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Animal Farm: Power

Jones’ Cruelty-

Jones’ cruelty is also seen when Old Major says to the younger male pigs: “ every one of you will scream your lives out at the block within a year”


Animalism is all about being equal, however, Napoleon takes power and therefore animalism is corrupted, Orwell’s’ message is that power corrupts.

Control of Language, actions and thoughts-

Napoleon takes control of language ( banned freedom of speech, Squealer’s propaganda, changing history), actions (the dogs, giving the animals less food if they don’t work and purges) and thoughts ( through removing freedom of speech and democracy).


Orwell fought in the Spanish Civil war and was disillusioned with revolutionary politics when he saw how his own side fought among themselves and violence and corruption.

Animal Farm: Power

Jones’ Cruelty-

Jones’ cruelty is also seen when Old Major says to the younger male pigs: “ every one of you will scream your lives out at the block within a year”


Animalism is all about being equal, however, Napoleon takes power and therefore animalism is corrupted, Orwell’s’ message is that power corrupts.

Control of Language, actions and thoughts-

Napoleon takes control of language ( banned freedom of speech, Squealer’s propaganda, changing history), actions (the dogs, giving the animals less food if they don’t work and purges) and thoughts ( through removing freedom of speech and democracy).


Orwell fought in the Spanish Civil war and was disillusioned with revolutionary politics when he saw how his own side fought among themselves and violence and corruption.