Which ocean is the largest? The Pacific
Which ocean is the shallowest? The Arctic
Is the southern ocean bordered by land? No
Do inland seas often have a higher salinity than typical ocean water? Yes
As atmospheric carbon dioxide increases, ocean acidity also increases
How are the oceans changing? Sea ice is melting, sea levels are rising, the oceans are warming and becoming more acidic
Current global population? 7.8 billion
What is the lesson from the cod fishery in New England? A fishery that has been doo severely depleted may never recover
Did Aristotle say “ "That which is common to the greatest number has the least care bestowed upon it"? Yes
In what ways are humans affecting the oceans? Sea level rise, water warming, water acidification, melting ice
How much sea level rise is expected by 2100? I meter
The steady rise in global fishing since the early 1900s is evidence of increasing fish population/ false
By-catch is the same as unintended catch / true
Fish farms use natural fish as food / true
Coral bleaching is the result of water acidification / true
As individuals, we can impact the ocean fisheries with our eating habits / true
Additives are used to enhance the physical and chemical properties of a polymer / true
How does diesel oil differ from methane? Diesel oil is a longer hydrocarbon chain
Volcanic islands are so productive because they deflect warm surface water downward/ false
The largest migration of life is the daily migration from the deep ocean / true
In what ways does plastic harm marine life? Ingestion, entanglement, and hormone mimicry
What happens as plastic fragments reduce in size? Their chemical impact increases
As the size of a plastic particle decreases, what happens to the chemical impact? It increases
What is true of navigating with the north star? Its height above the horizon can be used to infer latitude
Is oceanography more interdisciplinary than most sciences? Yes
What did Eratosthenes not do? Discover the depth of the Mariana Trench
What major technological development is associated with the Ming Dynasty? The compass
Was Darwin’s Beagle voyage the first purely scientific expedition? No
What result did the Great Iron Catastrophe have? Causes nickel and iron to settle to the core of the earth due to a very large impact
What is the Habitable Zone? The area of the solar system where liquid water can occur
Was the Oxygen Revolution a sudden loss of oxygen from Earth’s atmosphere? No
What is true about Earth’s magnetic field? It requires a fluid iron-nickel core, it allows Earth to retain its water, it deflects the solar winds, and it requires radioactive heating
What do the waters that fill the ocean come from? Comets, rocks and minerals, and volcanoes
What zone contains no life? The Azoic Zone
What is used in bottom trawls? Dolly rope
What is used to detect bottom depth? An echo sounder
What has no nutritional value when ingested? Microplastics
What can cross cell boundaries? Nanoplastics
What measurement requires accurate timekeeping? Longitude
What is reverse tribute? An ancient chinese trade technique
How does a tsunami change as it comes to shallow water? It gets taller
Is the asthenosphere more ‘plastic’ than the lithosphere? Yes
What do volcanoes at subduction zones create? Island arcs
What is the lithosphere? Rigid and brittle
What is the construction of outer planets? Gaseous
What is the asthenosphere? Soft and plastic
What is the earth’s crust made up of? Mostly silicate material
What is the lower mantle and core of the earth made up of? Mostly iron and nickel
What are hot spots? Stationary volcanoes
What is the curie point? The point that locks in magnetism
What occurs at a divergent plate boundary? A mid-ocean ridge
What is the makeup of inner planets? Rocky
What is a magnetic stripe? A reversal of magnetic energy
What occurs at convergent plate boundaries? Trenches
What are the four types of plate boundaries? Divergent, convergent, insurgent, and transform
Does the earth’s magnetic field allow it to retain its water and atmosphere? Yes
Is the thickest sediment of the ocean found near mid-ocean ridges? No
What occurs at convergent plate boundaries? Subduction zones
Is a collapsing wave one of the named killer waves? No
Why is the earth’s interior still hot? Radioactive decay
What occurs at divergent plate boundaries? Spreading centers
How old are the oldest rocks in the ocean? 170 million years old
Why was Alfred Wegner’s theory of continental drift initially rejected? He was not a geologist
Is the curie point the point at which temperature reversal occurs? No
How did the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa create a killer wave? A landslide into the ocean
Do stars make lighter elements out of heavier ones? No
Is a hot spot a type of plate boundary? No
Where do oceanic trenches occur and why? At subduction zones, where slab pull occurs
Why do we have rocky and gaseous planets? Solar winds swept lighter atoms away
Do transform faults offset ocean ridges? Yes
How does earthquake focus change at subduction zones? It becomes progressively deeper
Do magnetic stripes record changes in the earth’s magnetic field? Yes
What is true about Earth’s magnetic field? It deflects solar winds, retains water, requires an iron-nickel core, and requires radioactive heating
Does the earth’s crust have more aluminum and silica than the rest of the earth? Yes
Why is the continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico so pockmarked? Numerous salt domes
How much lower was the sea level during the last ice age? 130 meters
Is the Monterrey Canyon a submarine trench formed by subduction? No
What will you encounter if you drill into the center of an atoll? Volcanic rocks
Where do oceanic trenches occur and why? At subduction zones, where slab pull occurs
What are black smokers? Hydrothermal vents near spreading centers
What is an atoll? A seamount in a tropical area
Is an active continental margin narrow? Yes
How do increased spreading rates affect sea level? By raising it
What is chemosynthesis? The oxidation of sulfides
What is a mid ocean ridge linked to? A spreading center
Where does sediment accumulate? Trenches
How did the glacial period affect sea levels? By lowering them
What do turbidites do? Erode offshore canyons
What is a guyot? A flat topped seamount
What occurs at a passive continental margin? Not subduction lol
What do abyssal hills, seamounts, atolls, and guyots have in common? They were all once volcanoes
Do faster spreading rates cause a lowering of global sea level? No
What is way to increase global sea level? Increase spreading rates
Do passive continental margins cause narrow continental shelves? No
What geographical feature accounts for most of the ocean? Abyssal Plains
What is the origin of the Bahama Banks? A buildup of calcium carbonate over time
Why do mud volcanoes get so tall? There is nothing to erode them
What chemicals are discharged at hydrothermal vents? Sulfides
All seamounts are guyots, but not all guyots are seamounts / false
What does it mean that water is a dipolar molecule? It has a positive side and a negative side
Does water take heat as it changes from a vapor to a liquid? No
Where does most ocean dust come from? Adjacent land areas
Does water have a relatively large liquid range? Yes
Is pelagic sediment deposited in the costal areas? No
Are the white cliffs of dover marine deposits of silicious ooze? No
Why is there very little carbonate ooze in the Pacific Ocean? The floor is below the CCD
Does condensation release heat? Yes
Is IRD the depth of infrared light penetration? No
Does red light or blue light penetrate the ocean more? Blue light
Can dust from Africa make it to the Americas? Yes
Is the largest reservoir of carbon on earth fossil fuels? No
Is the lack of carbonate ooze in the Pacific because it is too shallow? No, it is because it is too deep
What happens to the recreational beach after hard-stabilization? It is lost
What are two practical issues with replenishment? It is expensive and does not last very long
Low pH? Acids
What is methane hydrate? Ice that burns
Does red light or blue light penetrate more? Blue light
What is ooze? Biogenic sediment
Does evaporation take heat? Yes
What does lithogenic mean? Rocks and minerals
What does IRD cause? Glaciers
What are microtektites? Cosmogenic material
What does a stable environment mean for water? A large liquid range
Where does siliceous ooze occur most often? Below the CCD
Condensation/ releases heat
What causes increased water density? More salt
Where does carbonate ooze occur? Above the CCD
Are manganese nodules hydrogenous? Yes
Where do thin sediment accumulations occur? The deep ocean
What decreases water density? Warm water