alternative energy

-              Because of the worldwide energy crisis this showed a need for using renewable energy sources

-              Examples of renewable or alternative energy sources are solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric

-              Most countries rely heavily on nonrenewable resources, but countries like New Zealand use others 67% of their electricity is hydroelectric

-              The primary source is petroleum and then second is natural gas

-              Why would we use renewable energy? So, we can reduce air pollution, eliminate oil spills, and people would not have to live near a power plant or electrical grid

-              Some evaluations done are: how reliable it is, how much access do people have, what are the environmental impacts of extraction, how much does it cost?

-              Solar energy, there are active solar which use the devices to focus and store solar energy and then passive solar which maximize sunlight absorption and keep the inside cool in the summer

-              Some cons of solar energy: the sun is not consistent or even distributed, and making them requires toxic chemicals, can damage ecosystems, and they can affect ecosystems

-              In less industrialized countries pvs (solar energy) is cheaper and easy to have

-              Wind energy can harness kinetic energy directly

-              Wind energy is best in areas with consistent winds like costal areas, mountain passes, and grasslands

-              Wind energy has a small ecological footprint relative to the amount of energy it can produce

-              Cons to wind energy is noise pollution, and can kill animals

-              Hydroelectric power uses dams and oceans to power

-              However, a con of hydroelectric is it is limited to areas with water bodies, and they need to have a strong water flow

-              The environmental impacts of hydroelectric power: fossil fuels are used for creating these spaces, can block path of fish, can change water temp

-              Dams create unnatural stagnant lake that can kill a lot of the ecosystem and causes bacteria to decompose plants which generates carbon dioxide and methane which is bad

-               Some ways they have tried to get around the bad parts of hydro power is by using run of river hydropower, and making fish ladders

-              Tidal power uses kinetic energy of tide

-              Tidal power affects marine life but has less of an affect than most hydropower facilities

-              Geothermal energy harnessed beneath earth and use steam and a turbine to power it

-              The installation of geothermal is expensive but operation costs are low and different parts of the world have more geothermal potential

-              The environmental impacts are it impacts groundwater and has some emissions however it is far less than coal

