Accusative Prepositions:
ad (to), per (through), in (into), prope (near), apud (among/at the house of)
Ablative Prepositions:
cum (with), sine (without), de (about, concerning), in (in/on), sub (under)
Here’s a breakdown of the verb tenses in both active and passive voices, with all six persons conjugated using amo, amare, amavi, amatus (to love) as the example.
1st Person Singular: amo - I love
2nd Person Singular: amas - you love
3rd Person Singular: amat - he/she/it loves
1st Person Plural: amamus - we love
2nd Person Plural: amatis - you (pl.) love
3rd Person Plural: amant - they love
1st Person Singular: amor - I am loved
2nd Person Singular: amaris - you are loved
3rd Person Singular: amatur - he/she/it is loved
1st Person Plural: amamur - we are loved
2nd Person Plural: amamini - you (pl.) are loved
3rd Person Plural: amantur - they are loved
1st Person Singular: amavi - I have loved
2nd Person Singular: amavisti - you have loved
3rd Person Singular: amavit - he/she/it has loved
1st Person Plural: amavimus - we have loved
2nd Person Plural: amavistis - you (pl.) have loved
3rd Person Plural: amaverunt - they have loved
1st Person Singular: amatus sum - I have been loved
2nd Person Singular: amatus es - you have been loved
3rd Person Singular: amatus est - he/she/it has been loved
1st Person Plural: amati sumus - we have been loved
2nd Person Plural: amati estis - you (pl.) have been loved
3rd Person Plural: amati sunt - they have been loved
1st Person Singular: amabam - I was loving
2nd Person Singular: amabas - you were loving
3rd Person Singular: amabat - he/she/it was loving
1st Person Plural: amabamus - we were loving
2nd Person Plural: amabatis - you (pl.) were loving
3rd Person Plural: amabant - they were loving
1st Person Singular: amabar - I was being loved
2nd Person Singular: amabaris - you were being loved
3rd Person Singular: amabatur - he/she/it was being loved
1st Person Plural: amabamur - we were being loved
2nd Person Plural: amabamini - you (pl.) were being loved
3rd Person Plural: amabantur - they were being loved
1st Person Singular: amaveram - I had loved
2nd Person Singular: amaveras - you had loved
3rd Person Singular: amaverat - he/she/it had loved
1st Person Plural: amaveramus - we had loved
2nd Person Plural: amaveratis - you (pl.) had loved
3rd Person Plural: amaverant - they had loved
1st Person Singular: amatus eram - I had been loved
2nd Person Singular: amatus eras - you had been loved
3rd Person Singular: amatus erat - he/she/it had been loved
1st Person Plural: amati eramus - we had been loved
2nd Person Plural: amati eratis - you (pl.) had been loved
3rd Person Plural: amati erant - they had been loved
1st Person Singular: amabo - I will love
2nd Person Singular: amabis - you will love
3rd Person Singular: amabit - he/she/it will love
1st Person Plural: amabimus - we will love
2nd Person Plural: amabitis - you (pl.) will love
3rd Person Plural: amabunt - they will love
1st Person Singular: amabor - I will be loved
2nd Person Singular: amaberis - you will be loved
3rd Person Singular: amabitur - he/she/it will be loved
1st Person Plural: amabimur - we will be loved
2nd Person Plural: amabimini - you (pl.) will be loved
3rd Person Plural: amabuntur - they will be loved
Present Active Infinitive:
amare - to love
Declensions: Review all five declensions (1st to 5th)
Cases: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, Ablative, Vocative
2-1-2 adjectives (e.g., bonus, -a, -um - good)
3rd declension adjectives (e.g., fortis, forte - brave)
Comparatives and Superlatives:
Comparatives (e.g., fortior - stronger)
Superlatives (e.g., fortissimus - strongest)
Basic adverbs (e.g., celeriter - quickly)
Comparative adverbs (e.g., citius - more quickly)
Superlative adverbs (e.g., citissime - most quickly)
Present Active Participle (e.g., amans - loving)
Perfect Passive Participle (e.g., amatus, -a, -um - having been loved)