
Class Notes - Cells and Organelles

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**__Nucleus__** - Regulation - Controls most activity in the cell - Contains genetic information in the form of DNA - DNA has instructions for making proteins

**__Mitochondria__** - powerhouse of the cell - respiration - releases energy from nutrient molecules

**__Cytoplasm__** - Transport - Clear fluid within cell that contains all organelles - Moves materials through the cell - Various chemical reactions happen here - Digestion

**__Cell membrane__** - Separates from outer environment - Outer boundary of the cell - Controls what enters and leaves the cell - Also known as the Plasma Membrane

**__Ribosome__** - Synthesis - Makes proteins in the cell - May be free in cytoplasm or attached to ER (rough ER)

**__Vacuoles__** - Store food, water, or waste products - Plants have large vacuoles

**__Cell wall__** - Only found in plant cells - Adds protection and support - Made of cellulose

**__Chloroplast__** - Site of Photosynthesis - Converts light energy into chemical energy - Found only in plant cells

**ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum)** - Rough ER has ribosomes attached - Molecules move throughout ER - Molecules can be chemically packaged (modified) here

**Lysosome** - Uses digestive enzymes to break down large molecules - Recycles damaged organelles

**Golgi Body** - Modifies, stores, and roots proteins - Chemically packaged molecules
