Political machine Boss Tweed Urbanization Homestead Act Pacific Railway Act Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 The Long Drive Dawes Severalty Act Massacre at Wounded Knee Battle of Little Big Horn Exodusters Social Darwinism Gospel of Wealth Laissez-faire Andrew Carnegie John D. Rockefeller | Standard Oil Trust American Federation of Labor Horatio Alger Myth Knights of Labor Samuel Gompers Eugene Debs Great Railroad Strike 1877 Homestead Strike Scientific Management Frederick Taylor Populist Party The Grangers Election of 1896 William Jennings Bryan The “New” Immigration US vs. Won Kim Ark | Jim Crow Plessy vs Ferguson Grandfather Clause Literacy Tests Poll Taxes The “New South” WEB DuBois Booker T Washington Ida B. Wells Atlanta Exposition NAWSA WCTU Jane Addams Settlement House Movement Social Gospel |