Basic introduction to atomic theory and structure is presented.
Have you completed the Intro to Atom Review on pages 1-4?
Review of Intro to Atom (Atoms & Isotopes Quizizz)
Notes on Introduction to the Atom
Complete Practice Problems 1-6 on pages 6 & 7.
Reiterate completion of the Intro to Atom Review on pages 1-4.
Analyze Test Results.
Perform Test Corrections.
Watch videos and take notes from the presentation on Google Classroom.
Overview of student test results.
Engaging quiz regarding the introduction to atoms.
What evidence exists in your everyday life for the existence of atoms?
How has evidence led to the current model of the atom?
Description of how scientists use experimental results to test scientific models.
If experimental results deviate from the model's predictions, the model needs revision or replacement.
Further elaboration on the concept of the atomic model and its evolution.
A robust scientific model can explain/predict numerous results across various experimental circumstances.
How does Coulomb's law help explain atomic structure?
States that the force between two charged particles is proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Forces can be attractive (opposite charges) or repulsive (same charges).
Relevant throughout the unit because it helps explain periodic trends (e.g., ionization energy, atomic size) and overall atomic structure.
Video resource referenced for explanation of Coulomb’s Law (first 2 minutes recommended).
How does light behave as both a particle and a wave?
Light exhibits properties of both particles and waves, presenting a duality.
Explains how this dual behavior contradicts ordinary physical intuition.
The experiment that illustrates the dual wave-particle nature of light.
Ongoing questions regarding how light exhibits both wave-like spreading and particle-like localization.
Light travels at a constant speed in a specific medium (speed of light in a vacuum is c = 2.998 x 10^8 m/s).
Wavelength (λ): the distance between identical points in consecutive cycles (units: m or nm).
Frequency (ν): number of wave cycles passing a point in a unit of time (units: s–1 or hertz).
Differences in amplitude and frequency illustrated with varying wavelengths.
Formula c = λν where c is the speed of light, λ is wavelength, and ν is frequency.
Insists that 1 m = 1 x 10^9 nm is essential for calculations.
Simple instructions on how to calculate frequency from given wavelength data.
Solve for the frequency of an X-ray with a wavelength of 8.21 nm.
Wavelength calculation for infrared radiation with a frequency of 9.76 x 10^13 Hz yields a result of 3.07 x 10^3 nm.
Light exists as particles known as photons; energy of a photon is given by E = hν, where h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J·s).
A humorous anecdote about a photon checking into a hotel.
Calculate the energy of a photon of violet light with a frequency of 6.15 x 10^14 s–1.
Calculate the energy in kilojoules of 1 mol of photons of red light at a wavelength of 632.8 nm.
Determine the energy in joules per photon for ultraviolet light at a wavelength of 235 nm (8.48 x 10^-19 J/photon).
Light on a metal surface can eject electrons; frequency must exceed a threshold.
Kinetic energy is proportional to light’s frequency and independent of light intensity, contradicting wave theory.
Ranked by increasing wavelength and decreasing frequency: Gamma Rays, X-Rays, UV Light, Infrared, Microwaves, Radio Waves.
Approximate Hz frequencies for different categories including cellular, AM radio etc.
The visible spectrum and mnemonic ROYGBIV for color recognition.
Discussion of the characteristics of visible light; wavelengths and corresponding energies.
Compare frequencies of two light sources: faint green vs bright red light.
Reminder to complete practice problems on pages 6 & 7.
Initiation into concepts of atomic orbitals and their significance.
Overview of tasks including review, quizzes, notes on orbitals, and practice problems on page 12.
Review of the atom on pages 1-4 and completion of associated review work.
Breakdown of atomic structure (name, symbol, atomic and mass numbers, neutrons, electrons).
Solutions to example problems presented earlier.
Inquiry loop back to earlier essential question regarding existence of atoms.
How is spectroscopy utilized to determine chemical structure?
General term describing methods of instrumental analysis based on electromagnetic radiation interacting with matter.
Associated electromagnetic spectrum types to molecular transitions (microwave, infrared, UV/Visible).
Description of microwave spectroscopy and its relation to molecular rotation.
Distinction between molecular types in context of microwave activity.
Application of infrared spectroscopy in organic chemistry and functional group identification.
Comparison of energy abilities of UV, Visible, Infrared, and Microwave spectroscopy.
Examples of elements and compounds used in UV/Vis spectroscopic assessments.
Definition of a continuous spectrum as produced from passing white light through a prism.
Explanation of line spectra generated from pure elements and their significance to atomic energy levels.
Visual representation of line spectra produced from gaseous element discharges.
The unique identification of elements through their specific line emission spectra.
Transition from historical atomic understanding to Bohr’s model.
Electrons assumed to have quantized orbits around the nucleus in Bohr's model.
Distinction mentioned between electron states in atomic structure.
Visualization of energy levels in relation to electron transitions.
Explanation of quantized nature and transitions leading to line spectra.
Anecdotal humor regarding energy levels in food analogy.
Hands-on activities or assignments referring back to electron configuration.
Demonstrative example of arranging electrons within orbital diagrams.
Reiterating earlier essential question.
Inquiry about quantum mechanical model of the atom.
Distinguishing modern quantum mechanics from previous atomic models.
Use of mathematical descriptions in quantum mechanics to assess electron positions.
Contemporary software used to apply quantum mechanical models.
Description of limitation in measuring microscopic position and momentum simultaneously.
Impacts of measuring particles, such as photons, affecting their behavior.
Simplifying analogy regarding measuring particles.
Analogy to capture the uncertainty of electron positions.
Light-hearted electron exchange joke.
Another humorous anecdote around Heisenberg's and Schrodinger's principles.
Detailed breakdown of tasks to complete regarding atom reviews and practice problems.
Introduction and importance of quantum numbers.
Using trees and apples to represent electron density distribution.
Explaining the spatial distribution of electrons.
Explanation of parameters used to quantify electron location.
Details on energy levels represented by the principal quantum number.
Overview of elements and their electron configurations by energy level.
Description of shapes indicated by quantum numbers.
Further detailing of orbital representation in periodic classification.
Overview of orientations specific to orbital types and sublevels.
Visual studies of s orbitals.
Spatial representation of three p orbitals.
Discussion of five distinct d orbitals.
Summary of the seven types of f orbitals in chemistry.
Reinforcement of the periodic table structure.
Recap of quantum numbers key to understanding atomic structure.
Description of electron spin description within quantum terms.
Link to a visual summary on quantum theory application.
Link to an interactive educational periodic system.
Check for comprehension through assigned problems.
Overview of electron configurations and their significance.
Outline of modified tasks, including video review and practice work.
External link provided for video studying on electron configurations.
Returning focus to atoms' existence evidence in daily life.
Inquiry into chemists' communication methods for electron location.
Brief summary with key points regarding orbitals and quantum numbers.
Symbol representations and their values listed.
Visual overview of orbitals and their configurations.
Explanation of electron sharing restrictions and their significance.
Overview of electron filling from lowest to highest energy levels.
Illustrative examples of Aufbau principle in action for elements.
Explanation of orbital filling behavior according to Hund's rule.
Visual representation of electron configurations in orbital diagrams.
Description of electron configuration explanations and representations.
Listing of periodic table elements and their configurations.
Summary of electron configurations across the periodic table.
Explanation of how to write orbital notation for elements.
Comparative configurations for element sulfur using spdf notation and orbital diagrams.
Instructions to determine configurations for calcium.
Interactive simulation link for visual learning of electron configurations.
Introduction to condensed electron configuration notation using noble gases.
Discussing configurations and transformations in periodic table context.
Approach to writing configurations in noble gas notation.
Guided configuration writing for strontium in both notations.
Difference in filling orbitals for main group vs transition elements.
Analysis of elements that deviate from expected filling patterns.
Practice on identifying noble gas notation for silver.
Clarification on definitions and distributions of valence vs core electrons.
Practice questions based on identifying valence and core electrons of compounds.
Overview of process for anion configurations, completing electron shells.
Process for determining configurations for metal cations post-electron removal.
Breakdown of configurations for multiple atom types.
Calculate configuration for Co3+ illustrating noble-gas shorthand notation.
Prompt to provide noble gas notation examples for nonmetals and transition metals.
Explanation of isoelectronic series and their significance.
Engage with isoelectronic examples and comparisons.
Completion reminder for practice problems from pages 14-16.
Introduction to Beer’s Law and its relationship to spectroscopic analysis.
Summary of session plans including quizzes and notes.
Comprehensive points regarding quantum number implications and examples.
Key to answers related to earlier questions about quantum numbers.
Recap of ongoing essential question surrounding atom existence in real life.
Inquiry into the functions of electronic and vibrational spectra.
Explains how spectra identify elements and compounds through spectra utilization.
Describe the color absorption characteristics based on light interactions.
Discuss implications for color and absorption within transition metals like Chromium.
Introduced to the spectrophotometer's function and utility in analysis.
Description of colorimetric devices and their purpose.
Detailed viewpoints on how photonic measures take place through absorption metrics.
Definition explaining how absorbance measures light interaction with samples.
Engage in how instruments operate within visible light spectrum ranges.
Controls for wavelength and absorbance adjustments.
Link provided for activities in Beer’s Law experimentation.
Breakdown detailing Beer’s Law and how it relates to concentration measurement.
Explanation on direct relationships between absorbance and concentration.
Example regarding understanding of wavelength absorption principles.
Practical application for concentration determination involving absorbance.
Showcases how calibration curves function in absorbance analysis.
Directing towards Bozeman science summary resource for causative theories.
Overview of food dye sample absorption analysis for concentration understanding.
Detailed observation of molarities across dilutions and their implications.
Final tasks involving assessments through Quizizz.
Keeps track of pre-lab activities in conjunction with investigative tasks.
Classroom expectations are established for organization and procedural flow.
Roadmap for planning out investigation activities and report due dates.
Breaks down investigation expectations concerning teaching procedures.
Sample results related to food dye absorbance leading to inference generation.
Guidelines for effective lab work preparation and safe procedures.
Contextualize understanding measurement and value confidence in results.
Engaging summary regarding trends across the periodic table.
Detailing steps in the assessment of periodic trends.
Return focus to atom existence evidence with periodic trends related.
Outline of observational trends in atomic details reflected in periodic table.
Overview of major elemental families found in the periodic table framework.
Evaluate the structure and respective families that are equivalent.
Explanation of shielding effects on atomic characteristics and their resultant trends.
Discussions on repetitive chemical and physical properties as elements categorized.
Clarifies definitions concerning atomic measurements and relationships.
Explains reasons for atomic radius variations across the periodic table.
Discusses effective nuclear charges on atom sizes based on arrangement.
Listing of elements across various periods of the periodic table.
Explanation of atomic radius increase down groups across the periodic table.
Specific examples showcasing atomic radii trends for visual verification.
Renote to engage understanding of specific elemental trends.
Engage with a specific task of sorting elements based on atomic radius.
Defines ionic radius with comparisons between cations and anions.
Discusses why cations appear smaller than their atomic counterpoints due to electronic change.
Anions compared to neutral atoms that lead to notable size increases.
Data presented on ionic radii for various elements for reference.
Engage with an exercise to compare sizes of ionic species.
Foundations based on energy required to remove electrons from their atom.
Clarification of requirements and assessments necessary for removing electrons.
Discussion on general ionization energy trends and their influential factors.
Notable jumps in energy levels after removing a specific number of electrons.
Compare ionization energy aspects of periodic table elements utilizing trends.
Engage with energy values to calculate valence electrons based on energy statistics.
Question presented to understand ionization energy trends across elements.
Increases across periods due to additional protons enhancing attraction.
Overall atomic representation in terms of their structural elements and energy.
General decreases in ionization energy as electron shielding increases down groups.
Review surrounding jumps within ionization energy and comparative measurements.
Comparative thoughts between major elements to appreciate underlying energy configurations.
Connections made between periodic table elements and ionization levels.
Explaining exceptions to ionization predictions based on energy additions and arrangements.
Discusses electron pair repulsions within orbitals and their role in energy behavior.
Follow-through to concepts concerning attraction versus repulsion and their interdependencies.
Engage with tasks requiring ordering of elements on the basis of input energy.
Understanding the change in energy via electron acquisition.
Increases across periods as protons ultimately draw more electrons.
Emphasizes decreases in electron affinity as areas increase across the periodic table.
Visual representations of periodic trends capturing proton attraction dynamics.
Offers summary observations compared to electron energy and properties.
Discuss ability of different atoms to attract electrons in compounds.
Noted increases across periods, capturing attraction powers of atoms.
Compile notes on general patterns, reflecting on roll models and atomic relationships across fields.
Explore how properties diminish down groups, impacting compound formation.
Compare and contrast definitions crystallizing their individual characteristics.
Discuss practical usages of periodicity in new materials' design and elemental replacements.
Observational evaluations aiding predictability in experimental outcomes.
Table representing key atomic properties and their respective values across periodic table.
Connects to additional study resources reinforcing key principles present in discussions.
Additional links offered for further diving into periodic characteristics.
Developed practice materials deployed in dynamic assessments within elements' properties.
Closure with understanding tracking concepts alongside digital evaluation forms to check for knowledge retention.
Initial overview of mass spectrometry concepts tied to isotopes and compound analysis.
Laying out steps for further exploration within mass spectrometry and assessments thereof.
External video link intended for enhancing student understanding.
Clarifying next steps within laboratory preparations including analytical calculations.
Return to the examination of atom existence in real-life applications.
Core focus on implications mass spectrometry has in chemical structure determination.
Documentation attributions to documents and scientific work referenced throughout modules.
Definition of mass spectrometry now depicted as a powerful analytical tool.
Breakdown of how mass spectrometers function to identify compounds.
Depiction with visual aids of fundamental mass spectrometer components.
Inquiry into isotopes presented through mass spectrum analysis of silicon.
Evaluation of the mixtures and their isotopes observed through mass spectrometry.
Example showcasing weighted averages in atomic mass concerning isotope populations.
Engages in analytical thinking around unknown elements and their carbon structure extraction.
Questions around the understanding of chemical structures via photoelectron spectroscopy.
Description of PES and its significance in understanding electron energies.
Reference back to origins regarding the photoelectric effect and its developments.
Basic look at PES instruments that perform investigative electric structures.
Visual depiction of major system components that comprise photoelectron spectrometry.
Electron ejection probability narrative linked to varying energetic emissions.
Spectrum valuation and derivation of numerical data from energy levels.
Example cases of electron configurations determined from photoelectron spectroscopy.
Evaluate acceptance for electronic orbital matching with PES peak identification.
Inquiry into visual phenomena of PES representations leading to chemical species identification.
Discussion of unknown spectral structures and how to determine elemental characteristics.
Group pre-lab related inquiry, focusing on computational assistance.
Application of Beer’s Law in sample assessments in lab-related investigations.
End with key reflective summary and exit rationale for gauging understanding.
Referencing ongoing assessment indicators and tracking for forthcoming investigations.
Detailing course management and planned learning modules focused on assessments and covers. 1