Biodiversity- the variety of life in a given habitat or ecosystem

Species- living things, from bacteria and elephants

Biodiversity Hot Spots- areas with exceptionally high levels of biodiversity. Ex: The Amazon Rainforest

Extinction-  the fact or process of a species being eradicated

Invasive Species- an organism not native to a specific area, once introduced can establish ham and depletion in resources. Also introducing diseases to the populations

HIPPO- Habitat Loss, Invasive Species, Pollution, Population Growth, and Overharvesting. All the leading causes to biodiversity

Genetic Diversity- the variation in genes within a particular species, allowing them to adapt to new enviorments

Species Diversity- the number and variety of species in a given area

Ecosystem Diversity- Different types: forests, oceans, deserts.

ESA- the Endangered Species Act, a U.S law to protect endangered species

Habitat Conservation Plan-  allows land use while ensuring species protection


Why is biodiversity important?

-              Allows for economic growth, like tourism

-              Contributes to functional systems like using wood from trees and filtering


-              Allowing for personal enjoyment for humans, like seeing bison at YellowStone National Park.


What are the biggest threats to biodiversity?

-              Climate Change

-              Pollution, especially in the oceans

-              Invasive species, outcompeting native species


How can Invasive Species be minimized?

-              Monitoring species, needing to know what are going in and coming out

-              Educating the public

-              Utilizing the removal of pesticides and establishing more native species

