- Significant digits represent ALL measured digits and one estimated digit
- Must assume every number we encounter was measured correctly
- Placeholder zeros are NOT significant digits
0.003 ← 1 SF
0.00300 ← 3 SF
45,000,000 ← 2 SF
45,000,000. ← 8 SF
4.500 × 107 ← 4 SF
- Scientific notation REMOVES insignificant zeros
0.00300 → 3.00 × 10-3
45,000,000 → 4.5 × 107
Math with Significant Digits
- Adding and subtracting: round final answer to the least precise measurement
46.1 + 3.995 = 50.095
tenths =50.1
- Multiplying and dividing: round final answer to the least significant digit
46.1 × 3.995 = 184.1695
3 4 = 184