꿈을 꾸다 to dream
놓다 to put on
돈을 벌다 to make money
돈이 생기다 to get money
뜻하다 to mean
마음이 무겁다 to be down
비누 거품 soap bubble; suds
승진하다 to be promoted
약혼하다 to be engaged
월급이 오르다 to get one's pay raised
이가 빠지다 to lose a tooth
잡다 to pick up
죽다 to die
집들이 housewarming party
축하하다 to congratulate
취직하다 to get a job
편찮으시다 to be sick (honorific)
한자 Chinese characters
휴지 toilet paper
같이 식사 한번 해요. Let's have lunch/dinner together sometime.
걱정되겠어요. You must be worried.
그럴게요. I will do that.
기쁘시겠어요 You must be happy.
좋으시겠어요. You must be happy.
한턱 낼게요. I will treat you. / It will be my treat.