6.1.1: the progressive era

the age of reform

 “A better America for all Americans”

  1. Definition:  

    1. Movement to improve American life by expanding democracy and achieving economic and social justice
    2. use government as an agency of human welfare
  2. Objectives: 

    1. accepted and hailed the benefits of the machine age but sought to correct its evils and problems
    2. began to look for ways to provide welfare & justice for everyone -  ALL Americans
    3. restore the public’s belief in free enterprise and equality of opportunity – (American Dream was a myth not reality)
  3. Aims:

    1. Political Reform → wanted to restore control of government to the people
    2.   Economic & Social Reform → correct the abuses in American life
    3.   Restore Equality of Opportunity → sought business and labor reforms

who were progressives?

  • Unifying Characteristic:  CAUSE!!  (not ONE cause – just a Cause!)
  •  General Characteristics: 
    •  “SPIRIT” or “ATTITUDE” >> call to Action!!!
    •  Cut across party lines – economic groups – classes – gender — race
    • New middle class (young, educated professionals)
  • Central Belief: America should be a better place for all people

roots of the progressive movement

  • scientific investigation
    • observation, experimentation, facts/truth
  • idealism (“high” principles)
    • Abraham Lincoln widely considered the hero of the progressive movement
  • radical traditions
    • politicians, radicals, socialists → writers: Lloyd, Veblen, Riss
  • religion
    • Christianity, spread of the social gospel
  • feminists
    • largely middle class, fought for gender equality and women’s suffrage
  • civil rights
    • fight for equality of the races, black power and increased suffrage
