Flashcard #1 \n**Term:** Biosphere \n**Definition:** The biosphere is the global sum of all ecosystems, where life exists on Earth.
**Flashcard #2** \n**Term:** Dichotomous key \n**Definition:** A tool used to identify organisms based on a series of choices that lead to the correct name.
**Flashcard #3** \n**Term:** Species \n**Definition:** A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
**Flashcard #4** \n**Term:** Genus \n**Definition:** A rank in the biological classification (taxonomy) that groups species sharing common characteristics.
**Flashcard #5** \n**Term:** Niche \n**Definition:** The role or function of an organism or species within an ecosystem.
**Flashcard #6** \n**Term:** Mutualism \n**Definition:** A type of symbiotic relationship where both species benefit from the interaction.
**Flashcard #7** \n**Term:** Parasitism \n**Definition:** A relationship where one organism benefits at the expense of another.
**Flashcard #8** \n**Term:** Negative feedback \n**Definition:** A response mechanism that counteracts a change to maintain stability in a system.
**Flashcard #9** \n**Term:** Carrying capacity \n**Definition:** The maximum number of individuals an environment can sustainably support.
**Flashcard #10** \n**Term:** Quadrat sampling \n**Definition:** A method used to study the distribution and abundance of organisms in an area using quadrats.
**Flashcard #11** \n**Term:** Lincoln index \n**Definition:** A method for estimating wildlife populations by capturing, marking, and recapturing individuals.
**Flashcard #12** \n**Term:** Steady-state ecosystem \n**Definition:** An ecosystem where the amounts of energy and biomass remain constant over time.
**Flashcard #13** \n**Term:** Biomass \n**Definition:** The total mass of living matter within a specific area or volume.
**Flashcard #14** \n**Term:** Energy transformation \n**Definition:** The process of changing energy from one form to another.
**Flashcard #15** \n**Term:** Detritivores \n**Definition:** Organisms that feed on dead organic material, contributing to decomposition.
**Flashcard #16** \n**Term:** Saprotrophs \n**Definition:** Organisms that obtain nutrients by decomposing organic matter.
**Flashcard #17** \n**Term:** Second law of thermodynamics \n**Definition:** This law states that in any energy transfer, energy gets dispersed and transformed into less usable forms.
**Flashcard #18** \n**Term:** Trophic levels \n**Definition:** The hierarchical levels in an ecosystem, comprising producers, consumers, and decomposers.
**Flashcard #19** \n**Term:** Food web \n**Definition:** A complex network of interlinking food chains in an ecosystem.
**Flashcard #20** \n**Term:** Gross productivity \n**Definition:** The total amount of organic matter or energy produced in an ecosystem.
**Flashcard #21** \n**Term:** Net productivity \n**Definition:** The amount of organic matter or energy remaining after accounting for respiration.
**Flashcard #22** \n**Term:** DDT \n**Definition:** Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, a pesticide known for its environmental impact.
**Flashcard #23** \n**Term:** PCB \n**Definition:** Polychlorinated biphenyls, industrial chemicals that can be harmful to the environment.
**Flashcard #24** \n**Term:** Mercury \n**Definition:** A heavy metal that can have toxic effects on living organisms, often found in polluted environments.
**Flashcard #25** \n**Term:** Bioaccumulation \n**Definition:** The gradual buildup of substances, such as pesticides, in an organism.
**Flashcard #26** \n**Term:** Biomagnification \n**Definition:** The increasing concentration of toxic substances in organisms at higher trophic levels.
**Flashcard #27** \n**Term:** Carbon sinks \n**Definition:** Natural systems that absorb more carbon than they release.
**Flashcard #28** \n**Term:** Carbon sources \n**Definition:** Processes or substances that release more carbon than they absorb.
**Flashcard #29** \n**Term:** Calcium carbonate \n**Definition:** A chemical compound found in rocks and shells, significant for marine organisms.
**Flashcard #30** \n**Term:** Reforestation \n**Definition:** The process of planting trees in an area where the forest has been depleted.
**Flashcard #31** \n**Term:** Carbon sequestration \n**Definition:** The process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide.
**Flashcard #32** \n**Term:** Ocean acidification \n**Definition:** The decrease in pH levels of the ocean due to absorbing excess CO2.
**Flashcard #33** \n**Term:** Climate \n**Definition:** The long-term average weather patterns in a particular area.
**Flashcard #34** \n**Term:** Tricellular model of atmospheric circulation \n**Definition:** A model explaining the circulation of the atmosphere in three cells between the equator and poles.
**Flashcard #35** \n**Term:** Precipitation \n**Definition:** Any form of water, liquid or solid, that falls from clouds to the Earth's surface.
**Flashcard #36** \n**Term:** Latitude \n**Definition:** The geographic coordinate that specifies north-south position on the Earth's surface.
**Flashcard #37** \n**Term:** Altitude \n**Definition:** The height of an object or point in relation to sea level.
**Flashcard #38** \n**Term:** Zonation \n**Definition:** The arrangement of different ecological communities in an ecosystem due to environmental gradients.
**Flashcard #39** \n**Term:** Biomes \n**Definition:** Large geographic biotic units, categorized by their dominant vegetation and climate.
**Flashcard #40** \n**Term:** Line transect \n**Definition:** A method used in ecology to assess the distribution of organisms across different environments.
**Flashcard #41** \n**Term:** Kite diagram \n**Definition:** A graphical representation of plant or animal distribution along a transect.
**Flashcard #42** \n**Term:** Succession \n**Definition:** The process by which ecosystems change over time, through stages leading to a stable community.
**Flashcard #43** \n**Term:** Sere \n**Definition:** A sequence of stages in ecological succession.
**Flashcard #44** \n**Term:** Pioneer species \n**Definition:** The first species to colonize previously disturbed or barren environments.
**Flashcard #45** \n**Term:** Tropical rainforest \n**Definition:** A biome characterized by high rainfall and biodiversity, generally found near the equator.
**Flashcard #46** \n**Term:** Tundra \n**Definition:** A cold, treeless biome with low-growing vegetation, found in polar regions.
**Flashcard #47** \n**Term:** Taiga \n**Definition:** A biome characterized by coniferous forests, found in regions with cold climates.
**Flashcard #48** \n**Term:** Cellular respiration \n**Definition:** The metabolic process by which cells convert glucose and oxygen into energy.
**Flashcard #49** \n**Term:** Boreal forest \n**Definition:** A biome characterized by coniferous forests, found in northern regions.
**Flashcard #50** \n**Term:** Temperate forest \n**Definition:** A biome characterized by moderate temperatures and distinct seasons.
**Flashcard #51** \n**Term:** Microplastic \n**Definition:** Small plastic particles less than 5mm in size that can pollute environments.
**Flashcard #52** \n**Term:** Grassland \n**Definition:** A biome dominated by grasses rather than shrubs or trees.
**Flashcard #53** \n**Term:** Climax community \n**Definition:** A stable, mature ecological community that undergoes little or no change.
**Flashcard #54** \n**Term:** Decomposition \n**Definition:** The process by which organic substances are broken down into simpler organic or inorganic matter.