The function of journalism that helps prepare us to live in our society:
Socialization→ to regularize
The function of the media that puts stories into context- its often the function most related to accusations of bias: Interpretation
The function of the media in which the news reports on what is newsworthy, telling people what is happening: Surveillance
The function of the news media in which journalists pursue stories happening outside of typical activity: Manipulation
Emphasis frames are most closely associated with this news function: Interpretation → the emphasis of topics
Accessibility and relevance are preconditions for this media effect to be able to occur→ Agenda Setting
Agenda setting involves the transfer of this from one entity to another: salience back and forth between identifying which issue is valid
Issue obtrusiveness, declining media trust and political conversation all limit this media effect: Agenda Setting→ less powerful when it has less impact on their audience
Ad was designed to get attention or to create scarcity
True or False: agenda setting affects what people think not what they think about → False→ it does impact what people think
True or False: Republican support for BLM is the same in counties joe biden won by a lot and lost by a lot - FALSE
When frames compete in the same news story this happens to framing effects: When frames compete they tend to revert back to their original belief
Pro- choice and pro life: equivalency frames or emphasis frames? Emphasis frames
When frames compete in moderate political environments people tend to choose the best political argument made
People tend to be more risk averse when exposed to gains/loss frames: they tend to be more risky when they have more to lose
Heavy tv viewers think that old people:
Afraid of dying
Rarer than they are
Heavy tv viewers think luxury items are more accessible
This syndromes symptoms include thinking you'll the the victim of a violent crime: mean world syndrome
Poor men from a foreign country often play a role in: creating fear, we’re told to fear people from other countries
Women make up a third of tv leads
If you want to decrease the knowledge gap use this media medium: television
Fox news interviewed more partisans health care experts when covid first hit: Interviewed more partisan
The growth of accessible tech has made differences in political knowledge better or worse: Better
Most people use and trust this source to learn about the worlds than any other source: candy to all my friends —> both parties trust local news the most
If you are going to read a news story the decide that helps you pay more attention and retain more information: Laptop → information is on a bigger screen; a phone does not help you retain information as we scroll past by things more than we pay attention to it
The style of new coverage focusing on a narrow range of elite debate: indexing → usually by mentioning how officials talk about the issues
The number of stories on the front page of the nyt on an average day: 8
Maintreame, Cable, or Ideological: NBC is Mainstream
Routines or randomly; routines
The number one source for political new in the country is this source: Local TV
More or less game frames are present in news owned by large corporations: MORE
Posting a Video or showing a weapon used in a police shooting: the behavior that causes the post to go viral: Video
Social media marketing puts us to work with UGC, an acronym for this: user generated content
When people have more diverse media diets, and political talk networks they tend to cast more of these kinds of votes across their ballots: cross ballot voting
Modern day marketing creates needs for products already invented or amplifies products to meet needs: attempting to figure out what the public need and inventing a product based on that
The most popular social media platform: Youtube
Its my ownership integration if i have a newspaper, amgezine, a tv station and 4 radio stations: horizontal integration
“Buy now, only 2 left at this price” highlights the principle of: scarcity
The most trusted news source: LOCAL NEWS! (TV)
Marketing where I pay an influencers, each time one of their users click on my ad showing on the influencers page is called: PAPERCLIP
News deserts amplify or reduce polarization: Amplify
This political parties member are more likely to live in a mediated filter bubble: Republican
Engaging in less indexing in an example of tradition or active objectivity: Active Objectivity
Is how SC johnson the digital campaign for zuzu the hermit crab: walking the red carpet at the oscars
More or less: issue coverage is present in news owned by large corporations: less issue coverage
My ownership integration- if owned the farm, the cows, the meat processors, the delivery etc. : vertical integration
The product, price , place, promotion: 4 P’s
Boomers or GenZer’s? The generation with more overlap in attitudes by gender: Boomers
True or False: algorithms cant be biased because they’re automated: False
The largest category of new repertoire– more people fir in this media repertoire category than any other: the avoiders → the largest category of news consumption
Marketing campaign that seek to empower women as opposed to objectify them tend to fail: FALSE
One way or two way communication: social media marketing prizes this: TWO WAY to buzz their product
Mainstream news, digital or ideological: MSNBC? Ideological
Conservative talk rade: more popular in WI or other major swing states: Wisconsin
More Democrats or republican used social media even though more democratic/ republicans post get featured in algorithms: 1: democrats 2: republicans