2 Ways to Cite:
Surname and year of pub are used to credit the author:
Narrative/Integral Citation - placed in beginning of sentence; use reporting verbs (e.g. argues, asserts, states, discussed, acc. to)
! Using according to gives more importance to the fact and not the author. You’re supposed to give importance to the author.
Parenthetical/ Non-Integral Citation - placed within or end of the sentence; surname and year of pub are placed inside of parenthesis
Importance of locator (like page (p.), or paragraph (para.))
part of direct quotation
help readers locate the sited words(in video)
Provides clear boundary of ideas borrowed and writers idea
Citing a secondary source- using the cited works of the cite we are using
3 or more authors can use “et al.” on both narrative and integral (in 7th edition)
Sources with the same author and date should be followed with letter a,b, …
With multiples authors in one paper, cite in alphabetical order
(e.g. (Benson, 2020), (Calacday, 2020), (Loo, 2020))