Overview of importance of quality in forensic biology and DNA practices.
Standards used to evaluate the quality system.
Methods to correct or improve product/service quality (e.g., DNA casework).
Policies and procedures to ensure the provision of quality work.
Following standards and controls to achieve a quality product.
Ensuring adherence to documented and tested analytical procedures.
Day-to-day actions that comply with established policies.
Emphasis on consistent application of standards to ensure quality output.
Training conducted by court-recognized experts.
Criteria for passing through training and corrective actions.
Competency testing including oral, written, and practical assessments.
Mock and supervised casework to ensure hands-on experience.
Requirement of 2 external tests per year by QAS standards.
Analysts treat external tests as real case analyses following lab procedures.
Results must be returned and verified for compliance.
Various QA methods to ensure laboratory standards, including:
Random reanalysis
Case file reviews
Administrative (self) reviews
Peer reviews
Technical reviews
Quality audits/on-site visits.
ISO standard applicable to all testing laboratories, tailored for forensic labs.
Examines personnel, training, equipment maintenance, and lab testing.
Audits conducted by independent agencies for compliance.
ANAB (ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board).
Overview of specific QA standards designed for DNA labs.
Established DNA Advisory Board (DAB).
Developed CODIS for law enforcement information exchange.
FBI laboratories must comply with national standards for accreditation.
Initial meeting in 1995 leveraging TWGDAM Guidelines.
Recommended quality assurance standards for DNA testing labs.
Sought to combine guidelines with contemporary issues for best practices.
FBI incorporated DAB recommendations into binding standards by October 1998.
Standards now mandatory for forensic DNA testing and convicted offender labs.
Raises expectations for DNA testing laboratories from voluntary to mandatory.
Ensures lab's analytical data quality, integrity of results, technical personnel qualification, and overall competency.
Membership is by invitation, limited to three years.
Comprises technical leaders from various laboratories and select experts.
Responsible for making best practice recommendations in DNA analysis.
Focused on various aspects of DNA analysis, including:
Quality Assurance
Expert Systems
Rapid DNA
Next Generation Sequencing and more.
Recommendations from SWGDAM processed and approved by the FBI.
Most recent update effective from July 1, 2020; includes 17 total recommendations and a guidance document for clarity.
Applies to all labs with access to CODIS and associated vendor labs.
Establishes professional standards for DNA analysis at extraction.
Clear definitions of key terms relevant to QA and DNA processes.
Requirement to have a structured system including goals, personnel, documentation, and outsourcing protocol.
Defines the roles of personnel involved in DNA analysis:
Analysts with a BS/BA in natural sciences.
Technical leaders overseeing laboratory aspects.
Analyst roles require specific educational backgrounds including coursework in biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and statistics.
Newly updated training protocols effective from 2020.
Guidelines for maintaining integrity in facilities handling forensic evidence.
All methods must undergo thorough validation processes involving developmental and internal assessments.
Laboratories must follow established procedures with proper validations in place including:
Data interpretations
Statistical analyses
Requirement to quantify human DNA in evidence samples.
Appropriate maintenance and calibration of laboratory equipment required.
Establishment of a standardized report system detailing analytical components while ensuring case information remains confidential.
Mandatory review of data for accuracy by proficient examiners.
Requirement for analysts to undergo proficiency testing biannually.
Ensures all staff involved in casework meet testing standards.
Procedures for addressing non-compliance or errors established and documented.
Annual audits to verify compliance with established standards; external audits every other year.
Ongoing education is essential for analysts to stay current with advancements in the field.
Vendor labs must comply with QAS; CODIS laboratories must review data for accuracy before entry into the system.