Psychology of the Courtroom

The Psychology of the Courtroom: Overview

  • Topics Covered:

    • How jurors make decisions

    • Assessment of evidence

    • Biases and preconceptions

Part 1: Information Processing

Juror Decision Making

  • Decision-Making Models:

    • Various models explain how juries process evidence:

      • Eyewitness Testimony

      • Statistical Evidence

      • Confessions

  • Judicial Constraints: Do jurors follow legal standards in civil cases?

  • Extra-Evidentiary Influences: Evaluate if non-traditional factors play a role in decision-making actions.

  • Defendant Characteristics: Influence of defendant's traits on jurors' decisions.

  • Improving Juror Decisions: Ongoing reforms suggested for enhancing decision quality.

Accuracy of Jury Decisions

  • Verdict Discrepancies: Judges agree with juries 75% of the time (Kalven & Zeisel, 1966).

    • Notable is the “leniency bias” where judges often overrule jury acquittals to convictions in absentia.

  • Social Psychology Influence: Many identified jury phenomena align with broader social psychology traits.

Individual Decision Making Strategies

  • Prediction Models:

    • Juror's final verdicts forecasted best by pre-deliberation opinions.

  • Mathematical Approaches:

    • Bayesian probabilities (mental meter), algebraic addition, and stochastic-process theories (critical event).

  • Explanation-based or cognitive approach

    • Active participant incorporating jurors’ unique experiences, knowledge, beliefs etc affecting how they interpret evidence• Mental representation of information heard

      • Story Model:

        • Jurors build narratives based on trial evidence intertwined with personal experiences and knowledge.

Evaluation of Evidence

  • Eyewitness Reliability:

    • Eyewitness testimony leads to higher conviction rates despite influencing factors.

  • Hearsay

    • Generally excluded unless special circumstances, e.g. deathbed utterances

    • Studies have found that jurors not influenced by hearsay unless by expert

  • Confessions:

    • Often disproportionately affect juror decisions even under duress and inadmissibility.

  • Statistical Evidence:

    • Jurors struggle with small versus large samples; yet, they are responsive to statistical weight.

    • Educational pre-instructions can enhance understanding of complex evidence.

Extra-Evidentiary Influences

  • Jury Nullification:

    • Jurors can disregard law for moral reasons, creating a ‘community conscience'.

  • Trial Prejudices:

    • Prior publicity can affect juror impartiality.

  • Defendant Traits:

    • Characteristics like gender, race, and socioeconomic status influence jury perception.

    • Similarity principle

Part 2: Jury Behaviour and Selection

  • Jury Composition and selection

  • Decision making errors

  • Internal group dynamics

Jury Composition and Decision-Making Processes

  • Composition Rules:

    • No specific qualifications for jurors beyond age and voting rights.

  • Decision Impact: Jurors may assert opinions contradictory to evidence due to nullification.

Decision-Making Stages (Hastie et al, 1983)

  1. Orientation Stage: Initial fact exploration.

  2. Conflict Phase: Emergence of differing opinions; potentially divisive.

  3. Reconciliation: Process of conflict resolution among jurors.

Juror Disagreements

  • Initial consistency is often maintained throughout trials; leniency bias may arise during deliberation.

  • Majority Influence: Majority jurors have significant sway on overall verdict outcomes.

Psychological Processes in Jury Dynamics

  • Influence Types:

    1. Normative influence: Seeking social acceptance.

    2. Informational influence: Gaining information to reduce uncertainty.

Minority Influence

  • Behavioural Styles: Key characteristics necessary for a lone juror’s influence include:

    • Consistency

    • Flexibility

    • Relevance

Psychological Biases in Court

  • Fundamental Attribution Error: Jurors' judgments are often influenced by dispositional vs situational attributions (Ross, 1977).

  • Hindsight Bias: Knowledge of outcomes retroactively reshapes judgments of decision appropriateness.

Juror Selection Processes

  • Procedures allow limited juror objections, driving candidate selection based on inferred juror profiles.

Criticism of Jury Research

  • Low external validity due to differences in participant demographics and trial settings (Bornstein, 1999).

  • Practical implications of research findings are often questioned due to experimental limitations.
