Whimsical (adj): Playfu; in an innocent and amusing way
Capricious (adj): changes mood or behaviours very suddenly and randomly
Histrionic (adj): Overly theatrical and dramatic
Tangential (adj): Diverging from a previous course of thought
Diparage (v): To belittle or speak down to someone
Callow (adj): Immature, inexperienced
Invoke (v): To call on; to appeal to
Evoke (v): To draw forth or call up
Blatant (adj): Obvious and without shame
Equivocal (adj):Up for interpretation, ambiguous
Abhor (v): To hate
Alleviate (v): To reduce and make easier
Contemptuous (adj): Disregarding something you see as worthless
Yearn (v): Have an intense feeling or longing to do something
Imprudent (adj): Not showing good judgement