History unit 5

Unit 5:1-4 Study Guide

Age of Reason/Enlightenment

  1. "Age of Reason" =  intellectual and philosophical movement that swept across Europe during the 17tha and 18th centuries was characterized by a strong emphasis on reason, rationality, and pursuit of knowledge

  2. Empiricism = Knowledge from sensory experiences and observations in experimentation

  3. Descartes's quote: “I think, therefore I am”

  4. Early pioneer of the scientific method: Francis Bacon

  5. Hobbes's Social Contract book: His most famous work, “Leviathan” published in 1651 outlined his thoughts on Social Contract Theory

  6. Hobbes believed life without government would be  a “nasty, brutish, and short” life for humans

  7. Locke believed in Governments require consent of the governed, Government is limited in scope, Government has different branches to limit power abuse, and Individuals have a right to own the product of their work

  8. Not a key idea of Locke: serfdom

  9. Hobbes and Locke’s views: Hobbes and Locke’s views: Hobbes had a fairly pessimistic view of humanity as having a “nasty, brutish, and short” life without a government. He supports absolute authority in the form of a monarchy. Locke had a more optimistic view of humanity. Argues for a more limited government and more rights for the people. Does not support a monarchy as a form of government (True/False)

  10. Belief in a creator God who doesn't intervene: Deism

French Revolution

  1. Number of Estates in France: three

  2. First Estate: the Clergy 

  3. Second Estate: Nobility = could combine to outvote the Third Estate; paid almost no tax; comprised 5% of the population 

  4. Third Estate: Commoners = Paid majority of taxes and held little political power

  5. Third Estate made up 5% of the population

  6. Third Estate paid most taxes

  7. When the King called a meeting: war and raising of taxes

  8. Women rioted over the price of bread

  9. After King Louis’s death, Napoleon Bonaparte took over

  10. Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen adopted by: French revolution

  11. Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is like our: Declaration of Independence

American Revolution

  1. European Enlightenment Ideas caused the American Revolution: True

  2. Philosopher inspiring the Declaration of Independence: John Locke

  3. Treaty that ended the war and recognized U.S. independence: Treaty of Paris

  4. Women rioted over bread during the French Revolution

Haitian Revolution

  1. Leader of the Haitian Revolution: L'Ouverture 

  2. After L'Ouverture was captured, fighting did not stop

  3. Sickness that drove French troops from Haiti: yellow fever

  4. “I swear before you…” was said by Simón Bolivar 1805

  5. Lola Rodriguez de Tio encouraged revolution through intellect

  6. Writer of Puerto Rican national anthem: Lola rodriguez de Tio 

Industrial Revolution

  1. German unification: violent

  2. Industrial Revolution began in: the late 18th century

  3. Britain created artificial canals to link trade routes

  4. Brought British textile tech to U.S.: Samuel Slater

  5. Person who patented the cotton gin: Eli Whitney

  1. “Ilustrados” means enlightened 

  2. Wealthy free people of color in France in 1791 were granted full citizenship: true

  3. All people of color in France in 1791 were granted full citizenship: false

  4. Poor people of color in France in 1791 were granted full citizenship: false

  5. The Industrial Revolution led to the factory
