Title: Chinese Made Easy for Kids
Author: Yamin Ma
Publisher: Joint Publishing (HK)
Lesson 13: dì shí san kè (第十三课)
Key Sentence: wo bǎ diǎn shàng xué (我八点上学)
Translation: I go to school at eight o'clock.
New Words to Learn:
yì bān (一般) - usually
qǐ chuáng (起床) - get up
fàn (饭) - meal
zǎo fàn (早饭) - breakfast
Example Sentences:
我一般七点起床 (wǒ yì bān qī diǎn qǐ chuáng) - I usually get up at seven.
我七点一刻吃早饭 (wǒ qī diǎn yí kè chī zǎo fàn) - I eat breakfast at a quarter past seven.
New Words to Learn:
wǔ fàn (午饭) - lunch
fàng xué (放学) - school is over
huí jiā (回家) - go home
Example Sentences:
我十二点半吃午饭 (wǒ shí èr diǎn bàn chī wǔ fàn) - I eat lunch at half past twelve.
我三点一刻放学回家 (wǒ sān diǎn yí kè fàng xué huí jiā) - I go home at a quarter past three.
New Vocabulary:
wǎn fàn (晚饭) - dinner
xǐ (洗) - wash
shuì jiào (睡觉) - sleep
Example Sentences:
我九点洗澡 (wǒ jiǔ diǎn xǐ zǎo) - I take a bath at nine o'clock.
我七点吃晚饭 (wǒ qī diǎn chī wǎn fàn) - I eat dinner at seven o'clock.
我九点半睡觉 (wǒ jiǔ diǎn bàn shuì jiào) - I sleep at half past nine.
Focus on Sentences:
Sentences to Learn:
Last Sentences:
Activity: Listen to the recording. Tick the correct and cross the incorrect answers.
Learning Radicals:
Understand the meaning of radicals in Chinese characters:
睡 (shuì) - sleep
饭 (fàn) - food/meal
家 (jiā) - home
晚 (wǎn) - evening
Speaking Exercises:
Practice speaking using learned vocabulary and sentences.
Character Practice:
Write down characters for concepts like noon, o’clock, morning, and evening.
Small Quiz:
Read aloud and say the meaning of phrases like:
去动物园 (qù dòng wù yuán) - Go to the zoo
吃早饭 (chī zǎo fàn) - Eat breakfast
睡觉 (shuì jiào) - Sleep
Food Vocabulary:
牛奶 (niú nǎi) - milk
面包 (miàn bāo) - bread
三明治 (sān míng zhì) - sandwich
Example Sentences:
我最爱吃三明治 (wǒ zuì ài chī sān míng zhì) - I love to eat sandwiches.
我不爱喝鸡蛋汤 (wǒ bú ài hè jī dàn tāng) - I don’t like drinking egg soup.
Thank You!
More resources available at: www.chinesemadeeasy.com