ADLs (Activities of Daily Living): Essential movements in daily life including sitting, standing, eating, and bathing that require proper muscle function.
Characteristics of Muscle: 1. Responsiveness (Excitability): Ability to react to stimuli; muscles must respond to signals from the nervous system.
Conductivity: Ability to transmit electrical impulses along muscle fibers; it is crucial for coordinated movement.
Contractility: Ability to shorten and generate force; without this, muscular movement does not occur.
Extensibility: Capacity of muscle fibers to be stretched; muscles must be able to return to their resting length.
Elasticity: Ability to return to a resting state after contraction or extension.
Types of Muscle Tissue:
Skeletal Muscle: Voluntary control, striated appearance, multi-nucleated fibers involved in locomotion and movement.
Cardiac Muscle: Involuntary control, striated but branched, found in the heart.
Smooth Muscle: Involuntary control, non-striated, found in hollow organs.
Anatomical Components:
Muscle Fiber (Myofiber): The individual muscle cell containing multiple nuclei.
Myofibrils: Bundles of myofilaments within muscle fibers; responsible for muscle contraction.
Actin: Thin filament, which interacts with myosin for contraction.
Myosin: Thick filament, forms cross-bridges with actin during contraction.
Sarcomere: The basic unit of muscle contraction; defined as the segment between two Z discs.
Striations: Alternating light and dark bands in skeletal muscle due to the alignment of myofilaments.
Calcium Role: Calcium ions are essential in muscle contraction; they bind to troponin, causing tropomyosin to shift and uncover active sites on actin.
Energetics of Muscle: High presence of mitochondria for energy production; muscle cells utilize ATP for contraction.
Nervous System Connection:
Motor Units: A motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates; coordination varies based on size and function (small motor units allow for fine control, large units for power).
Neuromuscular Junction: The connection point between a motor neuron and muscle fiber; site of neurotransmitter (Acetylcholine) release, facilitating muscle contraction.
Action Potential and Muscle Contraction Cycle:
Excitation: Nerve signal leading to depolarization.
Coupling: Release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Contraction: Myosin heads bind to actin, pulling the filaments closer.
Relaxation: Calcium is reabsorbed, tropomyosin covers actin sites, halting contraction.
Genetics and Muscle Growth: Genetics affect muscle growth potential, leading to variations in individuals' ability to build muscle despite similar training protocols.
Regeneration and Repair: Study of muscle regeneration is ongoing; satellite cells play a crucial role in repairing muscle tissue and adapting to growth.
Homeostasis: Resting membrane potential reflects a muscle cell's state of readiness; imbalance in charge affects cellular function and contractility.
General Physiology Terms:
Sarcoplasm: Cytoplasm of muscle cells.
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum: Similar to endoplasmic reticulum; stores calcium ions.
T Tubules: Extensions of the membrane that facilitate the rapid spread of action potentials.
Toxins and Pharmacology: Understanding neuromuscular toxins and their effects is vital for medical practice, especially in anesthesia and treatment of muscle pathologies.
Motor Control and Development: Neurological development affects muscle coordination; some children may develop movement skills later due to neurological growth patterns.
This comprehensive overview of muscle physiology details the intricacies of muscle function, the anatomy of muscle fibers, the nature of muscle contractions, and their regulation as well as the implications of muscle biology in health and medicine.