
apush period 1 notes

cultures of central + south america

  • took place within 3 civilizations (AD 300-800)

  • mayans built cities in yucatan peninsula (modern belize, guatemala, southern mexico)

  • aztecs took over after mayans + built tenochtitlan, dominated mexico + central america

  • incas located in peru took over south america

  • TL;DR: south american cultures took place (mayans in belize, guatemala, southern mexico, aztecs in mexico + central america after mayans, incas SA) from 300-800 AD across south america, central america, mexico

cultures of north america

  • populations ranged from <1 mil-more than 10 mil

  • smaller bc maize spread slower than it did in mexico

  • mostly lived in settlements

  • men = make tools + hunt, women = gather plants, grow crops (maize, beans, tobacco)


  • algonquian in NE, siouan in GP, athabaskan in SW

sw settlements

  • hokokam, anasazi, pueblos located here

  • lived in large groups before europeans came

nw settlements

  • located from alaska → norcal

  • hunting + gathering, v isolated

great plains

  • hunters, farming + trading

  • raised their own crops + traded

  • got horses in 17th cen. by trading + stealing

  • farming → hunting

mw settlements

  • tons of food = prosperity

  • hunting, fishing, agriculture

ne settlements

  • ohio valley → ny state

  • seneca, cayuga, onondaga, oneida, mohawk

  • powerful, battled rivals + europeans

atlantic seaboard settlements

  • nj → fl

  • rivers + oceans = food

TL;DR: large populations, but not as large as SA bc slow spread of maize, lived in settlements, tribes all over the place w/ various langs

european exploration

  • columbus voyages = europeans to NA

cause 1: improvements in tech

  • renaissance in 15th + 16th cens.

  • gunpowder + sailing compass used (inv. by chinese)

  • improved in shipbuilding + mapmaking

  • printing press = knowledge spread (europe)

cause 2: religious conflicts

  • moors (muslim) took over spain, spanish christians took it back + made it roman catholic

  • catholics v. protestants = both desire to go to NA to spread religion

TL;DR: columbus voyages to NA, renaissance = improvements in tech + religious conflicts = desire to go to NA

expanding trade

  • desire to trade to even more places (europeans)

new routes

  • sail so. along w. africa coast → e. china OR sail w. across atl. ocean

  • south + east = shortest route

  • set up voyages to explore while columbus thought he got to india (he didn’t)

slave trading

  • enslaved ppl captured in wars

  • portugese traded for slaves in w. africa (15th cen.)

  • used slaves for sugar plantations

  • very profitable, used it in americas

african resistance

  • resisted slavery however possible

  • thousands of miles away from home, but ran, sabotaged work, revolted

  • kept african culture alive while they were away from home

TL;DR: europeans desire to trade more, created voyages to trade w/ asia, used enslaved ppl for money (portugese mostly), brought it to NA, african ppl resisted slavery + kept culture

early explorations

  • economy + politics + social conditions in europe = christopher columbus

christopher columbus

  • 8 years LF $ support

  • sailing west (europe → “indies”)

  • isabella + ferdinand (spain) gave columbus 3 ships + ton of power (1492)

  • canary islands → bahamas (oct 6-12, 1492)

  • cool in spain, but didn’t get much

columbus legacy

  • died in 1506 thinking he found his route to asia (he didn’t)

  • spaniards didn’t like columbus bc he found a “new world”

  • people don’t like that he named the people he found “indians”

  • land named for amerigo vespucci

  • injustices faced by native americans post-european colonization

  • perm. interaction btwn world


  • euro + native american cultures = very different

  • contact resulted in columbian exchange

  • columbian exchange = plants, animals, germs across atl. ocean

  • europeans learned abt corn, sweet + white potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco

  • got syphilis too (ruh roh shaggy)

  • europeans brought sugarcane, bluegrasses, pigs, horses, the wheel, iron implements, germs

  • smallpox + measles = death

  • death rate in the millions, wiped out lots of tribal communities

dividing the americas

  • spain + portugal first to get territory in americas

  • claims → disputes

  • pope = mediator, created line of demarcation, gave spain west of line, portugal east (1493)

  • spain + portugal moved line a bit more west, signed treaty of torsedillas (1494)

  • line gave portugal brazil, spain rest of the americas

spanish exploration + conquest

  • spain gave power to expand to conquistadores (explorers + conquerors)

  • various trips gave spain power in the americas

  • ships loaded w/ gold + silver from mexico + peru → spain

  • increased gold supply by more than 500%, richest + most powerful nation in europe

  • got others to come to americas for gold + power

  • encomienda system = king giving ppl land + natives

  • indians forced to farm + work in mines

  • rewards given to masters, “took care” of them

  • diseases + brutality wiped out natives

  • slavery started w/ asiento system

  • required to pay taxes on each slave brought to americas

english claims

  • john cabot → newfoundland (1497)

  • not much exploration happened, too busy w/ other issues

  • exploration that was attempted failed

french claims

  • started exploring in 1524 w/ giovanni da verazanno (italian explorer)

  • explored part of NA e. coast

  • also got land from jacques cartier (1534-1542)

  • kind of busy w/ other issues, like english

  • est. first claim by samuel de champlain - quebec (1608)

  • next major claim by louis jalliet + fr. jacques marquette - upper miss. river (1673)

  • louisiana founded by robert de la salle (1682)

dutch claims

  • netherlands sponsored voyages to americas (1600s)

  • henry hudson sailed to hudson river, established dutch claims (1609)

  • became new amsterdam, then NY

  • gave dutch west india co. the right to control the region (economy benefits)

TL;DR: christopher columbus found the new world, leading to columbian exchange (trade btwn. europe + NA), killing millions of various tribal communities, spain became richest nation (european) + started slavery, leading to england, france, and the netherlands coming to colonize the americas

spanish settlements in north america

  • spanish created various settlements in NA, but slow dev.

  • lack of minerals + resistance from native americans


  • failed a lot + resistance from native americans there

  • established st. augustine (oldest city in USA founded by europeans) in 1565

new mexico

  • santa fe est. capital (1610)

  • tried to christianize native americans → pueblo ppl revolt (1680)

  • spanish sent away until 1692


  • est. settlements btwn FL + NM

  • settlements grew (early 1700s)

  • spain resisted french exploring lower miss. river


  • started bc russians were exploring alaska

  • est. perm. settlements in san diego (1769) + san fransisco (1776)

  • members of fransiscan order = missions + settlements

  • fr. junipero serra founded 9 missions

TL;DR: spanish created various settlements all over the place, but slow dev. from lack of minerals + resistance from NA; created settlements in florida (1565), new mexico (1610), texas (early 1700s), + california (1769)

european treatment of native americans

  • europeans didn’t like NAs

  • viewed as inferior, exploitable, converted to christianity, military allies

  • various approaches used to control + operate colonies

spanish policy

  • settled in mexico + peru, found aztec + inca empires

  • diseases killed most natives, but ppl in empires could be laborers for the spanish

  • many died from either disease(s) or forced labor

  • explorers + soldiers married natives + africans

  • africans were captured + taken to provide slave labor for spanish colonists

  • class system dominated by “pure-blooded” spaniards

bartolome de las casas

  • disagreed w/ views pf europeans abt NAs

  • owned land + slaves in west indies, fought in wars against indians

  • became advocate for better treatment of indians

  • advocated for new laws of 1542 - ended indian slavery, halted any forced indian labor, started the end of the encomienda system

  • other ppl got king to repeal parts of new laws

valladolid debate

  • large debate over indians in spanish colonies took place in valladolid (spain, 1550-1551)

  • las casas said that slavery wasn’t justified bc indians were human + morally equal

  • juan gines de sepulveda argued that they benefitted the system, so he won the argument

english policy

  • settled in areas w/o large native empires

  • english colonists came in families, native marriage less common

  • massachusetts = english + native coexistence for a while

  • english viewed native american culture as savage

  • english took more and more land, expelled natives

french policy

  • french LF furs + catholic converts

  • native americans = economic + military allies

  • good relations, built trading posts along st. lawrence valley, great lakes region, miss. river

  • french goods → beaver pelts + furs from native americans

  • less threat to natives, helped huron ppl fight iroquois

native american reaction

  • na tribes = distinct groups

  • no concern of unified response from settlers

  • european goods = motivation to interact

  • after mass death, they needed new ways to survive

  • some tribes allied w/ settlers

  • past the point of return for life pre-settlers

TL;DR: europeans really didn’t like NAs, treated them poorly, spanish killed many + found laborers from empires + africans, english coexisted w/ NAs until they were expelled, french helped ppl fight iroquois + allied w them, european goods = reason to interact, some alliances w/ settlers, but past the point of return for life pre-settlers
