AP Writing an Email reply 


  1. Highlight key words do you remember to elaborate on these key ideas

  2. Highlight questions so you remember to respond to them

  3. Try to give a concise reply but don’t forget to elaborate on key ideas

  4. Always use vous form

    1. Try to be polite by use “Could you” -- “Pourriez-vous” and be sure to use inversion

  5. Ask for details AT LEAST TWICE

  6. Try to show you understand certain aspects of French culture

    1. make a comparison between French and American culture or ask a question about the French item mentioned if you already know what it is

  7. Use a mix of simple and complex sentences

    1. Use transitional phrases:

      1. Ensuite: Next

      2. Puis: Then

      3. Enfin: Finally

      4. Ainsi que: As well as

      5. Après que: after/ avant que

      6. Bien que: Although/even though

      7. Dès Que: As soon as

      8. Parce que/car: because

      9. Pour que: So that

      10. Quoi que: no matter what

      11. Tant que: As long as

      12. Comme/puisque: since (since I made it…)

      13. Lorsque/quand: when

      14. Quoique: Even though

      15. Donc: So

      16. En fait: in fact

      17. Cependant: However/nonetheless

      18. En revanche/par contre: on the other hand

      19. En plus/en outre: also

  8. Use precise idiomatic vocabulary and vary grammatical structures

  9. Include an opening and closing to the email. These should be different from the greeting you get in the email you are replying to.

Understanding the message:
