MUSHL101 Final study guide



Genre and others 

Claude Debussy, Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun 

Symphonic poem, form: ABA’

Igor Stravinsky, The Rite of Spring, “Augurs of Spring”

ballet, form: use of block form, texture: polyrhythmic 

Arnold Schoenberg, Pierrot Lunair, “Der Mondfleck”

song cycle, melodrama 

Jozef Koffler, 15 variations on a 12-tone series 

genre and form: theme and variations, instrumentation: solo piano

Bela Bartok, Music for strings, percussion, celesta

4 movement work for orchestra, instrumentation: strings, percussion, celesta, form: ABCBA (arch form)

John Cage, 4’33 

chance music, any instrumentation

Pierre Schaffer, Etude aux chemins de fer 

musique concrete, instrumentation: recorder train sounds, tape, form: one movement of a 5 movement work 

William Grant Still, Darker America

symphonic poem, source: program provided by the composer about the black American experience, instrumentation: full symphony orchestra 

Florence Price, Ethiopia’s Shadow in America 

5-movement symphonic work, form: binary form, instrumentation: full symphony orchestra 

Aaron Copland, Appalachian Spring II, Allegro 

orchestral suite adapted form from ballet score

Sergei Prokofiev, Battle on the Ice 

cantata adapted from film score, instrumentation: orchestra including large percussion section 

Valentyn Silvestrov, Symphony No.5 Movement 1

symphony, instrumentation: large romantic symphony orchestra 

Steve Reich, Hindenburg, “I couldn’t understand it”

video opera in 3 acts, instrumentation: video, recorded interviews, and 10 live musicians 

Terence Blanchard, Excerpts from fire shut up in my bones 

Opera (opera in jazz), source: an autobiographical novel by Charles Blow 

Nina C. Young, Tread softly 

Musical Terms


Musical Definition 


a musical composition technique that uses all 12 notes of the chromatic scale equally and gives each note equal importance. 

tone row/series 

a set of musical notes that are arranged in a nonrepeating order and are used as the basis for a piece of music


sonata form: where themes from the exposition are reworked in new ways 


continuously progressive with new melodies composed for new lyrics 


short, reoccurring musical idea that's a key part of a composition 


musical technique that involves subtly manipulating the rhythm and tempo of a piece to create a more expressive performance

(imitative) polyphony

polyphony: multiple independent melodic lines are played simultaneously

(imitative) polyphony: 


one voice, no instruments


one melody dominates, the other parts may be simple cords or a more elaborate accompaniment pattern 


the song does what the word means 


the first note in a diatonic scale, the most important and central note in the scale 


variations of volume 


same musical pattern at different intervals of time, creating a layered effect 


an individual with outstanding techniques and a deep understanding of music 


the initial section of a composition where the main themes are introduced 

total artwork 

a work of art that combines multiple art forms into a cohesive whole 

absolute music 

instrumental music. Composed purely as music, not intended to represent or illustrate something else 

thematic transformation 

alternating a theme to indicate a change in a person, place, or thing 

musical propaganda 

using music to convey a specific message to a target audience 

a Capella 

only voices can be heard, voices create the melodies instead of having instrumentals 


uses notes outside of the diatonic scale of a piece of music to create tension, emotion, and expressive potential 


singing a single syllable of a text while moving between multiple motes on succession  

ground bass 

involves repeating s short bass passage beneath a melody and harmony that is constantly changing 

meter (simple and compound) 

how a best is divided into smaller parts in music 

Simple meter: divided into 2 parts 

Compound meter: divided into 3 parts 


the quality sound of the instruments 


a place hoisted by the rich for music of the political and socialist World 


study of music of different cultures especially non-Western ones 


A section in sonata movement that restates the musical themes from exposition 


Repetition of a musical unit, a stanza, or a verse

Idee fixe (fixed idea)

Recurring theme or character trait that serves as the structural foundation of a work 


The simultaneous combination of contrasting rhythms in musical composition 


Process of writing music for an orchestra or other ensemble, assigning instruments to play specific parts


A sequence of notes is played in reverse order


A short, recurring musical phrase that’s associated with a specific idea, character, place, or setting 


Rearrangement of notes in chord, melody, interval, or group of contrapuntal lines so that a note other than the root is at the bottom 


Text of an opera 


The speed or pacing of a piece of music plays an essential role in the performance and acts as the heartbeat of expression 


The effect of the different layers of sound in a piece of music, and the relationship between them; the way that melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic elements are combined to create a piece’s overall sound quality 


Any composition that does not have a central tone or tonal center, deviates from traditional Western expectations of harmony, key, or mode.

Style Terms 




Emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-state and holds that such obligations outweigh other individual or group interests 


Seeks to express emotional experience rather than impressions of the external world 


Tonal harmonies, process music, the aesthetic of simplicity and symmetry.


A reaction to modernist music; rejection of what came before 

Socialist Realism 

Called for art to be used to develop social consciousness in a socialist state 


Incorporation of foreign-style elements 


Return to clarity, balance, and formality of classical music 


Combines multiple music styles, genres, and historical references in a single work


Emphasis on originality and individuality, personal emotional expression, and freedom and experimentation of form; loved the idea of struggle and pain


Depicts scenes from other times or places or expresses ideas related to antiquity or a “primitive” culture 


Aims to create moods, emotions, and atmosphere; classical composition 


Composers and musicians rejected traditional styles and conventions and instead explored new ways of expressing themselves and music in general 


Exaggerated feelings; extravagance, luxury, and self-indulgence with a sense of moral decline




Program symphony 

A symphonic composition that is written to correspond to a narrative structure, sometimes accompanied by a narrative program to go along with the music 

Character piece 

Short musical composition that conveys a specific mood or idea, usually for piano or small ensembles 


A lengthy form of musical composition for orchestra, normally consisting of several large sections or movements  

Symphonic poem (tone poem) 

A musical composition for orchestra inspired by an extra-musical idea, story, or “program” to which the title typically refers to.


Sacred, monophonic, unaccompanied chant used in the Roman Catholic Chruch 


Musical composition that uses a contrapuntal (the use of multiple independent melodies, each of which is given equal weight) technique to repeat a main theme, or subject, across multiple voices or instruments 


A large-scale musical composition that tells a dramatic story based on a religious theme; opera but with religious themes, no costumes, sacred.

Orchestral suite 

A collection of instrumental pieces that are usually performed by an orchestra 

lied/art song 

German art song that sets poetry to music for voice and piano 


Musical composition for a solo instrument or small group of instruments typically made up of 3 or 4 movements 

String quartet 

Musical composition for a group of four string instruments or a piece written for a group of 2 violins, 1 viola, and a violoncello to perform.


Type of music that is written to accompany a ballet, a theatrical art form that combines dancing, and music. And a scenery to tell a story.


Combination of vocal and orchestral music that tells a story through dramatic presentation 


A polyphonic choral composition that is typically based on a sacred Latin text and performed without accompaniment 

Chance (aleatoric) music

Incorporates some level of chance or randomness into the composition or performance 


Plays before the start of an opera, ballet, or musical play 

Film score 

Original (usually instrumental) music composed and recorded especially for a film

Musique concrete 

Using recorded sounds as raw material 


A musical composition for voices and instruments that typically includes solos, duets, recitatives, and choruses, intended to be sung 


Musical composition for instruments in which a solo instrument is set off against an orchestral ensemble; features a solo instrument or group of instruments playing alongside an orchestra  


A form of sacred musical composition, choral composition


A self-contained piece for solo voice, usually accompanied by an orchestra 


A rhythmically free vocal style that imitates the natural inflections of speech and that is used for dialogue and narrative in operas and oratorios; used to move the story along in an opera.




Arch form (palindrome)


Sonata form 

3 sections

  • Exposition - beginning, introduces the theme 

  • Development - redefines the themes introduced in the exposition 

  • Recapitulation - repeats the exposition 

Thorough composed 

Features continuous progression of new musical ideas without repetition 

Rondo form 

An instrumental form characterized by the initial statement and subsequent restatement of a particular melody or section 


The same music is repeated for each verse or stanza of a song, most similar to music right now

Binary form 

AB form, divides a piece of music into 2 related sections, usually of equal length, that are repeated.
