatigue, ↑pain, ↓activity).
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• Widespread (diffuse) musculoskeletal pain.
• Pain that results from gentle pressure.
• Feeling of swollen joints, often with no
actual swelling.
• Debilitating fatigue and severely-disturbed
• Headaches (muscular or migraine type).
• IBS symptoms, numbness, tingling, and
• Anxiety and depression.
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Fibromyalgia: Diagnosis
Criteria for diagnosis: Excess pain on palpation
in at least 11 of 18 predefined anatomical points.
• The patient experiences pain at
tender points at a decreased
threshold. However:
• Normal biopsy.
• Normal electrical muscle tests.
• Drug studies show no benefit
of NSAIDs but benefits of
• It is also an ‘exclusion diagnosis’.
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• Medications, e.g. pain relief. Pain clinics.
• Gut — checking for dysbiosis, parasites etc. Digestive support. • Detox — supporting the liver, removing heavy metals and chemical exposures, limiting EMF exposure, castor oil (liver). • Mitochondrial support — CoQ10, antioxidants,
magnesium malate, B vitamins, essential fats.
• Reducing stress — nervine herbs (e.g.
passionflower and valerian); breathing exercises.
• Acupuncture, homeopathy.
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Muscular Dystrophies
Muscular dystrophies are a group of
inherited muscular diseases that cause
muscle degeneration and weakness.
• Many types of muscular dystrophies exist.
• Muscular dystrophies are characterised by:
⮚ Progressive skeletal muscle atrophy.
⮚ Death of muscle cells and tissue
(final stages).
⮚ Defects in muscle proteins.
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myo- = muscle
Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease of the neuromuscular junction, characterised by fluctuating muscle fatigue and weakness.
• Antibodies block acetylcholine
receptors on the motor end plate
preventing a nerve impulse being
sent to muscle fibres. The muscle
becomes progressively weaker.
• Most common in women, age 20‒50. • Muscles of face and neck are commonly affected.
-asthenia = weakness gravis = serious; heavy
Myasthenia Gravis
• Weakness of ocular muscles; double vision and ptosis.
ptosis = from Greek ‘fall’ It is drooping of the upper eyelid
• Weakness in facial muscles (expressions)
which spreads to the proximal limbs.
• Difficulty with speech, chewing, swallowing.
• Death may result from failure of the
respiratory muscles.
• Symptoms worsen throughout the day.
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Myasthenia Gravis
• Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, corticosteroids
to reduce effects of the antibodies. Adverse
effects include osteoporosis, indigestion,
nausea, insomnia, mood changes, diabetes).
• Plasma exchange in severe cases; injections
of normal immunoglobulins from healthy donors.
• Herbal medicine (immune modulation),
acupuncture, homeopathy, nutritional (nerve
and muscular function) — calcium, magnesium.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Caused by a single gene defect on the X chromosome, affecting males, whilst females
can be carriers. Affects 1 in 3500 males.
• Usually diagnosed three‒five years of age.
• Associated with a lack of a protein called
dystrophin in muscle cells. Dystrophin anchors the
cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix.
• If this protein is missing, when the cell contracts
there is no support and the cell membrane
becomes leaky, allowing materials to flood in.
• This results in muscle degeneration and necrosis.
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Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
• Delayed walking.
• Difficulty getting up from sitting or lying position.
• Clumsiness, frequent falls. • Waddling gait.
• Speech delay.
• Gowers’ sign.
• Serum creatine kinase (10‒100 x normal). This is also often
raised in carriers.
• Genetic analysis and muscle biopsy.
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Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
• All muscle types affected: Skeletal, smooth and cardiac.
• Small amounts of dystrophin also
present in nerve cells (IQ is affected).
• Prognosis poor: Usually wheelchair
support needed by 10 years and
ventilation by 20 years.
• Most die in their late twenties, often
from pneumonia and cardio-respiratory failure.
• Therapeutic strategies aimed at prolonging independent walking, managing scoliosis, Nutrition and weight management.
Summary Quiz:
1. Name the FOUR properties of muscle.
2. Indicate TWO locations where smooth muscle is found. 3. What is the function of the following muscles:
Hamstrings, tibialis anterior, biceps brachii, masseter.
4. List ONE unique feature of cardiac muscle.
5. Where is: a) oxygen and b) calcium stored in a muscle fibre? 6. Define the condition fibromyalgia.
7. Describe the movements that typically aggravate shoulder impingement symptoms.
8. Who is commonly affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy? List TWO symptoms of the disease.
© CNM: Human Sciences – Muscular System. BQ/MC