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Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Describing Concentration

Solute: The substance that dissolves

Solvent: The major component of the solution

Concentration: The amount of solute present in a solution

  • Dilute

  • Concentrated

  • Saturated

1. Percent

Very Dilute Solutions: ppm and ppb

3. Molarity

Preparing Solutions for Known Molarity

Electrolyte Solutions

Ionic compounds dissociate in water

Electrolyte solutions contain dissolved ions

Molecular equation: shows ions together as compounds

Ionic equation: Shows dissociated ions as separate species

Reactions in Solutions

1. Precipitation

Two solutions combine to form a solid product

2. Acid - Base Neutralization Reaction

Acids and bases combine to form water and a salt

3. Metal Displacement Reactions

An ion of one metal reacts with the elemental form of another metal

Solution Stichometry

Gravimetric Analysis

Uses the mass of a precipitate to determine the concentration of a reactant

Advanced Stoichiometry Problems Map