All basic drives fall into two broad categories which are life and death.
Life or sex drives, also known as “Eros,” describe the need for survival, reproduction, and pleasure. Hunger and pain avoidance… These drives are part of the unconscious.
“Sexual energy,” or libido, is the energy of a sexual drive or erotic desire. Erogenous zones (mouth, anus, genitals) are biophysiological sites of tension and pleasure experience.
Death drives, also known as “Thanatos,” describes how, “The goal of life is death,” Freud (1920). Maybe pessimistic…but acknowledges that all life drives are seeking a release of tension… a cessation of that tension. From the previous example, you are eating a sandwich, so you cease the tension of being hungry.
Physiological apoptosis describes the gene-like cell death to combat cancer and seems to be a part of human development. it helps to describe the way we age.
Life/Eros and Death/Thanatos produces all kinds of drives and work together and against each other. For example, aggression as a product of Eros thwarting Thanatos.
Libidinal and Aggressive energies are expressed separately but side by side, also known as sadism.