Looks at the difference between two wood ant societies
Cold is survived as the heat given off keeps they alive
Supercolony: Multiple queens, dragged by the workers back inside the colony
Inable to collect food due to the snow, but ants can collect heat
Late april: first eggs begin to hatch
Compared colony has one queen
neighboring ant colonies are competing for land
once first contact is made, they begin fighting and shooting formic acid
Bodies of victims are taken back for food
Why do not related ants in a super colony not attack each other
Trophallaxis: stroking antenntee for food
Because they share super colony scent
Scent is what allows super colonies ants to move freely
Scent comes from spruce trees
Threats to supercolony
other separate colonies
Food sources for colony
Hunters surround prey and spray acid
In supercolonies:
Reproductives: have wings
Males: cannot feed themselves so will die soon
Females: struggle to fly due to enlarged ovaries
Year after year, virgin males and females head to a meadow to mate
Females release sex pheromones, and males hone in on females
After mating, females rip off wings because they are no longer needed
Queens are investigated by members of the supercolony
Queen is dragged inside, being accepted
Sometimes, they dont even leave to mate, not taking the same risks as the single colony ants
In normal colonies:
single queen will be killed by neighbors
Queen will become a parasite and try and take over small ant colonies
She kills lone workers, picking up scent
Most queens are killed due to attacks
Surviving queens take over and steal scent
Once fed, the workers will now take care of her eggs