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Unit 11 Vocab

1. Didactic

- Definition: Intended to teach, particularly in a moral sense.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Instructive

- Antonym: Uninstructive

2. Diffident

- Definition: Lacking in self-confidence; shy or reserved.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Timid

- Antonym: Confident

3. Dilatory

- Definition: Tending to delay or procrastinate; slow to act.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Procrastinating

- Antonym: Prompt

4. Dilemma

- Definition: A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Predicament

- Antonym: Solution

5. Dilettante

- Definition: A person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Amateur

- Antonym: Expert

6. Dirge

- Definition: A lament for the dead, especially one forming part of a funeral rite.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Elegy

- Antonym: Celebration

7. Discerning

- Definition: Having or showing good judgment.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Perceptive

- Antonym: Unperceptive

8. Discomfiture

- Definition: A feeling of unease or embarrassment; awkwardness.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Confusion

- Antonym: Confidence

9. Discord

- Definition: Disagreement between people; conflict.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Strife

- Antonym: Harmony

10. Discursive

- Definition: Digressing from subject to subject.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Rambling

- Antonym: Concise

11. Disparage

- Definition: To belittle or speak disrespectfully about something or someone.

- Part of Speech: Verb

- Synonym: Demean

- Antonym: Praise

12. Disparate

- Definition: Essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Diverse

- Antonym: Similar

13. Disparity

- Definition: A great difference.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Discrepancy

- Antonym: Equality

14. Disseminate

- Definition: To spread widely.

- Part of Speech: Verb

- Synonym: Distribute

- Antonym: Withhold

15. Dissolute

- Definition: Lax in morals; licentious.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Debauched

- Antonym: Virtuous

16. Distrait

- Definition: Distracted or absent-minded.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Preoccupied

- Antonym: Focused

17. Distraught

- Definition: Deeply agitated or troubled.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Upset

- Antonym: Calm

18. Diurnal

- Definition: Relating to or occurring in a day or daily.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Daily

- Antonym: Nocturnal

19. Divulge

- Definition: To make known (private or sensitive information).

- Part of Speech: Verb

- Synonym: Reveal

- Antonym: Conceal

20. Docile

- Definition: Easily managed or handled; teachable.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Obedient

- Antonym: Stubborn

21. Doggerel

- Definition: Verse or words that are badly written or expressed.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Nonsense verse

- Antonym: Poetry

22. Dogmatic

- Definition: Inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Opinionated

- Antonym: Open-minded

23. Doleful

- Definition: Expressing sorrow; mournful.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Melancholy

- Antonym: Joyful

24. Dolorous

- Definition: Feeling or expressing great sorrow or distress.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Grieving

- Antonym: Cheerful

25. Drab

- Definition: Lacking brightness or interest; drearily dull.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Dull

- Antonym: Colorful


Unit 11 Vocab

1. Didactic

- Definition: Intended to teach, particularly in a moral sense.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Instructive

- Antonym: Uninstructive

2. Diffident

- Definition: Lacking in self-confidence; shy or reserved.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Timid

- Antonym: Confident

3. Dilatory

- Definition: Tending to delay or procrastinate; slow to act.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Procrastinating

- Antonym: Prompt

4. Dilemma

- Definition: A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Predicament

- Antonym: Solution

5. Dilettante

- Definition: A person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Amateur

- Antonym: Expert

6. Dirge

- Definition: A lament for the dead, especially one forming part of a funeral rite.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Elegy

- Antonym: Celebration

7. Discerning

- Definition: Having or showing good judgment.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Perceptive

- Antonym: Unperceptive

8. Discomfiture

- Definition: A feeling of unease or embarrassment; awkwardness.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Confusion

- Antonym: Confidence

9. Discord

- Definition: Disagreement between people; conflict.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Strife

- Antonym: Harmony

10. Discursive

- Definition: Digressing from subject to subject.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Rambling

- Antonym: Concise

11. Disparage

- Definition: To belittle or speak disrespectfully about something or someone.

- Part of Speech: Verb

- Synonym: Demean

- Antonym: Praise

12. Disparate

- Definition: Essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Diverse

- Antonym: Similar

13. Disparity

- Definition: A great difference.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Discrepancy

- Antonym: Equality

14. Disseminate

- Definition: To spread widely.

- Part of Speech: Verb

- Synonym: Distribute

- Antonym: Withhold

15. Dissolute

- Definition: Lax in morals; licentious.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Debauched

- Antonym: Virtuous

16. Distrait

- Definition: Distracted or absent-minded.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Preoccupied

- Antonym: Focused

17. Distraught

- Definition: Deeply agitated or troubled.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Upset

- Antonym: Calm

18. Diurnal

- Definition: Relating to or occurring in a day or daily.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Daily

- Antonym: Nocturnal

19. Divulge

- Definition: To make known (private or sensitive information).

- Part of Speech: Verb

- Synonym: Reveal

- Antonym: Conceal

20. Docile

- Definition: Easily managed or handled; teachable.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Obedient

- Antonym: Stubborn

21. Doggerel

- Definition: Verse or words that are badly written or expressed.

- Part of Speech: Noun

- Synonym: Nonsense verse

- Antonym: Poetry

22. Dogmatic

- Definition: Inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Opinionated

- Antonym: Open-minded

23. Doleful

- Definition: Expressing sorrow; mournful.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Melancholy

- Antonym: Joyful

24. Dolorous

- Definition: Feeling or expressing great sorrow or distress.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Grieving

- Antonym: Cheerful

25. Drab

- Definition: Lacking brightness or interest; drearily dull.

- Part of Speech: Adjective

- Synonym: Dull

- Antonym: Colorful