Alexander Hamilton- Unified the pro- Constitution Federalists of 1788, headed new government's treasury department, became country’s most polarizing figure, Report on Public Credit and Report of Manufactures, led the Federalist Party
Alien and Sedition Acts- 1798 laws passed to suppress political dissent. Criminalized conspiracy and criticism of government leaders. The two Alien Acts extended the waiting period for citizenship and empowered the president to deport or imprison without trial any foreigner deemed a danger
Bill of Rights- The first 10 amendments to the Constitution, officially ratified by 1791. The first through eighth amendments dealt with individual liberties, and the Ninth and Tench concerned the boundary between federal and state authority
First Amendment- Freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition
Second Amendment- Right to bear arms
Fourth Amendment-Protection against unreasonable searches and seizures
Fifth Amendment- rights of the accused, protection against self incrimination, no double jeopardy, due process
Cotton- played a big role in the economy, labor intensive have to pick out seeds, but after invention of cotton gin production increased, became a major cash crop especially in Georgia and South Carolina, led to plantation slavery
Eli Whitney- Graduate from Yale, devised a machine called a gin that separated out the seeds from cotton fibers
Federalist Party- led by Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, and John Jay, first political party in the United States, founded by Alexander Hamilton, leaders who supported a strong national government, commercial growth, and close ties with Britain.
George Washington- First President of the US, set key precedents for the presidency, issued the Neutrality Proclamation of 1793, and warned against political parties in his Farewell Address.
Haitian Revolution- Uprising in the French colony of Saint Domingue that began in 1791 and led to the creation of the Republic of Haiti in 1804. Unlike the French and American Revolutions, the Haitian Revolution committed itself to the liberty of enslaved people and equality for people of
African descent. It fueled fears of slave insurrections in the United States.
Jay Treaty- 1795 treaty between the United States and Britain negotiated by John Jay. It secured limited trading rights in the West Indies but failed to accomplish most other U.S. objectives. Bitterly denounced by its opponents, it sharply divided American and hastened the formation of political parties
John Adams- Second President of the U.S, a federalist known for XYZ Affair and the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts.
John Jay- First Chief of Justice of the Supreme Court, negotiated Jay’s Treaty with Britain
McCulloch v. Maryland- Supreme Court case that established federal supremacy over state laws and upheld the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States.
Neutrality Proclamation of 1793- President Washington led it in effort to stay out of the European war.
Northwest Confederacy - Coalition of Native American nations defending their territory situated between the Ohio River and the Great Lakes from U.S. expansion. With the assistance of British officers in forts along the Great Lakes, it fought to preserve a zone of Native American sovereignty
Report on Manufactures- Hamilton's 1791 proposal to encourage the production of American-made goods by subsidizing manufacturers and imposing tariffs on imports. Its vision of a future manufacturing society broke sharply from the nation's agrarian economy. Congress rejected the measure
Report on Public Credit- Hamilton's 1790 report recommending that the national debt be funded at full value but not repaid immediately. Hamilton's goal was to make the new country creditworthy, not debt-free, and tie the interests of wealthy bondholders to the new government.
Critics complained that it would benefit speculators
Republican Motherhood- Ideology emphasizing the importance of female education to equip women to raise educated and enlightened male citizens. Even as it opened pathways for women's education, the ideology reinforced existing hierarchies of gender.
Republican Party- Anti Slavery party formed in 1854 following passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The Republicans attempted to unite all those who opposed the extension of slavery into any territory of the United States
Thomas Jefferson- Secretary of State under Washington, leader of the Republican party, opposed Hamilton's policies and became the third U.S. president
Toussaint LOuverture- Leader of the Haitian Revolution which resulted in Haiti becoming the first independent Black Republic
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions- Written by Jefferson and Madison, 1798 resolutions condemning the Alien and Sedition Acts submitted to the federal government by the Virginia and Kentucky state legislatures. The resolutions advanced the idea that state legislatures could judge the constitutionality of federal laws and nullify them
Washington’s “Farewell Address”- Washington’s final speech as president, warning against political parties and permanent foreign alliances
Washington D.C.’s Location- Chosen as the U.S. capital as part of a compromise between Hamilton and Southern States in exchange for supporting his financial plan
Whiskey Rebellion- July 1794 uprising by farmers in western Pennsylvania in response to enforcement of an unpopular tax on whiskey. Fearing it might spark a revolution against the new government in the west, President Washington responded with overwhelming force to quash the rebellion and avoid bloodshed
XYZ Affair- A 1797 incident in which French officials demanded bribes from the United States as the price for peace negotiations. American Diplomats refused. News of the incident caused widespread outrage in the United States and led to an undeclared war with France, known as the Quasi-War.