Unit 5:1-4 Study Guide
Age of Reason/Enlightenment
"Age of Reason" = intellectual and philosophical movement that swept across Europe during the 17tha and 18th centuries was characterized by a strong emphasis on reason, rationality, and pursuit of knowledge
Empiricism = Knowledge from sensory experiences and observations in experimentation
Descartes's quote: “I think, therefore I am”
Early pioneer of the scientific method: Francis Bacon
Hobbes's Social Contract book: His most famous work, “Leviathan” published in 1651 outlined his thoughts on Social Contract Theory
Hobbes believed life without government would be a “nasty, brutish, and short” life for humans
Locke believed in Governments require consent of the governed, Government is limited in scope, Government has different branches to limit power abuse, and Individuals have a right to own the product of their work
Not a key idea of Locke: serfdom
Hobbes and Locke’s views: Hobbes and Locke’s views: Hobbes had a fairly pessimistic view of humanity as having a “nasty, brutish, and short” life without a government. He supports absolute authority in the form of a monarchy. Locke had a more optimistic view of humanity. Argues for a more limited government and more rights for the people. Does not support a monarchy as a form of government (True/False)
Belief in a creator God who doesn't intervene: Deism
French Revolution
Number of Estates in France: three
First Estate: the Clergy
Second Estate: Nobility = could combine to outvote the Third Estate; paid almost no tax; comprised 5% of the population
Third Estate: Commoners = Paid majority of taxes and held little political power
Third Estate made up 5% of the population
Third Estate paid most taxes
When the King called a meeting: war and raising of taxes
Women rioted over the price of bread
After King Louis’s death, Napoleon Bonaparte took over
Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen adopted by: French revolution
Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is like our: Declaration of Independence
American Revolution
European Enlightenment Ideas caused the American Revolution: True
Philosopher inspiring the Declaration of Independence: John Locke
Treaty that ended the war and recognized U.S. independence: Treaty of Paris
Women rioted over bread during the French Revolution
Haitian Revolution
Leader of the Haitian Revolution: L'Ouverture
After L'Ouverture was captured, fighting did not stop
Sickness that drove French troops from Haiti: yellow fever
“I swear before you…” was said by Simón Bolivar 1805
Lola Rodriguez de Tio encouraged revolution through intellect
Writer of Puerto Rican national anthem: Lola rodriguez de Tio
Industrial Revolution
German unification: violent
Industrial Revolution began in: the late 18th century
Britain created artificial canals to link trade routes
Brought British textile tech to U.S.: Samuel Slater
Person who patented the cotton gin: Eli Whitney
“Ilustrados” means enlightened
Wealthy free people of color in France in 1791 were granted full citizenship: true
All people of color in France in 1791 were granted full citizenship: false
Poor people of color in France in 1791 were granted full citizenship: false
The Industrial Revolution led to the factory