Health Statistics and Epidemiology


  • Vital or Health Statistics: Application of statistical measures to vital events (births, deaths, common illnesses) to gauge health levels in communities and countries.

  • Epidemiology: Study of disease distribution and factors affecting it; primarily aims to identify causation factors for preventive measures.

Lesson 1: Vital Statistics

→ Application of statistical measures to vital events (births, deaths, common illnesses)

  • Purpose: Gauge health, illness, and service levels in communities.

Health Indicators

→ list of information that would determine the health of a particular community or country.

  • Metrics to determine community or country health:

    • Population size

    • Crude birth rate

    • Crude death rate

    • Infant and maternal death rates

    • Neonatal death rates

    • Tuberculosis death rate

Common Vital Statistical Indicators

  • Birth

  • Death

  • Marriage

  • Migration

Grouping of Vital Statistical Indicators:

  • Fertility Rates

  • Mortality Rates

  • Morbidity Rates

Definition of Terms

  • Crude Rates: Based on total geographic population.

  • Specific Rates: Events related to specific population segments, valuable for comparison based on characteristics (age, sex, educational attainment, marital status, occupation, race and even exposure to diseases or risk factors of diseases).

  • Midyear Population: Estimated population as of July 1, considers births, deaths, migrations. May be considered a representative of the population for the whole year.

  • Birth: Complete expulsion or extraction of fetus from mother.

  • Live Birth: Infant shows signs of life post-birth (breathing, heartbeat, etc.).

  • Death: World Medical Assembly as early as 1968 identified the following guidelines for physicians as indications of death;

    • absence of response to stimuli

    • no muscular movement

    • no reflexes

    • flat encephalogram(brainwaves)

  • Maternal Death: Death of a woman during pregnancy or within 90 days post-termination, regardless of cause or method of termination.
