Definition: is the process of replicating the characteristics of physical activity in training to ensure it benefits performance. The 4 categories to consider:
Muscle group used
Skills performed
Fitness component used
Predominant energy systems used
For example, would be inappropriate for a swimmer to carry out most of his/her training on land. Although there are certainly benefits gained, the majority of the training programme should involve pool-based work
Progressive Overload (FIT - Frequency, Intensity and Time)
The human body responds to stress caused by physical work. This adaptation is sometimes known as a training effect. As the adaptation takes place the body becomes comfortable with the new workload
Subsequent progressive overload is required to cause further change
Variables to apply include:
Distance of the work
Time of recovery periods
Number of sets
Definition: This means that any improvement or change that takes place as a consequence of training will be reversed when you stop training
Definition: is all about providing different activities, formats and drills in training while still addressing the aims of the training programme
Changes and activities can improve motivation, making training more enjoyable and less boring
Recovery (rest principle)
Definition: the process of dividing the annual training plan into a series of manageable phases (mesocycles).
Each phase can then target a specific series of attributes to be developed within a period
It is broken down into parts
(i) Macro Cycle
the training programme of an athlete for the entire year or season
(ii) Meso Cycle
Block of training designed to achieve a specific goal that fits within one of the training phases
Maybe be transition, preparation or competition
(iii) Microcycles
A weekly training programme that forms an important foundation of the athletes’ longer-term training programme
Preparation Phase (Pre-season)
8-12 weeks
Primary goals:
Building strength and endurance
Developing sport-specific skills
Establishing a fitness baseline
Gradually increasing intensity
Competition Phase
Throughput main season
Focus: Performance optimisation
Primary goals:
Maintenance of peak fitness
Sport-specific training
Recovery between competitions
Traning adjustments:
Reduced volume, maintained intensity
Technical refinement
Tactical preparation
High but strategic intensity
Transtion phase (Post-Season)
4-6 weeks after competition
Foucs: active recovery and mental refersherment
Light exercise and cross-training
Injury rehabilitation if needed
Mental recovery and goal setting
Low to moderate intensity