It is a direct contrast to the behavioust approach
The cognitive approach argues that internal mental processes can and should be studied scientifically
It has investigated the areas of human behaviour that behaviourists neglected
These processes are ‘private’ and cannot be observed
Cognitive psychologists study them indirectly by making inferences about what is going on inside people’s minds based on their behaviour
Theoretical and computer models:
One important theoretical model is the information-processing approach
This suggests that information flows through the cognitive system in a sequence of stages that include:
It also uses computer models, where the mind is compared to a computer (Computer model)
By suggesting that there are similarities in the way information is processed
These models use the concepts of coding and the use of stores to hold information
Such computational models of the mind have proved useful in the development of artificial intelligence
The role of schema:
Cognitive processing can often be affected by a person’s beliefs or expectations, often referred to as a schema.
Schema are ‘packages’ of ideas and information developed through experience
They act as a mental framework for the information developed for the interpretation of incoming information received by the cognitive system for example:
You have a schema for a chair
Something with legs that you can sit on
This is a package of information learned through experience that helps you to respond to the object appropriately
Babies are born with a simple motor schema for innate behaviours such as sucking and grasping for example;
The grasping schema consists of moving a hand towards an object and shaping the hand around the object in co-ordination with visual input
As we get older, our schema becomes more detailed and sophisticated
Adults have developed mental representations for everything from the concept of psychology to a schema for example:
What happens in a restaurant
or what a typical zombie looks like
Schema enables us to process lots of information quickly and this is useful as a sort of mental short-cut that prevents us from being overwhelmed by environmental stimuli
Schema may also distort our interpretations of sensory information
Leading to perceptual errors
The emergence of cognitive neuroscience:
Cognitive Neuroscience is the study of the influence of brain structures on mental processes
Mapping brain areas to specific cognitive functions has a long history in psychology
As early as the 1860s Paul Broca had identified how damage to an area of the frontal lobe (Which became known as Broca’s Area) could permanently impair speech production
It is only in the last 20 years, however, with advances in brain imaging techniques such as:
MRI and PET scans
Scientists have been able to systematically observe and describe the neurological basis of mental processes for example:
In research involving tasks that require the use of episodic and semantic memory, Tulving et al
It was able to show these different types of long-term memory may be located on opposite sides of the pre-frontal cortex
As well as this, the system in overall charge of working memory (the central executive) is thought to reside in a similar area
Scanning techniques have also proved useful in establishing the neurological basis of some mental disorders
The parahippocampal gyrus and OCD appear to play a role in processing unpleasant emotions
The focus of cognitive neuroscience has expanded recently to include computer-generated models designed to ‘read’ the brain.
This has led to the development of mind mapping techniques known as ‘brain fingerprinting’
One possible future application of this could be to analyse the brain wave patterns of eyewitnesses to determine whether they are lying in court
Cognitive Approach: The term ‘cognitive’ has come to mean ‘mental processes’, so this approach is focused on how our mental processes (thoughts, perceptions and attention) affect behaviour)
Internal mental processes: ‘Private’ operations of the mind such as perception and attention that mediate between stimulus and response.
Schema: A mental framework of belief and expectations that influence cognitive processing. They are developed from experience.
Inference: The process whereby cognitive psychologists conclude how mental processes operate based on observed behaviour.
Cognitive neuroscience: The scientific study of biological structures that underpin cognitive processes.