James Madison warned against the dangers of "factions" in Federalist #10, but believed that the Constitution's separation of powers would moderate their effect.
- Raise awareness and stimulate interest in public affairs by educating their members and the public.
- Represent their membership, serving as a link between members and government.
- Provide information to government, especially data and testimony useful in making public policy.
- Provide channels for political participation that enable citizens to work together to achieve a common goal.
Economic Interest Groups.
- Labor groups promote and protect the interest of organized labor, e.g. AFL-CIO and the Teamsters Union.
- Business groups promote and protect business interests in general, e.g. the Chamber of Commerce of the United States and the National Association of Manufacturers.
- Professional groups maintain standards of the profession, hold professional meetings, and publish journals, e.g. the National Education Association (NEA), the American Medical Association (AMA), and the American Bar Association (ABA).
- Agricultural groups, such as the National Grange and the National Farmers’ Union, promote general agricultural interests.
Groups that promote causes.
- Specific causes, e.g. the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Rifle Association (NRA).
- Welfare of specific groups of individuals, e.g. the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).
- Religion-related causes, e.g. the National Council of Churches and the American Jewish Congress.
Public Interest Groups.
- Concerned with issues such as the environment, consumer protection, crime, and civil rights.
- Public interests, e.g. Common Cause, League of Women Voters, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).
- Strategies:
Influencing elections
Lobbying: direct lobbying, grassroots lobbying, and coalition lobbying.
Going public.
- Political Action Committees (PACs):
Formed as political arms of interest groups after the campaign finance reforms of the 1970s.
Must register with the federal government, raise money from multiple contributors, donate to several candidates, and follow strict accounting rules.
- Regulation:
The Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946 required lobbyists to register with the clerk of the House of Representatives and the secretary of the Senate if their principal purpose was to influence legislation.
The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 created much stricter regulations by requiring registration if lobbying was directed at members of Congress, congressional staff, or policymakers within the executive branch, and required disclosure of more information concerning the activities and clients of lobbyists.
- Influence:
Access to political and economic resources, e.g. money and membership size.
The "free-rider" problem makes it difficult for interest groups to increase their membership.
Interest groups spend millions of dollars each year to lobby members of Congress on various issues.
Many interest groups employ the services of former government officials as lobbyists. This phenomenon is called the "revolving door."