Communication Theories - COM235
Instructor: Fatma Elzahraa ElsayedLecture Number: Third LectureChapter 2: Establishing the Terms of the Debate over Media
Focus: Mass Society and Mass Culture Theories
Learning Objectives:
Understand the socio-political conditions behind mass society and propaganda theories.
Discuss mass media's role in these theories.
Explore audience interaction with mass media.
Identify contemporary forms of these theories.
List assumptions about media and audiences.
Overview of Theories
Power of Media:
Media shapes societal perceptions and can manipulate behavior.
Propaganda theories analyze media's persuasive ability, especially post-World War I.
Impact on Social Institutions:
Assumptions of Mass Society Theory:
Media as a Subversive Force: Media undermines norms, requiring elite control.
Direct Influence of Media: Media influences individuals independently.
Long-term Consequences: Media transforms public thinking links to societal issues.
Vulnerability of Individuals: Isolated individuals are easily manipulated by media.
Social Chaos and Totalitarianism: Mass society leads to chaos and potential totalitarianism.
Debasement of Culture: Mass media threatens higher cultural standards.
Mass Society Theory emphasizes the continuing relevance of media's impact on society.