Holy rosary:
holy cross: the life of Jesus
1st bead [apostles creed]- summarizes great mysteries of the catholic faith
our father: introduces each mystery, ACTS[4 types of prayer]
the first part of Hail Mary- the angel’s words announcing Christ’s birth and Elizabth’’s greeting to Mary
ST. Pius V [pope]- officially added 2nd part of the Hail Mary
holy spirit: works for and in the people of God.
mysteries of the rosary- centers on the events of Christ’s life [annunciation, birth, visitation, death, resurrection]
Shema- contains the litany
beads of the Rosary: some of our identity as Catholic Christians
Latin term rosarium meaning rose garden
medieval Latin it means garland;string of beads;series of prayers
in medieval Latin only contained the apostle creed, our Father and 1 Hail Mary
a scripture-based prayer [sacred scriptures- bible’s New Testament]
1214 [complete document']- it was received in its present form and according to the method we use today [before Jesus only used shema and 18 benedictions with no pattern]
St. John Paul II - says that the rosary is a compilation of the gospel and is intended to help us grow in faith as we come to understand the life, death, resurrection and ascension, and about the church.
compendium- compilation of documents
Pope Francis: says that the rosary is the clarification of the teachings in the rosary of the history of God’s mercy and becomes a history of salvation for all who let themselves be shaped by grace
synthesis- clarification of the teachings in the rosary
St. Dominic and rosary:
received it from blessed virgin as a way to convert the Albigensians [athiest and idolatrists]
they withdrew to the forest near Toulouse France and prayed for 3 days and 3 nights
apparition: our lady appeared to st. dominic accompanied by 3 angels
principal weapon: the angelic psalter [foundation stone of the New testament]
st. dominic as a person:
born in Caleruega, spain in 1170
parents: felix guzman and juanna of aza
educated in schools of palencia and devoted 6 years to arts an 4 to theology
founded the religious and missionary congregation of orders of preachers [OP] or dominicans [owners of UST]
spread the rosary - a marian devotion
died at age 51 on august 6, 1221
feast of our lady of the rosary- October 7, 1579 by st. pius V to commemorate the naval battle of Lepanto and the victory of vhristians over the turks.
sancuatry of lorento- litanies taken from sanctuary in lorento in italu were added to the rosary in 1592
fatima Portugal, 1971
dictated by virgin mary to the 3 visionaries [Francisco, lucia and jacinta]
“oh my jesus forgive us our sins” origin
pope john paul II 2002
added 4th set of mysteries “harmonious mysteries or mysteries of light”
5 mysteries celebrate event in jesus’ ministry
peter john and james witnessed the transfiguration of jesus
mysteries in the rosary:
20 mysteries divided into 4 [joyful, sorrowful, glorious, and luminous] reflect the principal events of the lif of Jesus and Mary
Holy Rosary is a matter of Love:
we practice this Marian tradition but not as a monotonous prayer but to commemorate and proclaim the life, purity, and holiness of Mary and Jesus.
sacrament of confirmation: a sacrament of witnessing
part of the sacrament of invitation [baptism, confirmation, holy eucharist]
stage where you can digest the teachings of the Kingdom
confirmed Christians: being at the service of the kingdom
rite of communion:
bishop: ordinary minister of confirmation
priest: may administer
know the holy spirit [given in baptism strengthened in confirmation]
recognize the holy spirit in actions and gifts
gifts: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, piety, pear of the lord, fortitude
food of the spirit: virtues, love
be willing to follow the holy spirit’s inspiration
have a proper sponsor to support you in your journey of growth
introductory rites:
gathering ritual
candidates of confirmation
sponsor, families, and members of the congregation
Bishop, parish priest, liturgical ministers
liturgy of the word:
presentation of candidates
The bishop reads the names of each candidate
listening to God’s words and learning his will
renewal of baptism promises
bishop speaks to candidates
renouncing satan and all his works
professing our faith in god
laying of hands: a sign of the descent of the holy spirit
anointing with sacred chrism: made of balsam and olive oil
messiah: means anointed one
“be sealed with the gift of the holy spirit”
prayers of the faithful
liturgy of the eucharist:
several special prayers for the newly confirmed
renewal of baptismal promises:
being “sealed” with the holy spirit
prophets of the old testament:
Isiah: Yahweh as a creator and ruler [a place where Yahweh is king or where there is a king]
Jeremiah: guide and help [god’s kingdom is a place with a leader to guide and help the people]
Zephaniah: messiah-king
Ezekiel: new era and new covenant who is Jesus [ a vision that is perfected in the new Testament through the Gospels]
God’s kingdom:
salvific plan of God:
we are challenged to enter the kingdom, judgement day starts the moment we live, not just in our deaths
“Jesus charges us to be part of the kingdom" - Mark 1:15
St. Ignatius’ meditation called “The Call of the King”
St. Ignatius’ book called “spiritual exercises”
Jesus proclaimed the kingdom during his ministry and is foretold in the Old Testament though the books of the prophets:
Zephaniah and Zechariah [talk about the kingdom as a kingdom with a king]
Isiah and Ezekiel [teachings of Yahweh]
“seek ‘ye first the kingdom of God”:
in seeking we realize the fullness of our faith, freedom, and life purpose
only in Jesus will we attain the full meaning of our life
life apart from Him is empty because it lacks the personal ground for the meaning and purpose of our very lives
unique vision of Jesus:
announces the kingdom [messianic “program of action”]
healing and nature miracles, teachings [parables], worship life [fasting, sacrifice]
teaches us through his parables
mustard seed- kingdom starts small and develops
Pearl of great price- the kingdom is our greatest possession
yeast-kingdom is hidden but not its actions
net- judgment day
treasure- searching for the kingdom
“must seek the kingdom, it’s part of our existence”- Luke
2 major teachings of the church:
the kingdom is a gift as well as a task
gift: given to us by our life making it part of our existence
task": more blessings= more responsilities= our response as a person
response: love, hope, faith
love: put love in everything we will understand the purpose of our life and hope and wisdom will be developed
hope: more that faith is shaken, we must continue to be hopeful, since not all can be understood through human knowledge
faith: to know more and challenge ourselves to be knowledgeable,
Kingdom is here but not yet fully
not fully complete because of the existence of evil, satan, and darkness that has been a part of our life the moment we were born
existence of evil is part of our faith journey, without struggles, we won’t be able to acknowledge our successes
temptation: not a sin just an invitation not until you fall for it then it become a sin
parable: old French parabole meaning “to put beside” [differences and similarities in life of a person] and “to compare” [comparing living things in the surroundings]
converted people can understand the teaching of Jesus using representations of the surroundings in teaching the kingdom of God
Jess presented the qualities of the kingdom of God
Jesus miracles were revealed to reveal his identity as the Messiah
parable of the mustard seed: represents our faith-life
the kingdom of God starts from the smallest and grows into much bigger proportions
mustard seeds give us consolation and hope especially when we are tempted to doubt if our efforts and sacrifices are worth it
the parable tells us that every good deed, no matter how small it may seem, contributes to the building of God’s kingdom of love, peace, and justice [secrets of heaven] and we must not be discouraged
parable of the yeast:
years is indistinguishable when mixed with dough yet the effects of the yeast become apparent and the dough rises to become a leavened bread
the signs of the kingdom are rarely visible, we tend to doubt its work
Jesus encourages us to look beyond what is visible and to trust that god is establishing his kingdom in quiet, but definite ways
parable of the treasure:
treasure symbolizes god’s blessings that manifest the kingdom
the parable tells us that the kingdom of god can come to us in the most ordinary ways an through unexpected persons and events
we must be ready to let go of others that are not of lasting worth such as possessions
parable of pearl of great price:
merchant sells all that he has to afford
when we find the kingdom of god in our lives our other possessions become secondary
parable of the net: describes judgement day
the end of time when good will be rewarded and wicked punished
we are called to a personal relationship with him a relationship that leads us to do good in this world
we must respond in words and actions and we will be judged according to how we have responded
describes king or god [forgiving]
lost sheep, lost coin, lost son, workers in the vineyard
emphasize the kind of response needed to enter the kingdom [sincere relationship with God]
pharisee and tax collector, rich fool, talents
deal with our relationship with other people [treat everyone fairly]
unforgiving servant, good samaritan
refer to the future coming of the kingdom [be welcoming and patient]
wedding feast, ten virgins and weeds among the wheat
god’s loving mercy is at the heart of the good news
god is abba- aramaic word and term of endearment for “father”
have a sincere relationship with god because we are called to enter his kingdom
everyone is called to enter the kingdom
kingdom is a gift to the people of all nations, but requires a response from each one of us
kingdom demands our repentance and persevering response
must be ready to face god with a soul free of sin through repentance and change our old ways and be selfless
rejoice and be hopeful
those who accept god’s message will find the “hidden treasure”
even though there is much suffering and evil in the wolr the kingdom will triumph