Study Unit 1: Section 1.4 (RKKX 115)

Demographic Explanations of Leisure Behavior

Overview of Chapter

  • This chapter focuses on demographic explanations of leisure behavior, emphasizing how population characteristics can significantly influence individual choices and preferences during leisure time.

  • Demographics encompass various attributes such as age, gender, race, income, education level, family structure, and geographical location. Analyzing these factors provides a deeper understanding of leisure behavior across diverse populations.

  • The chapter highlights the necessity of comprehending how these demographic factors intertwine with leisure preferences and practices, leading to different engagement levels in recreational activities.


Activity 1: Discussion

  • Goal: To reflect on personal leisure activities and analyze their connection to demographic factors.

  • Assignment: Write a 350-word discussion addressing the following:

    • How do your age, gender, race, and income shape your leisure preferences?

    • Provide specific examples of leisure activities that you engage in and link them to your demographic profile.

    • While reflecting, consider how changes in demographics may alter leisure behavior over time.

  • Interaction: After posting your insights, read and provide an insightful response to at least one classmate's post, contributing to a collaborative learning environment.

  • Due Dates:

    • Initial Post: 7 March

    • Response Post: 11 March

  • Estimated Completion Time: 15 minutes

Contact Class (4 March)

  • Purpose: Participate in a class session designed to review previous work, address any uncertainties, and discuss how demographic factors influence leisure practices in real-world scenarios. Students are encouraged to bring specific examples.

Page 2: Theories of Leisure Behavior

Theories Overview

  • The section transitions from demographic analysis to an exploration of various theories of leisure behavior, recognizing that a comprehensive understanding of these theories is crucial before advancing to the next class level.

  • Popular Theory: Theory of Flow

    • This theory is foundational in leisure studies, focusing on the optimal experience and deep engagement individuals can achieve during leisure activities.

    • Students are recommended to watch an accompanying video resource for a more profound understanding of the concept of flow in leisure experiences.

Activity 2: Mindmaps

  • Assignment: Create visual representations of leisure behavior theories, elaborating on the following:

    • Tree Map of Psychological Theories: Include key theories such as Neulinger's paradigm, the Flow theory, Socio-emotional Selectivity Theory (SAE), and others that explain individual psychological engagement in leisure.

    • Tree Map of Sociological Theories: Incorporate theories that consider social factors, including spillover and compensation, and symbolic interactionism, which emphasize the role of social interactions and structures in leisure activities.

    • Circle Map of Anthropological Theories: Focus on anthropological perspectives, such as anti-structure, considering how cultural norms and values shape leisure behavior.

    • Submission Requirements: Ensure electronic copies of the visual maps are prepared for submission in Drop Box by the deadline.

  • Submission Deadline: 11 March @ 08:00

Contact Class (7 March)

  • Agenda: Attend a session for a brief revision of study section 1.4. Students should come prepared with questions related to the material, facilitating an interactive learning experience as they proceed into study unit 2.

Test Your Knowledge

  • Complete a quiz aimed at assessing understanding of the different theories discussed throughout the unit. The quiz is crucial for reinforcing knowledge and identifying areas needing further exploration.

  • Submission Deadline: 14 March @ 12:45

Learning Outcomes

  • By the end of this study unit, students will be able to:

    • Analyze and discuss how various demographic variables affect leisure behavior comprehensively.

    • Discuss and apply various leisure behavior theories in practical contexts, utilizing the knowledge gained to enhance understanding and application in real-life scenarios.
