Polis = independent city states in greece
Athens = a prominent polis of greece; good navy, democracy
Sparta = a prominent polis of greece; know for best army
Persian Wars = greece vs persia; greece won
Peloponnesian War = athens vs sparta; sparta wins
Socrates = father of western philosophy; rational thought
Plato = socrates/ pupil; founded the academy
Sophists = paid to teach
Democracy = participation based on where you lived, elected by the lot, every land owning man voted
Tyrant = took power using force; pisistratus
Helot = Enslaved greek people who are collectively owned by the state of sparta
Cleisthenes = father of athenian democracy
Lycurgus = created sparta's city -state laws
Solon = one of the 7 sages of greece; balances the rich and poor
Hoplite = soldiers who fought for glory; has to pay for equipment and take time off for campaigns
Phalanx = rectangle formation with soldier’s shields overlapping each other
Hellenism = spread of greek culture because of alexander the great
Stoicism = philosophy based on logic
Epicureanism = philosophy based on pleasure
Cosmopolitanism = a citizen of world, greek polis isn’t the center of the world anymore
Euclid = father of geometry; wrote one of the most influential books
Eratosthenes = calculated the circumference of the earth
Archimedes = invented a language for very large numbers , eureka
Philip II = father of alexander the great battle chaeronea, assassination
Alexander the Great = king of macedonia, pharaoh, king of persia, king of asia, cultural legacy
Hellenistic Kingdoms = the division of alexander the great’s territory after his death
Science = separated from philosophy
Philosophy = individualism, how to live a good life
Paterfamilias father has complete control of the his family and enforces them to follow rules
Republic = office of consul was created to replace kingship
Twelve Tables = written down constitution of rome written ivory tablets; 12 laws
Romulus = first king of rome
Remus = killed by romulus
Early Roman myth = romulus and remus were thrown into a river by uncle and raised by a wolf and
decide to found a new city
Punic Wars = rome vs carthage; 3 wars all won by rome and gain the mediterranean
Hannibal = carthage general in the 2nd punic war
Consuls; 2 men elected elected annually advised by the senate; patricians and plebeians