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AP Psych Chap 4

Sensation = the stimulation of sense organs

Perception = the selection, organization, and interpretation of sensory input

100 Hz tone needs to be increased to 110 Hz to notice a a 1,000 Hz tone would need to increase to 1,100 Hz to be noticed.

Signal detection method = Hit – you heard it. Miss – You didn’t hear it.

Signal Detection Theory = performance depends on what? Performance depends on the criterion or standard, you set for how sure you must feel before you react.

Signal Detection Theory = attempts to account for the influence of decision-making processes on stimulus detection.

Subliminal = below threshold

We perceive changing stimuli better than constant ones.

Wavelength of light affects our perception of color. Brightness = the amount of light being received

Blind Spot in the eye is where = optic disk Light adaptation = the process whereby the eyes become less sensitive to light in high illumination

Retina = the neural tissue lining the inside back surface of the eye: it absorbs light, processes images, and sends visual information to the brain.

Fovea = a tiny spot in the center of the retina that contains only cones: visual acuity is greatest at this spot.

Cones= specialized visual receptors that play a key role in daylight vision and color vision.

Rods = specialized visual receptors that play a key role in night vision and [peripheral vision.

Ventral Stream = processes the details of what objects are out there, the perception of form and color.

Prosopagnosia = an inability to recognize familiar faces.

Pathway of visual signals....Optic nerve – Optic chiasm – thalamus – occipital lobe If you mix red, green, and blue get black.

Trichromatic Theory = Thomas Young, the human eye has three types of receptors with differing sensitivities to different light wavelengths.

Hermann von Helmholtz the eye contains specialized receptors sensitive to the specific wavelengths associated with green, red, and blue.

According to this model, people can see all the colors of the rainbow because the eye does its own “color mixing” by varying the ratio of neural activity among these three types of receptors.

Opponent-Process Theory = Ewald Herring proposed the opponent-process Theory in 1878 holds that color perception depends on receptors that make opposite responses to three pairs of color.


Blue- Yellow


Cognitive Interpretation = according to Schachter, the experience of emotion depends on cognitive interpretation of that arousal.

Perceptual Set = a readiness to perceive stimulus in a particular way.

Bottom Up Processing = a progression from individual elements to a whole.

Top Down Processing = A progression from the whole object to the elements.

Figure Ground = figure is the thing being looked at, and the ground is the background against which it stands.

Closure = People often group elements to create a sense of closure, or completeness.

Continuity = reflects people’s tendency to follow in whatever direction they have been led.

Perceptual Hypothesis = an inference about what form could be responsible for a pattern of sensory stimulation.

Distal Stimuli = external source of stimulation as it exists in the world Depth perception = The interpretation of visual cues that indicate how near or far away objects are.

Linear Perspective = a depth cue reflecting the fact that lines converge in the distance.

Interposition = if an object comes between you and another object, it must be closer to you.

Perceptual Constancy = a tendency to experience a stable perception in the face of continually changing sensory input.

Auditory Canal = where soundwaves are collected and funneled toward the eardrum Function of the middle ear is to amplify sound. Humans can hear frequency from 20-20,000 Hz Timbre = the complexity of the waves

Frequency and Place theories are partly correct. 40 B Supertasters disadvantage = much more sensitive to certain sweet and bitter substances, they respond more negatively to many vegetables.

Why does food taste bland when you have a cold = The food probably tasted bland because your stuffy nose impaired your sense of smell, which corresponds with your taste Touching the skin is processed by the somatosensory cortex. Receptive Field = the retinal area that, when stimulated, affects the firing of that cell.

45 B What would need to be cut in order to increase the perception of pain = Glial cells/ endorphins Glial cells = provides various types of support for neurons

48 A

Brightness and loudness are qualities of light and sound

AP Psych Chap 4

Sensation = the stimulation of sense organs

Perception = the selection, organization, and interpretation of sensory input

100 Hz tone needs to be increased to 110 Hz to notice a a 1,000 Hz tone would need to increase to 1,100 Hz to be noticed.

Signal detection method = Hit – you heard it. Miss – You didn’t hear it.

Signal Detection Theory = performance depends on what? Performance depends on the criterion or standard, you set for how sure you must feel before you react.

Signal Detection Theory = attempts to account for the influence of decision-making processes on stimulus detection.

Subliminal = below threshold

We perceive changing stimuli better than constant ones.

Wavelength of light affects our perception of color. Brightness = the amount of light being received

Blind Spot in the eye is where = optic disk Light adaptation = the process whereby the eyes become less sensitive to light in high illumination

Retina = the neural tissue lining the inside back surface of the eye: it absorbs light, processes images, and sends visual information to the brain.

Fovea = a tiny spot in the center of the retina that contains only cones: visual acuity is greatest at this spot.

Cones= specialized visual receptors that play a key role in daylight vision and color vision.

Rods = specialized visual receptors that play a key role in night vision and [peripheral vision.

Ventral Stream = processes the details of what objects are out there, the perception of form and color.

Prosopagnosia = an inability to recognize familiar faces.

Pathway of visual signals....Optic nerve – Optic chiasm – thalamus – occipital lobe If you mix red, green, and blue get black.

Trichromatic Theory = Thomas Young, the human eye has three types of receptors with differing sensitivities to different light wavelengths.

Hermann von Helmholtz the eye contains specialized receptors sensitive to the specific wavelengths associated with green, red, and blue.

According to this model, people can see all the colors of the rainbow because the eye does its own “color mixing” by varying the ratio of neural activity among these three types of receptors.

Opponent-Process Theory = Ewald Herring proposed the opponent-process Theory in 1878 holds that color perception depends on receptors that make opposite responses to three pairs of color.


Blue- Yellow


Cognitive Interpretation = according to Schachter, the experience of emotion depends on cognitive interpretation of that arousal.

Perceptual Set = a readiness to perceive stimulus in a particular way.

Bottom Up Processing = a progression from individual elements to a whole.

Top Down Processing = A progression from the whole object to the elements.

Figure Ground = figure is the thing being looked at, and the ground is the background against which it stands.

Closure = People often group elements to create a sense of closure, or completeness.

Continuity = reflects people’s tendency to follow in whatever direction they have been led.

Perceptual Hypothesis = an inference about what form could be responsible for a pattern of sensory stimulation.

Distal Stimuli = external source of stimulation as it exists in the world Depth perception = The interpretation of visual cues that indicate how near or far away objects are.

Linear Perspective = a depth cue reflecting the fact that lines converge in the distance.

Interposition = if an object comes between you and another object, it must be closer to you.

Perceptual Constancy = a tendency to experience a stable perception in the face of continually changing sensory input.

Auditory Canal = where soundwaves are collected and funneled toward the eardrum Function of the middle ear is to amplify sound. Humans can hear frequency from 20-20,000 Hz Timbre = the complexity of the waves

Frequency and Place theories are partly correct. 40 B Supertasters disadvantage = much more sensitive to certain sweet and bitter substances, they respond more negatively to many vegetables.

Why does food taste bland when you have a cold = The food probably tasted bland because your stuffy nose impaired your sense of smell, which corresponds with your taste Touching the skin is processed by the somatosensory cortex. Receptive Field = the retinal area that, when stimulated, affects the firing of that cell.

45 B What would need to be cut in order to increase the perception of pain = Glial cells/ endorphins Glial cells = provides various types of support for neurons

48 A

Brightness and loudness are qualities of light and sound