APUSH- Unit 3 Notes

Yalta Conference

  • In February 1945, Allied forces got together at YALTA (southern Russia at the time)

    • FDR, Churchill, and Stalin got together to discuss post-WW2 plans

      • the decisions they make at Yalta shape the entire rest of the 20th century

      • Yalta establishes the basis for what becomes the “Cold War”

  • 1st priority was to Re-establish order in European nations that the Axis had controlled for so long

    • FDR, Churchill, and Stalin agree to restore self-government

      • this allows the people to decide what government they want to lead their country →DEMOCRACY

        • Stalin later changed his mind in the late 1940s and forced Eastern European countries to become communist

          • He wants an empire

    • The only nation that will not be allowed to determine their government is Germany (they were afraid of how that vote would go)

      • Germany is divided into 4 zones of occupation to keep it under allied control and prevent future agression

        • The allied powers will govern each zone; USA, England, USSR, and, France

        • Berlin was also divided into 4 zones

          • drove Stalin crazy because we had a “little piece of his land”

            • to get Stalin to agree to the division of Berlin, Half of the $20 billion war reparations collected by Germany were to go to the USSR.

  • Poland was greatly affected by WW2 so, Chrichhil and FDR wanted to Expand the Polish borders and give the country a larger coastline on the Baltic Sea

  • At the time of Yalta, the war in the Pacific was still going on but the atomic bombs had not been launched yet. Stalin agreed to enter the war within 6 months. Russian troops never had to fight because at the time the US dropped the 2 atomic bombs on Japan.

    • In exchange for his help in the Pacific, the US and the USSR returned the islands they had lost to Japan 40 years earlier.

  • Lastly, Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations ideas were revisited and renamed “United Nations”

    • Every country was invited, and every country had a voice

    • The UN could raise a military to enforce its “peaceful’ objectives

    • The allied countries gave themselves more power than other countries in the UN “Security Council” (the committee in charge of raising and sending an army)—> 15 countries that decide whether to send troops into battle

      • The “Big Five” nations have absolute veto power meaning those 5 countries have to agree to send forces, disagree, and it doesn’t happen!

      • Those “Big Five” nations are: USA, USSR, France, England, and, China

Cold War 1945-1991

  • period of great tension between capitalism and communism, short of actual war

  • Stalin moved troops into Eastern Europe to spread communism

    • US response: The Truman Doctrine

      • US foreign policy based on the containment of communism

        • Containment: to stop something from spreading

      • How??

        • economically/militarily

          • Economically Containment: The Marshall Plan

            • The US offers money to European nations to help rebuild Europe ($13 billion, supplies, food, etc..)

            • USSR & Eastern European countries refuse aid (Western Europe accepts aid)

    • 1948: West German sectors unite

      • 1949: Berlin Blockades

        • USSR blocks all access to West Berlin

        • US response: Berlin Airlift

          • drop in supplies to aid the people of West Berlin; food, medicine, clothing, etc.

          • after 10 months, the Soviets took down the blockade and allowed access to West Berlin.

          • N.A.T.O Treaty: The US realizes it needs a military presence in Europe, especially Germany, to prevent Soviet expansion

          • Warsaw Pact: Communist countries come up with their alliance

  • Cold War In Asia

    • China, 1949: Communist Revolution!

      • Mao Zedong defeats Chaing Kai-shek

      • Chaing flees to Taiwan because Mao is going to kill him

        • U.S decides to ignore the takeover and believes that Chaing Kaishek is still the leader—> led to a belief that Taiwan is now “China”

        • U.N. recognizes Taiwan as the official “CHINA”

          • The “Big Five” changes to: the USA, Russia, England, France, Taiwan

          • Stalin did not like that change, so he left the United Nations—> no communist countries

          • s in the U.N, meaning they could try and contain the spread of communism

    • The Korean War

      • WW2: Japan controlled Korea

      • Divided after WW2: North= USSR, South= USA

        • “38th Parallel”

      • June 1950: North invades South

      • United Nations Security Council votes 14-0 to send troops to aid South Korea

        • Soviets are not there to veto

        • American General Douglas MacArthur put in charge of troops

        • 1st time US troops are sent into battle without the approval of Congress

        • UN pushes Communists back across the “38th parallel”

      • Truman orders MacArthur to pull back to the “38th parallel”

        • MacArthur denies—> he did this because he didn’t have to listen to Truman because he was working for the UN not America

        • He begins to criticize Truman

        • He sends a letter to Mao threatening to invade China

        • China enters the War and pushes UN troops back into South Korea

        • Truman fires MacArthur—> Matthew Ridgeway is put in charge

          • He follows orders and advances back to the “38th parallel” and the War slows down—> “Stalemate”

        • Meanwhile, MacArthur comes home a “hero”

          • people like the fact that he’s tough on communism

          • many people wanted him to run for president in 1952—> he ends up retiring

    • Election of 1952: Dwight D. Eisenhower became president

      • promises the people: “I will go to Korea”

      • He negotiated an armistice in 1953—> ends the war

    • Results of the Korean Conflicts

      • No border changes

      • 2 million killed, 54,000 US soldiers dead

      • The United Nations worked!

      • Cold War intensifies

The 1950s

  • Eisenhower Politics: “We Like Ike”

    • hard-line Anti-Communist stance

  • Stalin dies in 1953

    • New leader in Russia: Nikita Khruschev

    • wants to build a relationship with the Americans

      • called it: “Peaceful Coexistence”

      • his actions were completely different

  • Ike’s Cold War Policies

    • The Domino Theory states that if one nation falls to communism, it will produce a chain reaction leading to neighboring countries' fall.

    • Brinkmanship: Belief that it was necessary to go to the brink of war to maintain peace

      • Massive Retaliation: threatening nuclear counter-attack in response to any soviet aggression

    • M.A.D= Mutual Assured Destruction

    • Arms Race: a race to see which country has more weapons

  • Space Race

    • Soviets beat the U.S. with Sputnik launch on October 4, 1957

    • U.S. created a space program called NASA

  • Paranoia at home

    • Cold War fear-people think the Russians could send missiles at any time

    • 1950s School bomb drills

  • Red Scare: “McCarthyism”

    • Senator Joe McCarthy

    • wanted to become more popular for re-election and made a speech about communist spies!—> fake news!

  • CIA-crafted as a network for covert actions (communism overseas)

    • foreign affairs

    • if they do their job right, the U.S. can get away with things without causing a war

  • The U-2 incident

    • U-2: spy plane (spied on Russians)

      • U-2 shot down by Russians

      • Pilot: Francis Gray Powers

        • breaks agreement to “peaceful coexistence”

        • the Cold War becomes more tense

  • 1960 Presidential Election

    • Eisenhower served two terms, people liked him

    • Republican side: Richard Nixon

    • Democrat side: John F. Kennedy

      • John F. Kennedy won!!

        • Kennedy looked more appealing on television therefore Nixon lost votes

        • rumors that both candidates cheated because they had connections with the mafia

    • John F. Kennedy Background

      • Democrat

      • Boston, Mass

      • Wealthy Family

      • Catholic

      • WW2 Naval Hero

      • Senator

      • Author

    • People liked the Kennedys

    • He was the youngest President-43

    • “The New Frontier”- Kennedy policies

  • Top advisor: Attorney General- Robert Kennedy

  • Foreign Policy: Containment of Communism

    • Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)

      • Castro took over Cuba with communism

    • The Berlin Wall (1962)

      • different from the Berlin blockade, this was intended to stop people from escaping the communist East to free west.

    • Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)

      • Blockade - Quarantine set up around Cuba to stop any new missiles from entering Cuba

      • stop Soviet ships from entering Cuba

        • The high point of the war, the world was seconds from nuclear obliteration

        • Khrushchev orders ships to turn back at the least possible moment

        • 2 messages from Khrushchev:

          • 1. USA promise never to invade Cuba

          • 2. USA removes its NATO missiles from Turkey

          • JFK ignores the second and only responds to the first letter on national television—> ends Cuban missile crisis—> big win for Kennedy

          • Russia removed its missiles and Cuba remains a communist country today

The Vietnam Era

  • Southeast Asia:1945-54

    • Vietnam was in Indo-China

      • Indo-China was a French colony

      • People did not like it!

    • Vietminh fought against the French for independence

      • Leader—> Ho Chi Minh

    • The Geneva Conference

      • France gives up all claims to Southeast Asia

      • let Vietnam determine what their government will look like—> elections held in 1956

        • Ho Chi Minh is a communist!—> won the election

        • His opponent NGO DINH DIEM—> Capitalist

      • The US gets worried because it looks like the Domino Theory is taking effect.

      • The US sends ADVISORS to Vietnam to cancel elections—> invading the country because the people did not ask for our help. The elections never take place.

      • Supporters of Ho Chi Minh (communists) are upset and begin fighting against the Americans

      • North Vietnam: Communists, Ho Chi Minh, backed by China and the USSR

      • South Vietnam: Capitalist, Ngo Dinh Diem, US soldiers backed by the USA

      • Vietnam-different kind of warfare

        • Jungle warfare

        • Vietcong

          • National Liberation front

          • communists who lived in the SOUTH but fought for the NORTH, the US didn’t know who they were because they looked like average citizens

  • August 1964: The Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    • North Vietnam bombs American ship and it sunk

    • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: granted the President (Lyndon B. Johnson) power “to take all the necessary measures” to win the war in Vietnam—> aka “blank check”

      • congress gives up power to run the war

    • LBJ can escalate the war by sending an overwhelming number of soldiers over to Vietnam—> more American lives lost the public starts to take notice

  • Anit-War Movement (hippies)

    • emerged in the 1960s, nonconformist, wanted to be different, change

    • Why protest Vietnam?

      • Vietnam did not want America’s help

        • They elected a communist official and were okay with it

      • from Vietnam’s POV America is invading their country

        • Americans felt that those were not good reasons to go to war

      • Americans were getting drafted

      • Vietnam was on TV—> a constant reminder of how bad it was

  • 1968

    • Heaviest US troops in Vietnam; 536,100

    • War costs $25 million PER YEAR

    • Turning point of the war—> The TET Offensive

      • Communists launch a series of surprise attacks on over 30 cities in South Vietnam

      • US/ARVN(Army of South Vietnam) forces caught unaware

      • Communists start to win the war

    • On the Homefront: Assignations

      • Martin Luther King, JR. April 4, 1968

      • Robert F. Kennedy June 6, 1968

        • he was also running for president

  • 1968 Presidental Election

    • Lyndon Johnson(DEM.) decides not to run again

    • Richard Nixon- Republican

    • Democrats are torn between two candidates- Herbert Humphery (Lyndon Johnson’s VP) and Eugene McCarthy

      • Protests and riots at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago because of Lyndon Johnson’s way of handling Vietnam

    • Democrats nominate: Humphery

    • Richard Nixon wins!

  • Nixon’x Policy

    • Vietnamization: the process of gradual US withdrawal to turn the war over to Vietnam, to let them fight their war.

  • 1969

    • Nixon still wants to win the war

      • Increased bombing of North Vietnam

      • “Secret War” invasion of Cambodia & Laos

        • to cut off the Vietcong supply line

    • The Pentagon Papers-1971

      • Secret State Department documents of all activities in Southeast Asia since 1954 were leaked to the American public

        • Daniel Ellsworth—> A veteran who served in Vietnam and now works in the Pentagon, he sold the paper to the New York Times.

        • Nixon- re-elected in 1972

  • 1973

    • Paris Peace Agreement —> US agrees to withdraw from Vietnam

    • South Vietnam are left to fight on their own

    • The war continues for 2 more years between North and South Vietnam

  • April 1975

    • Saigon falls to communists

    • Vietnam war ends

  • Post War Wounds

    • America Damaged

    • Country divided

      • Veterans developed PTS syndromes

        • viewed differently by the public

          • they were not considered heroes

        • became addicted to substances

        • had a hard time getting back to normal life

        • suicide rates raised

Lyndon Baines Johnson’s “Great Society” 1963-1969

  • Democrat

  • Texas

  • Teacher

  • House of Reps 1937-42

  • Senate 1948-60

  • V.P. 1961-63

    • Became president after JFK’s Assassination in 1963

  • “The Great Society”

    • Main goals: end poverty, and inequality, reducing crime, and improving the environment

      • War On Poverty

        • Tax cuts

        • food stamps

        • job crops/youth crops

        • money to education

        • work—study

        • department of transportation

        • Department of Housing and Urban Development

        • loans to farmers and small businesses

        • medicare/Medicaid

      • Relaxed Immigration Quotas

      • Consumer Protection

        • Safety on roads—> Highway Safety Act

          • Seatbelts in cars, windshields, and road markers. etc..

        • Cigarette Labeling/ Warning

        • Air Quality Act

      • Civil Rights Act of 1964

        • banned discrimination in private facilities open to the public

        • Affirmative Action 1965

        • 24th Amendment

          • Outlawed poll taxes

        • Voting Rights Act of 1965

          • outlawed literacy tests

Civil Rights Background

  • Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

    • Plessy Homer was arrested for riding in the wrong train car because people found out about his ancestry

    • “Separate But Equal”—> this case led to segregation to be legal

  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas 1954

    • overturn the Plessy decision

      • separate facilities are not equal—> got rid of segregation
