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  • Quick Facts

    • Born in Malaga, Spain

    • Spent most of his professional career in Paris

    • Most associated with Cubism, Surrealism, and Modernism

    • Most Famous Works

      • Guernica (1937)

      • The Old Guitarist (1904)

      • La Vie (1903)

  • Trained in classical art, but chooses to create abstract art instead

  • Hugely recognized WHILE he was still alive

    • Contrasts from artists like Van Gogh

Career & Influence

  • Phases

    • Picasso’s Blue Period

      • A period from 1901 - 1904 where Picasso painted almost exclusively in blue and blue/green because he was extremely depressed

        • He was depressed because his best friend got rejected, shot the girl, and then killed themselves…

    • Picasso’s Rose Period

      • A period from 1904 - 1906 when Picasso moved to Paris and started using a warmer color palette (pink, red + also earthy colors) because he fell in love with a girl

        • Paints a bunch of harlequins (clowns) because he runs into a bunch of them while living in Paris

    • Cubism

      • Picasso’s most famous art style

        • Created by Picasso and George Brache

        • Taking a 3D subject and flattening it into 2D

      • First modern art movement

      • Works

        • Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (The young ladies of Avignon) [1907]

          • HEAVILY influenced by African Art

          • Taking traditional subject matter (female nude) and painting it in a non-traditional way

          • Transitions artistic culture to cubism / modern art

    • Influence of African Art

      • Picasso collected a TON of African art

        • ESPECIALLY African masks

      • Bolder, stylized, ovoid forms



  • Quick Facts

    • Born in Malaga, Spain

    • Spent most of his professional career in Paris

    • Most associated with Cubism, Surrealism, and Modernism

    • Most Famous Works

      • Guernica (1937)

      • The Old Guitarist (1904)

      • La Vie (1903)

  • Trained in classical art, but chooses to create abstract art instead

  • Hugely recognized WHILE he was still alive

    • Contrasts from artists like Van Gogh

Career & Influence

  • Phases

    • Picasso’s Blue Period

      • A period from 1901 - 1904 where Picasso painted almost exclusively in blue and blue/green because he was extremely depressed

        • He was depressed because his best friend got rejected, shot the girl, and then killed themselves…

    • Picasso’s Rose Period

      • A period from 1904 - 1906 when Picasso moved to Paris and started using a warmer color palette (pink, red + also earthy colors) because he fell in love with a girl

        • Paints a bunch of harlequins (clowns) because he runs into a bunch of them while living in Paris

    • Cubism

      • Picasso’s most famous art style

        • Created by Picasso and George Brache

        • Taking a 3D subject and flattening it into 2D

      • First modern art movement

      • Works

        • Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (The young ladies of Avignon) [1907]

          • HEAVILY influenced by African Art

          • Taking traditional subject matter (female nude) and painting it in a non-traditional way

          • Transitions artistic culture to cubism / modern art

    • Influence of African Art

      • Picasso collected a TON of African art

        • ESPECIALLY African masks

      • Bolder, stylized, ovoid forms