Approximately what percentage of the world’s freshwater?
2.5% of the world’s water is fresh
What is the largest lake in the world by volume?
Lake Baikal
At a minimum about how many liters per day does a person need for basic survival?
15 Liters
True or False: The Hadley Circulation is a theoretical model that assume that the earth is rotating.
False; Hadley Circulation assumed that earth is not rotating
Small particles made of dust or salt that condensation occurs around are called:
The figures below represent:
What is the name of the graph that represents rainfall intensity as a function of time?
rainfall hyetogrpah
True or False: A storm intensity with a return period of 10 years will definitely occur once every 10 years.
What is the process of water penetrating soils called?
What is the process of water changing from liquid to vapor stages?
True or False: Saturated flow occurs when just some of the voids are filled with water
False, saturated flow occurs when all voids are filled with water
Which of the methods used to calculate evaporation usually gives the most accurate answers assuming a small area?
combined method
The runoff graph represents a less rough runoff
The runoff graph that could represent a steeper runoff
A hyetograph can be used to represent rainfall excess while a hydrograph can be used to represent runoff.
What is the term for ground water that enters a channel that is usually always present?
What are some assumptions about the unit hydrograph approach?
Excess rain is uniformly distributed throughout the watershed
the watershed is not changing
True or False: Infiltration rate generally increases with time.
Terms and Definitions of the following:
Lag Time:Time between the center of mass of the rainfall and the peak of the hydrograph
Time of Concentration:Time for a particle of water to travel from the hydrologically most distant point in the water shed to a point of interest
True or False: A typical CN number for a grassy surface will be less than the CN number for an impervious surface
Indicate each physical process that can be considered an abstraction
Surface Storage
Math the terms in the NRCS Model
P: Total Precipitation
VR: Rainfall Excess
Ia: Initial Abstraction
S: Potential Maximum Retention
Fa: Continuing Abstraction
CN: Curve Number
True or False: For dry antecedent conditions, the CN number will be higher that it would be for wetter conditions
Which factors influence the relationship between rainfall and runoff?
soil properties
land cover
ground slope
watershed geometry
Definitions of the Terms:
Vadose Zone: pores have mix of air and films of water
Water Table: the upper boundary of the saturated zone
Aquifer: pores filled with water through which water can flow
Confined Aquifer : Between impermeable layers
True or False: Darcy’s velocity is usually greater than pore velocity
True or False: The hydraulic conductivity of sand is greater than the hydraulic conductivity of clay
Which equation would you use to calculate the flow in an unconfined aquifer?
True or False:The Theis equation (shown below) is used to calcualte drawdown for non-steady state conditions.
True or False: Pump tests can determine hydraulic properties of aquifer by pumping well at an increasing rate and observing the drawdown.
When a well starts being pumped the water level is lowered around the well and form a cone of what?