4 - 1 Human Resources Management in Canada

Designing and Analyzing Jobs

  • Focuses on designing job structures and conducting job analysis within HR management.

4.2 Learning Objectives

Talent Management

  • Define talent management and the role of talent management-oriented managers.

Job Analysis

  • Define job analysis and its multiple uses in HR decisions.

Steps in Job Analysis

  • Identify and describe steps and evolution of job analysis.

Job Descriptions and Specifications

  • Explain how to write job descriptions and specifications.

4.3 Evolution of Job Design


  • Discusses the history and progression of job design influenced by organizational structure.

Competency-Based Job Analysis

  • Explore reasons for the increasing use of competency-based job analysis.

4 - 5 Talent Management Process

Traditional Steps of Talent Management

  1. Decide positions to fill.

  2. Build applicant pool (recruiting).

  3. Obtain application forms and conduct screening.

  4. Use selection tools for candidate identification.

  5. Make job offers.

  6. Orient, train, and develop employees.

  7. Appraise employee performance.

  8. Compensate employees.

Modern Approach to Talent Management

  • Employs a holistic, integrated process emphasizing results and goals, using talents effectively to achieve organizational objectives.

  • Activities like recruiting and training are treated as interrelated components of the overall process, often supported by talent management software.

4 - 10 The Basics of Job Analysis


  • Job Analysis: Procedure to determine tasks, duties, responsibilities, and necessary human attributes for each job.

Key Concepts

  • Job: Related activities held by a single employee or group.

  • Position: Tasks performed by a single individual.

  • Incumbent: Current holder of a job position.

Uses of Job Analysis Information

  • Collection involves: work activities, human behaviours, equipment, performance standards, job context, and human requirements (knowledge, skills, etc.).

  • Applications include:

    • Human Resources Planning

    • Recruitment and Selection

    • Compensation

    • Performance Management

    • Labour Relations

    • Training, Development, and Career Management

4 - 15 Steps in Job Analysis

Overview of Steps

  1. Review relevant organizational information.

  2. Select jobs to analyze.

  3. Collect data using various job analysis techniques.

  4. Verify and modify collected information as needed.

  5. Develop job descriptions and specifications.

  6. Communicate and update job analysis as required.

Step 1: Review Organizational Information

  • Examine organizational structure and process charts to understand job relationships.

Step 2: Select Jobs

  • Job selection is crucial to ensure relevant analysis, particularly in scenarios with many similar roles.

Step 3: Data Collection Techniques

  • Interviews: Individual/group discussions with employees or supervisors.

  • Questionnaires: PAQ and FJA for quantifiable job data.

  • Observation: Monitoring employees in action to record job behaviours.

  • Diaries/Logs: Daily activity tracking by employees.

Step 4: Verification of Information

  • Ensure accuracy of data through verification with job incumbents and supervisors.

Step 5: Writing Job Descriptions

  • Job Description: Detailed statement covering duties, responsibilities, working conditions, and human qualifications.

  • Job Specifications: List of required knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Step 6: Communication and Revisions

  • Develop systems for ongoing updates to job information in response to organizational changes.

4 - 31 The Evolution of Jobs and Job Design

Work Simplification

  • Simplifies jobs by delegating administrative tasks to supervisors, focusing lower-level employees on specific duties.

Industrial Engineering

  • Analyzes work methods to improve efficiency and establish time standards.

Business Process Reengineering

  • Restructures business processes through redesign to enhance efficiency.

Job Redesign Techniques

  • Job Enlargement: Adding more tasks at the same responsibility level.

  • Job Rotation: Systematic movement among different jobs to alleviate monotony.

  • Job Enrichment: Enhancing jobs by increasing meaningful tasks and responsibilities.

4 - 36 Competency-Based Job Analysis

Definition and Importance

  • Describes jobs based on observable competencies rather than just duties, emphasizing strategic needs for employer performance management.

Competency Statement Structure

  • Comprises proficiency levels detailing job responsibility and expectations.

Comparison with Traditional Analysis

  • Traditional methods focus on duties, while competency-based outlines more specific behavioural requirements.

4 - 40 Team-Based Job Designs


  • Focuses on empowering teams for a collective responsibility in job performance, increasing flexibility across roles and projects.
