Third Lecture

Communication Theories - COM235

Instructor: Fatma Elzahraa ElsayedLecture Number: Third LectureChapter 2: Establishing the Terms of the Debate over Media

Focus: Mass Society and Mass Culture Theories

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the socio-political conditions behind mass society and propaganda theories.

  • Discuss mass media's role in these theories.

  • Explore audience interaction with mass media.

  • Identify contemporary forms of these theories.

  • List assumptions about media and audiences.

Overview of Theories

Power of Media:

  • Media shapes societal perceptions and can manipulate behavior.

  • Propaganda theories analyze media's persuasive ability, especially post-World War I.

Impact on Social Institutions:

  • Media changes affect other institutions (politics, religion, etc.), leading to instability.

Assumptions of Mass Society Theory:

  1. Media as a Subversive Force: Media undermines norms, requiring elite control.

  2. Direct Influence of Media: Media influences individuals independently.

  3. Long-term Consequences: Media transforms public thinking links to societal issues.

  4. Vulnerability of Individuals: Isolated individuals are easily manipulated by media.

  5. Social Chaos and Totalitarianism: Mass society leads to chaos and potential totalitarianism.

  6. Debasement of Culture: Mass media threatens higher cultural standards.


Mass Society Theory emphasizes the continuing relevance of media's impact on society.
